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Leaching Cu from e-waste PCB using thiourea solution and oxidizing H2O2 Tiara Triana; Soesaptri Oediyani; Rindang Puspa Rini; Tio Aji Pamungkas
Jurnal Teknika Vol 17, No 2 (2021): Available Online in November 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/tjst.v17i2.12875


Technological advances that occur in developed and developing countries impact increasing the amount of electronic waste (e-waste). In Indonesia, the growth rate of e-waste is predicted to increase by ±23.2% in 2028. The impact that e-waste can have on human health requires processing electronic waste such as printed circuit boards (PCBs) to reduce environmental pollution and economic benefits. PCB waste can be reprocessed because it contains Au, Ag, and Cu metals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of size, percent solids, the concentration of oxidizing agent H2O2, and the addition of oxidizing volume H2O2 to the amount of Cu extracted. The fire assay analysis results show that the mixed PCB waste contains 9.08% Cu. PCB waste leaching was carried out by agitation leaching method using thiourea solution. The leaching process was carried out with a size variation of 80; 100; 120#, a percent solids variation of 10; 15; 20 percent, an oxidizing concentration of H2O2 variation of 0.2; 0.4; 0.6 M, and the addition of an oxidizing volume H2O2 variation of 20; 28; 36 percent. Leaching was then performed for 6 hours at a rotation speed of 200 rpm, a temperature of 25°C, and a pH of 1-2. The leaching of mixed PCB waste resulted in 3.5% Cu in the leached solution with 10% solids percent and an additional 28% H2O2 oxidizing volume. PCB waste with the finest particle size of -120# and concentration of 0.4 M H2O2 produces Cu in the leached solution with 0.26%. Kemajuan teknologi yang terjadi pada negara maju maupun negara berkembang berdampak pada meningkatnya jumlah limbah elektronik atau e-waste. Laju pertumbuhan limbah elektronik di Indonesia telah diperkirakan akan mengalami kenaikan sebesar ±23,2% pada tahun 2028. Dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan dari limbah elektronik dapat menyebabkan gangguan pada kesehatan manusia, sehingga diperlukan adanya pengolahan limbah  elektronik seperti printed circuit boards (PCB) untuk mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan serta keuntungan secara ekonomi yang didapatkan. Limbah PCB berpotensi untuk diolah kembali dikarenakan memiliki kandungan logam seperti Au, Ag, Cu, Sn, dll. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran, persen padatan, konsentrasi oksidator H2O2 dan penambahan volume oksidator H2O2 terhadap nilai persen ekstraksi Cu. Berdasarkan hasil analisis fire assay, limbah PCB campuran mengandung 9,08% Cu. Pelindian limbah PCB dilakukan dengan metode agitation leaching menggunakan larutan thiourea. Proses pelindian dilakukan pada variasi ukuran 80; 100; 120#, dengan variasi persen padatan sebesar 10; 15; 20% pada varisai konsentrasi oksidator H2O2 0,2; 0,4; 0,6 M serta penambahan volume oksidator H2O2 20; 28; 36%. Setelah itu dilakukan pelindian selama 6 jam, dengan kecepatan putaran 200 rpm pada temperatur 25°C dengan pH 1-2. Hasil penelitian pelindian limbah PCB campuran menghasilkan kadar Cu pada larutan hasil pelindian sebesar 3,5% dengan persen padatan 10% dan penambahan volume oksidator H2O2 sebesar 28%. Limbah PCB dengan ukuran -120# dengan konsentrasi H2O2 0,4 M menghasilkan Cu pada larutan hasil pelindian dengan kadar 0,26%. 
Design and Manufacturing of Bottle Roller Machine for Laboratory Leaching Process by Using Recycled Materials Tiara Triana; Tubagus Maulana Ichsan; Muhammad Ikramullah; Defita Harun; Muhammad Dzafif Ghifari
FLYWHEEL : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Untirta Volume 8, Issue 1, April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/fwl.v0i0.14081


Bottle roll is the equipment used for laboratory metal leaching tests. Leaching is a widely used metal extraction process by dissolving metal from ore using certain chemical reagents. The working principle of the bottle roll is to stir the bottle filled with a suspension sample and place it on rolls that rotate horizontally. In this research, the rotating rolls were driven by a recycled water pump electric motor which is transmitted using a pulley and belt. The research objective is to create a bottle roll machine that is practically easy and safe to carry out the leaching test or any other tests that involve agitation, especially for process engineering students. The performance validation of the equipment was done by conducting some leaching tests using the manufactured bottle roll to determine the consistency of the roll rotation, as leaching tests are generally done for a quite long period, usually 24 hours continuously. The sand sample was sieved into 100 mesh of particle size and then mixed with water to make a suspension. The suspensions were put into 2.5 liters of used glass chemical bottles and 1 liter HDPE plastic bottles with various diameters of 14 Cm, 12 Cm, and 8 Cm. The results showed that the machine could perform the leaching test at best in HDPE bottles with an average of 31 RPM of rotation speed tested for 24 hours.
Metal recovering through recycling of printed circuit boards from computer devices using tabling and magnetic concentration methods Tiara Triana; Soesaptri Oediyani; Rahman Faiz Suwandana; Adjie Pradana; Zuhrainis Syaifara; Dewi Kusumaningtyas
Jurnal Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2023): Available Online in June 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/tjst.v19i1.17511


The increasing human need for technology can have a negative impact on people's lifestyles which are becoming more consumptive. This causes the amount of electronic waste or e-waste to increase rapidly. Currently Printed Circuit Board is one of the wastes in e-waste which in 500 thousand tons of PCB contains around 150-200 thousand tons of metal. These metals are Cu, Pb, Zn, Au, Ag, Ni, Mn, Pd, and Fe. The metal contained in the PCB can be used as a secondary resource which can be further processed to produce valuable metals. The purpose of this research is to determine the particle size and prove whether the separation method is not effective in separating metals such as Cu and Ag from other metals. Based on XRF analysis to effectively separate Cu, Ag, and Au metals can use a particle size of 150μm with a Cu content of 78.673% and a particle size of 250μm with an Ag content of 0.083%. Separation is not effective to be carried out on PCB waste, this is because in the application of 1x magnetic separation, the Cu content is 80.51%. However, the type separation is less effective for the extraction of Ag metal. In separation using a shake table alone, the highest Ag content was obtained at 0.085%