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Islam Futura Vol 20, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jiif.v0i0.5835


Tolerance must be close to pluralism and multiculturalism which is not a new thing in academic studies. Many studies and research generalize about respect and appreciation for the diversity of ethnicity, religion, language and other cultures. For Javanese people who tend to be homogeneous in ethnicity but not too many long conflicts arise. Truth, the proof, One of the results of research in Salatiga which is one of the student cities in Central Java received the title of the second most tolerant city in Indonesia in 2018. But behind the award, there was contestation in the fields of education and religion. This paper will look again at tolerance in the Salatiga community after the award was obtained. Besides that, it also discussed competition in academia at IAIN Salatiga and Satya Wacana Kristen University (UKSW). Both educational institutions are based on religion, in which multiculturalism. Both educational institutions are based on religion, which is multicultural so that it impacts on the contestation of institutional policies, facilities and theological expansion. The results of this study are obtained from social phenomena which are understood by the phenomenology paradigm from reality understood in consciousness. In addition, during activities in Salatiga, there were also some social realities about tolerance and competition in the field of education. Finally, tolerance that has gone well does not mean without contestation. Contestation in this case is one of the social and cultural dynamics. Even to achieve social integration, sometimes conflict with good management is needed. This means that contestation or conflict does not always lead to division, but rather one of the paths to integration.
The Cultural Message of Da’wah on The Jingkrak Sundang Dance in Central Java Mukti Ali; Isma Ayu Wulandari; Zaenal Muttaqin; Sukron Ma’mun
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 29 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v29i2.4905


This study aims to discuss the message of da’wah that is contained in the Jinkrak Sundang Dance by using a qualitative descriptive approach and using the technique of semiotic analysis. Semiotics seeks to find the signs with meaning and know the sign systems such as language, movement, music, and pictures. As for the objects of the material to be analyzed is the movement of dance performed by the Jingkrak Sundang Dance artist, located in Magelang. A semiotic analysis on the Jingkrak Sundang Dance is performed on each stage or round: Mlayu, Nebah Bumi, Laku Telu Dadung Ngawuk, Pati, Mendem, and Nawur. Jingkrak Sundang Dance depicts the anger of the animals whose habitat was marred by the man’s hand, who was not responsible. The da’wah messages were found in denotation and connotation that many charged theological and anthropological. Theologically, the da’wah message explains the belief in the power of God as creators and regulators of whole natural life. In contrast, the da’wah message emphasizes the anthropocentric, seen many messages that urge to keep, love, and affection among fellow creatures. This study shows the conveyed to society to preserve nature and survival of all living beings. In addition, human behavior with good acts, help, and practice at once be an example for human beings and caring for the sustainability of the nature of the other.
Komparasi Berita Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Arab Saudi dalam Surat Kabar Elektronik Detikcom dan Muhamad Fahrudin Yusuf; Mukti Ali
Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu komunikasi Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/cjik.v2i1.5031


Various problems of migrant workers and their alleged different coverage on various media are the background of this research. This study focused on 131 news items on migrant workers' issues in Saudi Arabia in the online newspapers Detikcom and, with details of Detikcom 64 news and 67 as samples, with the aim of finding out how Detikcom and cover Indonesian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia and the difference in coverage of both. The content analysis method was chosen as an analysis tool with Codingsheet as a data collection technique and chi-square as a different test tool. The findings of this study are that there is uniformity of coverage on news about migrant workers in Saudi Arabia at Detikcom and with several categories of significant differences.Berbagai permasalahan TKI dan peliputannya yang diduga berbeda pada berbagai media melatarbelakangi penelitian ini. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada 131 isi berita permasalahan TKI di Arab Saudi pada suratkabar online Detikcom dan, dengan perincian Detikcom 64 berita dan 67 berita sebagai sampel, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Detikcom dan meliput TKI di Arab Saudi dan perbedaan liputan keduanya. Metode analisis isi dipilih sebagai alat analisis dengan codingsheet sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dan chi-square sebagai alat uji beda. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa ada keseragaman liputan pada berita tentang di TKI di Arab Saudi pada Detikcom dan dengan beberapa kategori didapati perbedaan signifikan. 
DAMPAK SOSIAL TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN DAKWAH Mukti Ali; Avin Wimar Budyastomo; Makmur Haji Harun
Religia Vol 24 No 1 (2021): Author geographical coverage: Malaysia, India, and Indonesia
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v24i1.2224


This study aims to determine the impact of social media in developing da'wah in Indonesia. Social media that is often used by the Indonesian people can be trusted to bring about changes in the behavior and methods of preaching to be conveyed. Currently, scholars in developing their preaching have also used social media. This type of research is descriptive qualitative by describing the findings or data available in the field then described as information. The method used is a direct interview with respondents about the impact of social media on the development of da'wah in Indonesia. The results obtained are the impact of social media on the development of Da'wah is that currently Da'wah has used technology such as social media for the propagation of Da'wah. Most scholars preach using social media such as YouTube and Facebook. This makes it easier for the scholars to preach.
Klenteng Mosque’s Religious Moderation: Intercultural Communication and Remarking Da’wah of Wasathiyah Islam Mukti Ali; Ulfiayatun Nadhifah; Wuri Arenggoasih
Jurnal Dakwah Risalah Vol 33, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jdr.v33i1.16515


This study aims to determine the understanding of religious moderation related to the existence of the Hidayatullah Temple mosque as a form of acculturation of faith in Salatiga. The role of the manager of the Hidayatullah Temple Salatiga is spreading the value of the Islamic concept of wasathiyah, and determining the supporting and inhibiting factors of management. This type of research is qualitative research by conducting field research. The results of the study indicate that the existence of the Hidayatullah Temple Mosque is clear evidence of religious tolerance in intercultural communication and a manifestation of religious understanding regarding religious moderation in Salatiga. The architectural style of the Hidayatullah Temple is an instrument of acculturation of faith and religious harmony in Salatiga which has two essential roles, namely the formal and informal roles in spreading Islamic moderation values. The strategic location of the mosque makes it easy to coordinate and collaborate with various parties as a supporting factor in improving intercultural communication.
Korelasi Antara Adiksi Game Online dengan Perilaku Empati pada Remaja di Kabupaten Semarang Mukti Ali; Farikha Nazilatus Salamah
IJIP : Indonesian Journal of Islamic Psychology Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Psychology
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/ijip.v3i1.71-94


The phenomenon of playing online games among teenagers is something that must be considered. Addiction to online games makes individuals do not care about interactions with people around them. Because individuals who have been addicted to online games are only focused on online games. As a result, the individual's feelings of empathy are not formed. The quantitative research method of correlation with online game addiction scale and empathy scale contains statements that are favorable and unfavorable. The sample in this study was 73 teenagers from Kalisari Hamlet. The results of the study showed that there was a moderate relationship between online game addiction and empathy in adolescents, which was indicated by a person correlation value of 0.462. This means that there is a significant relationship between online game addiction and empathy in adolescents with a moderate degree of correlation. AbstrakFenomena bermain game online di kalangan remaja merupakan suatu hal yang harus di perhatikan. Kecanduan game online membuat individu menjadi tidak peduli dengan interaksi bersama orang disekitar. Sebab individu yang telah kecanduan game online hanya terfokus pada game online. Akibatnya perasaan empati individu tersebut tidak terbentuk. Metode penelitian kuantitatif korelasi dengan skala adiksi game online dan skala empati memuat pernyataan yang bersifat favourable dan unfavourable. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 73 remaja Dusun Kalisari. Hasil penelitian terdapat hubungan yang sedang antara adiksi game online dengan empati pada remaja yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai person correlation sebesar 0,462. Artinya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara adiksi game online dengan empati pada remaja dengan derajat hubungan berkorelasi sedang.
Collaboration Area For Environmental Management Related To Waste Management Around Pusur River Klaten Mukti Ali; Alita Amamil Hana; Reza Ahmadiansah
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/imej.v3i2.201-216


The objectives of this research were: to find out the role of Pusur Institute in processing waste as a form of environmental management, and  the impact of waste management on ecological preservation in Pusur River Klaten. This research used descriptive qualitative. The results of the study indicated that the pusur river in Klaten can reduce waste by converting it into use value. Pusur Institute's waste processing activities included sorting waste according to its characteristics, recycling waste into crafts, recycling waste into fertilizer, and minimizing the use of items that produce waste. The impact of the waste processing at Pusur Institute Klaten was: (1) improving environmental quality, (2) improving health quality, (3) developing environmental knowledge. 
DAMPAK SOSIAL TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN DAKWAH Mukti Ali; Avin Wimar Budyastomo; Makmur Haji Harun
Religia Vol 24 No 1 (2021): Author geographical coverage: Malaysia, India, and Indonesia
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v24i1.2224


This study aims to determine the impact of social media in developing da'wah in Indonesia. Social media that is often used by the Indonesian people can be trusted to bring about changes in the behavior and methods of preaching to be conveyed. Currently, scholars in developing their preaching have also used social media. This type of research is descriptive qualitative by describing the findings or data available in the field then described as information. The method used is a direct interview with respondents about the impact of social media on the development of da'wah in Indonesia. The results obtained are the impact of social media on the development of Da'wah is that currently Da'wah has used technology such as social media for the propagation of Da'wah. Most scholars preach using social media such as YouTube and Facebook. This makes it easier for the scholars to preach.