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MAHAR DAN UANG PANAIK PERKAWINAN PADA TRADISI MASYARAKAT DALAM PANDANGAN HUKUM ISLAM (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Limpomajang Kacamatan Marioriawa Kabupaten Soppeng) Muhammad Iqbal; Sudirman L
Inspiratif Pendidikan Vol 9 No 2 (2020): JURNAL INSPIRATIF PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/ip.v9i2.16787


This study aims to analyze the legal status in Islam regarding dowry and panaik money in Limpomajang Village, Marioriawa District, Soppeng Regency. In the process of collecting data, the writer used the method of observation and interviews with the village head, religious leaders, community leaders and youth leaders. In various sources found by the author, both the Quran, hadiths and the opinions of scholars, dowry is a gift that must be fulfilled and submitted by the prospective groom to the prospective bride, namely in the form of goods or services that have value and benefit, usually in the form of rings gold, rice fields, gardens and a set of prayer tools. Meanwhile, panaik money is the giving of a certain amount of money from the prospective groom to the prospective bride as a walimah fee. Dowry and Panaik money still exist and are used as conditions for marriage in Limpomajang Village, Marioriawa District, Soppeng Regency. Islamic law views that a dowry is a legal condition of marriage as the author finds in the Alquran and the Hadith of the Prophet. Meanwhile, panaik money is not found in various references to both the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet, but only historical evidence so that it becomes a tradition and custom in society. It is known that religion forbids making it difficult for a marriage to take place, but panaik money is a heavy burden for men. Seeing the large amount of panaik money, it can bring harm or something bad for a marriage. So the authors conclude that panaik money is makruh and even haram when the method of obtaining panaik money is not in accordance with Islamic law.
Inspiratif Pendidikan Vol 9 No 2 (2020): JURNAL INSPIRATIF PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/ip.v9i2.18342


This study aims to analyze the implementation of madrasah management at the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad (DDI) Pattojo Islamic Boarding School, Soppeng Regency. In the process of collecting data, the author uses the method of observation and interviews with madrasah principals, madrasah teachers, madrasah staff, village heads, religious leaders, community leaders and youth leaders. Management is a way that is done so that other people can work and are willing to do something well and maximally and can use the best time possible. Furthermore, if the word management is associated with the word madrasah, then madrasah management is a way that is done professionally to raise and improve the madrasah by controlling and supervising all activities carried out. Making all elements in the madrasah work properly and optimally. Related to the management and development of madrasah management, namely by means of planning (planning), organizing (organizing), leadership (leading) and supervision (controlling). The implementation of madrasah management at the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Pattojo boarding school in Soppeng Regency has been implemented and implemented quite well. So that the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Pattojo boarding school, Soppeng Regency, still exists today and is still in great demand by various people. As for the role of the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Pattojo boarding school, Soppeng Regency, after being studied from various perspectives, namely as a unifying element of society, development in the field of religion and development in the field of education. The author sees that the management of the Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Pattojo boarding school in Soppeng Regency has opportunities and challenges. With the development of sophisticated technology, all information systems and technology can become major capital in the development of these madrasas. However, there is a lack of human resources capable of adapting to these developments, so it still requires special training related to this management.
KESIAPAN IMPLEMENTASI PSAP NOMOR 13 PADA INSTANSIBADAN LAYANAN UMUM DI KOTA MAKASSAR Suhartono Suhartono; Memen Suwandi; Lince Bulutoding; Muhammad Iqbal; Firman Firman; Yusdin Yusdin
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Peradaban Vol 5 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jiap.v5i2.11812


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh komitmen, sumber daya manusia, gaya kepemimpinan, sistem informasi dan pengalaman kerja terhadap kesiapan implementasi PSAP Nomor 13. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer. Pngumpulan data dilakukan dengan mendistribusikan 100 kuesioner  untuk staf/karyawan di bagian keuangan. Dari 100 kuesioner yang didistribusikan 67 eksemplar yang diperoleh yang dapat dimasukkan dalam pemrosesan data. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa komitmen, sumb er daya manusia, gaya kepemimpinan, sistem informasi dan pengalaman kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kesiapan implementasi PSAP Nomor 13. Secara parsial sumber daya manusia dan gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kesiapan implementasi PSAP Nomor 13. Namun komitmen, sistem informasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kesiapan implementasi PSAP Nomor 13. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa variabel independen mampu menjelaskan kesiapan implementasi PSAP Nomor 13 sebasar 64,4%., sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.Kata Kunci:         Komitmen, Sumber Daya Manusia, Gaya Kepemimpinan, Sistem Informasi pengalamana Kerja dan PSAP Nomor 13.    210  ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to know the influence of Commitment, Human Resources Readiness, Leadership Style, Imformation Systems and Work Experience on Implementation Readiness of PSAP No. 13. The type of this research is quantitative research using primary data with the kind of saturated samples. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires of 100 to staff/employees in the finance department. From the 100 questionnaires distributed, 67 exemplars were obtained which could be included in the data processing. The result showed tha simultaneourly Commitment, Human Resources Readiness, Leadership Style Imformation Systems and Work Experience have a positive and significant effect on Readiness Implementation of PSAP No. 13. Partially, Human Resources Readiness and Leadership Style Systems have a positive and significant effect on Readiness Implementation of PSAP No. 13. However, Commitment, Imformation Systems and Work Experience does not have influence on Readiness implementation of PSAP No. 13. The result of this research also shows that the independent variables are able to explain to the readiness of Implementation of PSAP No. 13 equal to 61,5 % the rest influenced by other factor not examined in this research.Keyword: Commitment, Human Resources Readiness, Leadership Style, Imformation Systems, Work Experience and PSAP No. 13
Inspiratif Pendidikan Vol 11 No 1 (2022): JURNAL INSPIRATIF PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/ip.v11i1.30125


The main problem in this paper is trying to examine or elaborate in depth about the nature and thoughts of Islamic philosophers on the soul (nafs). To answer this problem, the author tries to trace or trace some of the opinions of experts regarding the soul (nafs) in various books or related writings in order to obtain a more in-depth and accurate understanding. The results of the study of this paper show that the essence of the soul (nafs) comes from the substance of God which has its own form and is different from the body (jism). But cannot be separated. He is like the sun with its light. The soul created by God is different from the body and both have their own form. However, between body and soul both must be considered because they both need food. The soul needs spiritual nourishment, thinking, learning, and so on. While the body (jism) requires food, drink, exercise, sex, rest and so on. The soul (nafs) is something that is very essential and has an effect on humans. Therefore, the soul (nafs) must be trained in such a way so that it can become good, healthy, live and even become holy.
Inspiratif Pendidikan Vol 11 No 2 (2022): JURNAL INSPIRATIF PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/ip.v11i2.32280


Halaqah has been started since the beginning of Islam. As is known, Mecca is the center of religion for the Arabs. There is the worship of the Kaaba and the worship of idols and idols which are sanctified by the entire Arab nation. The aspiration to improve the condition of the Arabs is certainly more difficult and difficult if the people who want to make improvements are far from the state of the Arab nation's environment. This requires a lot of effort so, in the face of such conditions, the wisest course of action is not to be surprised to suddenly encounter something that irritates the Arabs. halaqah as a teaching and learning process carried out by students, by circling the teacher concerned. Usually sits on the floor and continues to listen to a teacher read and explain his book or comment on the work of others. Halaqah can be interpreted as teaching and learning activities carried out by a cleric or kiai by sitting in front of his students while reading book material. The students who follow this learning system, sit in a semi-circle. In such a position, at the beginning of learning, the method used is the lecture method, then it is varied with other methods, such as the guidance method. The Ustad or Kiai guides the reading of the students while providing corrections when there is an inappropriate reading of the students. The Ustad or Kiai also explains the contents of the book in words or sentences in Arabic, Indonesian, or other languages ​​if needed.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kreatif Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pendidikan Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.877 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/jpk.v4i1.36380


Fundamentalists are one of the streams that do not want to accept change in the sense that they are against reform. So, they are careful to emphasize that the announcement of the prophethood of Muhammad is not something new, but only continues the series of prophets and apostles who preceded him. Meanwhile, radicalism is a group that is often viewed by the West as a terrorist which aims to undermine political authority by means of jihad. That is, these radical religious movements make jihad as a method to achieve their goals, namely the order of the Islamic system (al-nizām al-Islāmi). In addition, radicals are considered narrow-minded, ultra zeolous, or want to achieve goals by using violent means. Because it is understandable why most Muslim scholars view radicalism as an unfavorable term and cause misunderstanding. This view is also found in Western orientalists and scholars who understand Islam.
UPAYA MENUMBUHKAN KESADARAN BERPERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT DI PULAU SABANGKO MELALUI SEMINAR PERSPEKTIF FIKIH LINGKUNGAN Muhammad Iqbal; Muhammad Firdaus; Muhammad Rafli; Fauzan Bramantyo; Irsa Asrianti; Nur Adelia Fajrianti; Fauziah Adrianti Wahab; Sartika Dewi; Dewi; Andi Tunedianti
Pangulu Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Pangulu Abdi : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : PPM LP2M UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/pangabdi.v3i1.36934


Clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is a step that must be taken to achieve optimal health for everyone. In the sources of Islamic teachings, namely the Qur'an and al-Sunnah, it is explained that Islamic teachings highlight environmental cleanliness and health issues. This community service work program was carried out starting with a location survey on Sabangko Island, preparing a community empowerment plan in implementing religious values by means of FGD (Focus Group Discussion), carrying out socialization of the importance of clean and healthy living behavior to the community, youth leaders and students. female student at UPT SDN 41 Sabangko. In Environmental Jurisprudence, PHBS is defined as attitudes and actions to maintain the cleanliness of the body and the environment, and prevent the spread of disease in order to create healthy and comfortable environmental conditions. Apart from that, maintaining a clean environment is an obligation for every Muslim. This is in accordance with Islamic teachings which emphasize that the universe is a trust from Allah SWT. So, we as humans must care for and maintain it so that it remains sustainable. Islam is a religion that regulates all aspects, including how humans maintain environmental cleanliness. Clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is something that is highly emphasized in the Islamic religion.