Djauhar Ismail
Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Formal dan Hubungan Seksual Pranikah Remaja Indonesia Anggriyani Wahyu Pinandari; Siswanto Agus Wilopo; Djauhar Ismail
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional Vol. 10 No. 1 Agustus 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (990.162 KB) | DOI: 10.21109/kesmas.v10i1.817


AbstrakTransisi demografi kedua akan terjadi di Indonesia dan ditandai dengan revolusi seksual dan reproduksi. Masalah potensial di masa ini adalah peningkatan perilaku seksual pranikah, kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan, infeksi menular seksual dan penyalahgunaan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi formal terhadap penundaan hubungan seksual pranikah pada remaja dan dewasa muda Indonesia. Penelitian potong lintang yang dianalisis sebagai kohort retrospektif menggunakan data Survei Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Indonesia tahun 2012 (10.980 laki-laki dan 8.902 perempuan). Efek pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi formal terhadap penundaan perilaku hubungan seksual dianalisis menggunakan kurva kaplan meier, uji log-rank, dan uji chi square, sedangkan analisis multivariabel menggunakan regresi logistik. Semua tes menggunakan tingkat kepercayaan 95% dan nilai p = 0,05. Hasil analisis keberlangsungan berpantang melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah menunjukkan bahwa remaja yang tidak menerima atau hanya menerima salah satu dari materi pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi memiliki hazard ratio yang lebih besar (berturut-turut 1,55 ( CI= 1,32 – 1,82); 0,99 (CI=0,86 – 1,15) dan 2,26 (CI=1,43 – 3,56). Menerima informasi secara lengkap memberikan waktu berpantang yang lebih lama. Penyalahgunaan obat, merokok, minum alkohol, laki-laki, berusia 20 - 24 tahun dan miskin berpeluang lebih besar untuk melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah. Penerimaan informasi kesehatan reproduksi pada jenjang pendidikan formal dapat menunda terjadinya hubungan seksual pranikah.AbstractThe second demographic transition will occur in Indonesia and be marked by sexual and reproductive revolution. Potential problems in this era are the increase of premarital sexual behavior, unwanted pregnancy, sexual transmitted infection and drug abuse. This study aimed to examine the influence of formal reproductive health education to delay premarital sexual intercourse among Indonesian teenagers and young adults. Cross sectional study analyzed as retrospective cohort used data of Indonesian Teenage Reproductive Health Survey in 2012 (10,980 men and 8,902 women). Effects of formal reproductive health education to delay sexual intercourse behavior was analyzed using kaplan meier curve, log-rank test, and chi square test, meanwhile multivariat analysis used logistic regression. All tests used confidence interval 95% and p value = 0.05. Results of survival analysis of abstinence committing sexual intercourse showed that teenagers who didn’t receive or only receive one of reproductive health education materials had bigger hazard ratio (respectively 1.55 (CI=1.32 – 1.82); 0.99 (CI=0.86 – 1.15) and 2.26 (CI=1.43 – 3.56)). Receiving complete information gave longer abstinence time. Drug abuse, smoking, alcohol, men, aged between 20 – 24 years old and poor were more likely to commit premarital sexual intercourse. Receipt of reproductive health information at formal education level may delay the occurrence of premarital sexual intercourse.
Aplikasi SI DITA Berbasis Android terhadap Peningkatan Motivasi Orangtua Melakukan Stimulasi Deteksi Dini Tumbuh Kembang Rizka Adela Fatsena; Djauhar Ismail; Ekawaty Lutfia Haksari; Dewi Rokhanawati
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.56746


Background: Every parent needs to have the skills to carry out monitoring and stimulate the development of infants and children. Technology-based Early Detection and Growth Stimulation is an innovative pathway to providing health informationObjective: To determine the effect of the Android-based Si DITA application to increase parental motivation to stimulate early detection of growth and development in Az-Zahra Early Childhood Education at Sleman RegencyMethod: Quasi Experiment with pretest-post test control group design design patterns. The sample uses the Lemeshow formula with purposive sampling of 15 respondents in each groupResults and Discussion: Obtained p value = 0.001, states that the Android-based Si DITA application to increase parental motivation to stimulate early detection of growth has a meaningful or influential value. The confounding variables that influence are only prior information, while education and income variables have no effectConclusion: Android-based applications can increase parental motivation to stimulate and detect early growth and development