Windy Triana
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta

Published : 3 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Gender Awareness in Islamic Legal Education Windy Triana; Milah Karmilah
AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Vol 19, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v19i1.12560


This article aims at discussing the integration of gender issues in Islamic legal education in Indonesia and Malaysia. In particular, this is to see how gender issues are taught to Islamic law students and integrated into the curricula to instil gender awareness. Based on empirical inquiries in the Department of Family Law of Faculty of Sharia and Law of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and Faculty of Sharia and Law of Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, this study finds that the attempts to include gender issues in the curricula have been still very limited and insufficient. Courses that directly discuss gender issues and human rights issues are treated merely as elective courses. Except in Jakarta UIN, currently, the specific course on gender becomes a compulsory course. Moreover, the integration of gender discussion into general courses is not easy. This depends on the willingness and awareness of the lecturers to include the discussion. The significant challenge in integrating gender issues in Islamic legal education is related to lecturers and students’ previous norms, values, and ideology. Because of this, the introduction to gender discourse becomes mind-provoking. This study relies on data from the curricula, interviews with faculties’ key figures, and Focus Group Discussion with students from both institutions.  Tulisan ini membahas tentang integrase isu gender ke dalam pendidikan hukum Islam di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana isu gender diajarkan kepada mahasiswa hukum Islam dan bagaimana isu gender diintegrasikan ke dalam kurikulum untuk menanamkan kesadaran gender. Melalui penelitian empiris di Program Studi  Hukum Keluarga, Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dan Jabatan Syariah dan Undang-Undang, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, kajian ini menemukan bahwa upaya untuk memasukan isu gender dalam kurikulum pendidikan hukum Islam masih sangat terbatas dan belum cukup. Mata kuliah-mata kuliah yang secara langsung membahas isu gender dan hak asasi manusia kebanyakan hanya dijadikan mata kuliah pilihan. Kecuali di UIN Jakarta, baru-baru ini mata kuliah terkait gender menjadi mata kuliah wajib. Selanjutnya, integrasi pembahasan gender ke dalam mata kuliah umum tidak lah mudah. Tantangan paling besar yang dihadapi adalah norma, nilai dan ideologi terdahulu yang dimiliki oleh dosen dan mahasiswa. Hal tersebut menjadikan pengenalan terhadap isu gender menantang bagi pemikiran yang sudah mereka miliki. Data pada kajian ini berasal dari kurikulum, wawancara dengan tokoh-tokoh kunci pada dua fakultas dan Focus Group Discussion dengan mahasiswa dari dua institusi.
Reforming Islamic Marriage Bureaucracy in Indonesia: Approaches and Impacts Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie; Fathudin Fathudin; Windy Triana
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 59, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al-Jami'ah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2021.592.255-286


This paper aims at discussing approaches to Islamic marriage administration reform in Indonesia upheld by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the KUA. This qualitative study relies on various statutory materials to examine the reform of Islamic marriage in Indonesia. An empirical study was conducted in several KUA offices in Denpasar Bali to obtain information about reform-related regulations implementation and the approaches of the marriage administration reform made by KUAs. This paper argues that top-down policies are not sufficient to make successful bureaucratic reform. Bottom-up approaches by each KUA through solid leadership and innovation have proven to determine the success of the reform. The paper, however, found that these bottom-up approaches are not without weakness as they tend to be unsystematically taken and that not all KUAs in Indonesia, therefore, have introduced such reforms and made equal success.[Artikel ini membahas beberapa pendekatan dalam mengkaji reformasi administrasi pernikahan Islam di Indonesia yang dikelola oleh Kementerian Agama dan KUA. Studi kualitatif ini mengandalkan beberapa bukti hukum untuk menguji reformasi pernikahan Islam di Indonesia. Studi empiris ini dilakukan di sejumlah KUA di Bali untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai implementasi kebijakan dan pendekatan reformasi administrasi yang telah dibuat KUA. Argumen dari artikel ini adalah kebijakan dari atas ke bawah tidak cukup berhasil dalam reformasi birokrasi. Sedangkan pendekatan dari bawah ke atas di masing-masing KUA melalui kepemimpinan yang solid dan inovatif, justru cenderung dominan keberhasilan reformasinya. Meskipun demikian, artikel ini juga menunjukkan kekurangannya yaitu kurang tersistematis dan tidak semua KUA di Indonesia yang juga menjalankan program reformasi dapat meraih sukses yang sama.]
Muslim Youth Under Sharia Regime in Aceh: From Accommodation to Resistance Khamami Zada; Windy Triana; Nur Hidayah; Ummi Kultsum; Fathudin
Al-Ihkam, Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Vol 17 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia IAIN Madura collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/al-lhkam.v17i2.7262


In the context of shari’a implementation in Aceh, there has been resistance among young people wanting freedom and openness in public space with its modernity values. This study aims at investigating the responses of Aceh’s young people to the implementation of Sharia in Aceh and how it implies for the Sharia law enforcement in the region. This is a socio-legal research relying on interviews and focused-group discussions as data collection methods. Respondents consist of young people aged 20-25. This research finds out that there has been a normalization of sharia in the Acehnese society with young people tending to accept sharia in Islamic tenets, propagation, attires, economic system, and penal system. Those who were born after or a while before sharia was implemented for the first time tend to get used to the sharia and consider it a part of their normal life. Their responses vary, from accommodation, adaptation, compromise to resistance. The resistance leads to the agency and creating a counterspace as their comfort zone to express creativity. In turn, this religiosity model contributes to sharia's moderatization in Aceh. Therefore, there is a need for the Aceh local government to maintain and develop spaces for young people to express creativity while maintaining sharia as a part of their lives.