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Perubahan Esensi Ragam Hias “Sepak Bola” pada Batik Masa Kini Michael HB Raditya
Journal of Contemporary Indonesian Art Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jocia.v1i1.1751


The Essence’s Transformation of “Football” Decoration of Batik Today. Nowadays, batik has a massive development in its existance. In primary side, the existance more strong, but in other side batik had been changed. About Two years ago, Batik football decorative emerged and become a commodity by the batik artisans. The position of batik footbal decorative has become a dilemma. The issues made because there are many support and counter for that development. The issue about aesthetics and commoditization was creating by purpose of this change. Moreover, questioning the essence and existance of batik itself. In this article, batik football decorative will be discussed based on the essence and change. The dicussion about essence will be analyze with the aesthetic and commoditization perspective, while the changes would be discussed with the function and change itself. This thing did it to find the essence of batik football decorative. Conclusion of the research said the batik football decorative used a commoditization and decrease the aesthetic things to create the batik itself. The change occurs because there is a correlation between internal and external aspect on integrated of batik. The Analyze becomes a reflection to society, in batik for spesific, and arts in general view.Keywords: Batik, Football, Transformation, Commoditization, Essence
Kontestasi Kekuasaan dan Keteladanan Semu di Indonesia Michael HB Raditya
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 19, No 1 (2015): JULI
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2191.964 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jsp.10853


Kepemimpinan di Indonesia merupakan persoalan yang menarik untuk ditelaah. Jika bertolak dari tataran diakronis, secara kronologis Indonesia telah mengalami pelbagai macam fase kepemimpinan dan rezim. Ihwal ini dapat menjadi stimulan positif jika masyarakat dapat mengartikulasikan pengalaman bernegaranya dengan tepat. Kontestasi kekuasaan pun tidak dapat terhindarkan, terlebih setiap pemimpin melakukan persaingan dalam memperebutkan kekuasaan. Kontestasi ini tidak hanya merujuk pada tingkat lokal, namun hingga tingkat nasional. Berbagai aspek pun turut menjadi faktor utama dari kontestasi tersebut, seperti tipe kepemimpinan aristokrasi dan demokrasi, hingga perbedaan gender pemimpinnya. Ihwal tersebut turut mengejewantah kan bahwa keteladanan yang didasarkan atas beberapa kontekstual, bersifat pseudo, atau semu. Dalam mengupas ihwal tersebut, telaah yang digunakan merujuk pada pemahaman Barkerakan agen, dan Gramsci akan hegemoni. Tidak hanya itu, Kouzes dan Posner digunakan untuk menilik parameter keteladanan. Asumsi penulis, keteladanan merupakan unsur yang tercipta untuk menghegomoni agen di dalamnya. Bertolak dari mempertanyakan keteladanan, maka pembahasan akan lebih mempertimbangkan aspek agen, hegemoni dan kuasa. Penulis menyadari bahwa tidak mungkin meneliti semua pola kepemimpinan yang ada di Indonesia, maka rujukan contoh kepemimpinan didasarkan pada beberapa contoh di era kolonial, orde lama, orde baru,dan pemerintahan kini. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengupas persoalan keteladanan dalam kepemimpinan yang kerap diunggulkan kepemimpinan yang ada di Indonesia.
Selfie dan Media Sosial pada Seni sebagai Wujud Eksistensi Michael HB Raditya
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 18, No 1 (2014): Juli
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2505.26 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jsp.13096


This article discusses the existence of individuals that are constructed based arts events. Selfi e and social media in arts as a form of existance is the right word to respons upon the development of society. There is a issues would be discuss in this article; discuss about elements of arts existence, commodifi cation of arts, and patterns of consumption. Literature review and ethnography is the method to solve the problem, with qualitative research. The restult of this article are; selfi e is the new practice of arts consumption, social media as a fi eld of existence, arts became a major commodity in society. The exchange not only enjoy arts object, but also there is technology that aims to increase its existence. Social media is new fi eld for society to show the existence, and when someone selfi e with art, would be more prestige. Arts became exist with a different way.