Salmah Intan
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Perkembangan Islam pada Masa Kerajaan Turki Usmani Salmah Intan
Jurnal Adabiyah: Humanities and Islamic Studies Vol 9 No 2 (2009): Jurnal Adabiyah
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities - Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

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After the fall of Abbasiyah dynasty, the Islamic political power was gradually left behind. Several colonized territories looked for their own independence in the form of small monarchies. This condition, of course. exacerbated the Islamic political power. This situation was getting better and better after the appearance of the three big monarchies, which were the Usmani monarchy in Turkey, the Mongol in India, the Safawi monarchy in Persia. Of the three monarchies, the Usmani was firstly established and the biggest and existed the longest. The Usmani monarchy had been able to raise the dignity of Islam for several centuries. Severul progression were achieved at that time, including the territory expansion to Europe, Middle East, Egypt, North Africa; and the advancement in scientific and cultural and religious sectors.
KEKHALIFAAN UMAR IBN KHATTAB (13-23 H/ 634-644 M) Salmah Intan
Rihlah : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Rihlah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/rihlah.v5i2.4167


ketika Umar menjabat sebagai khalaifah, ia menata sistem pemerintahannya dengan memberikan keadilan dan kejujuran kepada masyarakat serta meletakkan dasar-dasar negara yang bersifat demokratis karena Umar beranggapan bahwa rakyat mempunyai hak atau kesempatan untuk campurtangan di dalam pemerintahan. Selain itu selama sepuluh tahun pemerintahan Umar (13 H/ 634 M-23 H/ 644 M) ekspansi sistem pemerintahan Umar sebagian besar ditandai oleh penaklukan-penaklukan untuk melebarkan pengaruh Islam ke luar Arab. Selain itu, Umar dalam menyempurnakan sistem pemerintahan yang telah dijalankan Abu Bakar sebelumnya, mengadakan pembaruan signifikan dalam bidang administrasi negara. Umar meminta kepada tokoh-tokoh sahabat senior (al-sabiqun al-awwalun) untuk tidak meninggalkan kota Madinah. Umar membutuhkan tenaga mereka untuk memberikan masukan-masukan dalam pelaksanaan tugas-tugasnya. 
Kontribusi Dinasti Abbasiyah Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Salmah Intan
Rihlah : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Vol 6 No 2 (2018): History and Culture
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/rihlah.v6i2.6911


This article aimed to reveal the progress of Muslims in the fields  of religion, philosophy, education and science in the era Abbasid Dynasty, they were: the history of the emergence of the Abbasids, and the progress achieved by the Abbasids in the fields of religion, philosophy, education and science.The Abbasid dynasty was officially established in 750 AD, founded by Abu Abbas al-Saffah who was assisted by Abu Muslim al-Khurasani by seizing the power from the previous dynasty (Banu Umayah). During the Abbasid dynasty, developments and advances in various fields were fairly rapid. At that time, Muslims had reached the peak of glory, both in the fields of economics, civilization and power. In addition, various branches of science have also developed, coupled with the many translations of books from foreign languages to Arabic. In the field of religious science, several scholars emerged in the field of law or fiqh with various schools. The field of hadith found efforted to trace and collect hadith andthe science of interpretation hadalso stood alone. In the field of science and technology, medical science or medicine had developed quite rapidly, which was marked by the establishment of medical schools which also established institutions in certain fields such as Bait al-Hikmah. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkapkan tentang kemajuan umat Islam dalam bidang ilmu agama, filsafat, pendidikan dan sains pada masa Dinasti Abbasiyah. Dinasti Abbasiyah secara resmi berdiri pada tahun 750 M., didirikan oleh Abu Abbas al-Saffah yang dibantu oleh Abu Muslim al-Khurasani dengan merebut kekuasaan dari dinasti sebelumnya (Bani Umayah). Pada masa itu, Umat Islam telah mencapai puncak kemuliaan, baik dalam bidang ekonomi, peradaban dan kekuasaan. Selain itu juga telah berkembang berbagai cabang ilmu pengetahuan, ditambah lagi dengan banyaknya penerjemahan buku-buku dari bahasa asing ke bahasa Arab. Dalam bidang ilmu agama, muncullah beberapa ulama dalam bidang hukum atau fikih dengan berbagai mazhab. Dalam bidang hadis ditemukan usaha-usaha untuk penelusuran dan penghimpunan hadis. Ilmu tafsir yang sudah berdiri sendiri. ilmu kedokteran atau pengobatan telah berkembang cukup pesat, yang ditandai dengan berdirinya sekolah kedokteran juga dibangun lembaga dalam bidang tertentu seperti Bait al-Hikmah.
JPP (Jurnal Politik Profetik) Vol 2 No 1 (2014): Jurnal Politik Profetik
Publisher : Department of Political Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (352.787 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/profetik.v2i1a5


This article aims to analyze whether the position of women in the domestic sphere and the public from a gender perspective, according to Islamic normativism. Gender equality can be understood as a concept that refers to the roles and responsibilities of men and women as a result of social construction that can be changed in accordance with the changing times. Basically Islam does not regulate the area of women and men in the schematic. Islam leaving certain areas to be regulated by human reason based on the demands that are constantly evolving. This view is believed should not deviate from the spirit and teachings of the religion itself, because basically we all recognize the universality of religion from the outset. Without prudence, universality and ease of religion will be lost to the ages.