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Journal : Teras Jurnal

Studi Model Cerucuk Ferosemen Berlubang Terhadap Kapasitas Beban di Atas Tanah Lunak Masdar Helmi; ardi elsa brina; Fikri Alami; Iswan Iswan
TERAS JURNAL Vol 12, No 2 (2022): Volume 12 Nomor 2, September 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v12i2.715


Abstrak Cerucuk ferosemen merupakan salah satu ide yang bisa dijadikan alternatif mengatasi permasalahan tanah lunak akibat rendahnya daya dukung terhadap beban di atasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kapasitas model cerucuk ferosemen terhadap beban aksial di atas tanah lunak ditinjau dari batas penurunan maksimum 2,54 cm. Terdapat 3 macam kondisi pengujianyaitu cerucuk tunggal berlubang, cerucuk tunggal tertutup dan cerucuk kelompok tertutup pada ujungnya (4 buah silinder). Variasi pengujian cerucuk tunggal berupa lama waktu di dalam tanah lunak, yaitu 1, 3, 7, dan 14 hari. Hasil pengujian dibandingkan dengan perhitungan teoritis.  Deformasi dan tegangan tanah lunak dianalisis menggunakan metode elemen hingga. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa kapasitas terhadap beban meningkat seiring dengan bertambah lamanya perendaman. Pada variabel 14 hari, kapasitas maksimum cerucuk tunggal berlubang sebesar 0,80 kN dan meningkat drastis pada cerucuk tunggal tertutup sebesar 3,53 kN terjadi peningkatan signifikan sebesar 77,33%. Sedangkan kapasitas cerucuk kelompok tertutup memiliki kapasitas sebesar 9,91 kN. Kata kunci: Cerucuk ferosemen, tanah lunak, kapasitas dukung (q ultimit), faktor aman, FEM (Finite Element Method).  Abstract Ferrocement pile is an idea to overcome the problem of soft soil which has a low bearing capacity to the load.. This study aims to analyze the bearing capacity of the ferrocement pile model against axial loads on soft soil in terms of the maximum settlement limit of 2.54 cm. There were three conditions of testing: single pile with a hollow at the bottom, single pile closed at the bottom, and group pile closed at the bottom. The variations of the test were the length of immersed in soft soil, namely 1, 3, 7, and 14 days. The deformation and stress were analyzed using a software of FEM (Finite Element Method). The test results show that the capacity of ferrocement pile to the load increases with the increase in the duration of immersion. In the 14-day variable, the maximum capacity in a single hollow ferrocement pile was 0.80 kN and increased significantly in a single closed ferrocement pile of 3.53 kN, or 77.33%. Meanwhile, the group closed ferrocement pile had a capacity of 9.91 kN. Keywords: Ferrocement pile, soft soil, bearing capacity (Q ultimate), safety factor, FEM (Finite Element Method).