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Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 19, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Corruption in the procurement of goods and services cannot be eradicated only by a single criminal law instrument. The punishment theory, which aims at making the corruptors or people who want to do corruption scared and prevent the from corruption, is not effective enough to eradicate corruption, since the corruptors are mostly officers and the modus operandi (method of operation) is very dynamic. Therefore, corruptions are difficult to be detected. Thus besides employing criminal law as an instrument to eradicate corruption in the procurement of goods and services, administrative law instrument, which focuses on the control and administrative sanction, is also needed. Officers who are proven doing violation can be punished with the dismissal sanction, while the dishonest providers of goods and services can be punished by putting them in a black list or terminating their business permits. In conlusion, by combining use of criminal law and administrative law, the eradication of corruption in the procurement of goods and services becomes more effective.
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Juni 2013 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2013.1.1.27-38


The objectives of this research are (1) to describe behavior of household economy; (2) to analyze factors affecting the behavior of household economy; and (3) to analyze income and outcome of households on basic equilibrium level and on actual equilibrium level. The results of the research showed that the community forest programs (HKm) given to the community living around the forests had opened job opportunities and income sources to the community living around Mount Rinjani Forest, and  community incomes were far above basic equilibrium level. Factors which consistently and positively affected the economic behavior of community households were the area of HKm land occupied, the diversity of household works, the access of their villages to the center of economic activities and the area of land they utilized other than HKm land. On the other hand, household incomes from government subsidies (such as BLT and Raskin) and other sources outside the thriving labor tended to make household labors became lazier and poorer, which significantly and negatively affected working time and incomes of households.
Faktor Kunci Dalam Pengembangan Hutan Rakyat di Kabupaten Lombok Barat Amiruddin Amiruddin; Sukardi Sukardi; Addinul Yakin; Halimatus Sa'diyah; MRT Mudhofir
Journal Penelitian Kehutanan FALOAK Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Faloak
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpkf.2020.4.2.129-140


AbstrakHutan rakyat menjadi salah satu potensi bagi penyediaan bahan baku kayu serta optimalisasi pemanfaatan lahan kering. Kabupaten Lombok barat merupakan salah satu dari dua kabupaten dengan luas hutan rakyat terbesar di Pulau Lombok dengan luas potensi hutan rakyat mencapai 4.415 ha atau sekitar 10,7% dari luas wilayah adminstrasi Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Kegiatan pengelolaan hutan rakyat seringkali melibatkan berbagai pihak mulai dari kegiatan pembibitan, penanaman hingga pemanenan kayu. Aspek produksi dan kelembagaan menjadi beberapa aspek penting dalam pengembangan hutan rakyat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor kunci dalam pengembangan kelembagaan hutan rakyat terutama pada aspek kendala produksi dan peran aktor di Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendala aspek produksi pada pengelolaan hutan rakyat terletak pada minimnya modal usaha dan kendala dalam pengadaan bibit. Petani dan Ketua Kelompok Tani merupakan aktor yang berperan penting dalam pengelolaan hutan rakyat saat ini. Keterlibatan BPDAS Dodokan Mayosari dalam bantuan pengadaan bibit serta pengadaan program kemitraan dengan industri pengolahan bahan baku hutan rakyat berpotensi dalam mengatasi kendala produksi saat ini.
MODAL SOSIAL KEMITRAAN KELOMPOK PETANI DI KAWASAN HUTAN RARUNG SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Pande Komang Suparyana; Addinul Yakin; Amiruddin Amiruddin; Halimatus Sa’diyah; L. Sukardi
Jurnal Hutan Tropis Vol 10, No 1 (2022): JURNAL HUTAN TROPIS VOL 10 NO 1 EDISI MARET 2022
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.465 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jht.v10i1.13082


Community participation in agroforestry activities is influenced by various internal factors of farmers, aspects of extension performance, and group social system support. So that social capital becomes the glue for each individual, in the form of norms, trust and networks, so that mutually beneficial cooperation occurs, to achieve common goals. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of social capital in the partnership of farmer groups in the Rarung forest area during the Covid-19 pandemic. Respondents were taken as many as 52 farmers who are in the Rarung Forest Area, especially Pemepek Village, Pringgarata. Social capital analysis uses descriptive analysis using a Likert scale. The results showed that the role of social capital was very good in the Partnership of Farmer Groups in the Rarung Forest Area during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Pemepek Village, Pringgarata District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The social capital component is focused on trust, social networks, social norms, proactive actions and reciprocity with a value of 85.93% which indicates the high role of social capital (trust, social networks, social norms, proactive actions and resiprocity) Partnership of Farmer Groups in the Rarung Forest Area During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Trust, social networks, social norms, proactive actions and reciprocity of group members carry out life in high social capital both within the group and in communities outside the group to strengthen ties of brotherhood, tolerance, and as an effort to make the business run well.