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Strategi meningkatkan ekspor produk usaha mikro kecil dan menengah pada masa transisi pasca pandemi Covid-19 Dyah Lintang Trenggonowati; Lely Herlina; Asep Ridwan; Sirajuddin Sirajuddin
Journal Industrial Servicess Vol 8, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jiss.v8i1.15808


Pada saat menuju globalisasi ekonomi, para pelaku UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah) dituntut untuk terus mengadapi peluang dan tantangan dalam mengejar kelangsungan bisnis dan peningkatan berkelanjutan. Tidak sedikit para pelaku UMKM pengekspor yang menghadapi beberapa kendala terkait dengan keraguan dan kurangnya edukasi bagaimana menembus pasar luar negeri, namun mereka paham bahwa ketika mereka menjelajah pasar luar negeri akan ada kewajiban tambahan lain yang harus mereka penuhi. Penelitian ini menganalisis permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para pelaku UMKM pengekspor di Indonesia. Pada konsep strategisnya, manajemen inovasi pada para pelaku UMKM pengekspor dituntut untuk menghasilkan transformasi yang diperlukan dalam lingkungan persaingan pada masa transisi pasca pandemik Covid-19. Menggunakan data survei dari ± 300 UMKM yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dengan tingkat signifikansi 5%, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi faktor kunci yang mendukung penggunaan efektifitas strategi diferensiasi UMKM pengekspor di Indonesia. Temuan mendukung model dan hipotesis penelitian ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasilnya mengungkapkan peran kuat pada indikator standar produk ekspor, indikator modal, indikator promosi dan transaksi ekspor, indikator negara asal dan tujuan produk ekspor, indikator kelengkapan dokumen, dan selanjutnya indikator pemahaman legalitas. Temuan ini memiliki implikasi kuat sebagai keunggulan kompetitif dalam kegiatan ekspor produk UMKM Indonesia ke luar negeri.
A hybrid modified Bat Algorithm with Dynamic Spiral Method for solving mixed integer non-linear programming optimization Atia Sonda; Bobby Kurniawan; Faula Arina; Dyah Lintang Trenggonowati; Asep Ridwan; Maria Ulfah; Putro Ferro Ferdinant; Achmad Bahauddin
Journal Industrial Servicess Vol 8, No 2 (2022): October 2022
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jiss.v8i2.17315


Most optimization problems in engineering are nonlinear, with many constraints. Consequently, finding optimal solutions to such nonlinear problems requires efficient optimization methods. Most of the methods used so far are gradient-based methods. In gradient-based methods, the objective function must be differentiable, and the search for the optimum solution usually starts with a guess-point. For multimodal objectives, the search will likely get stuck at a local optimum. Nowadays, new metaheuristic methods are being developed for solving nonlinear optimization problems. Metaheuristic methods neither require a guess-point nor a derivative of the objective function. Metaheuristic methods, called Bat Algorithm and Spiral Dynamic Method, have been developed for solving optimization problems. Each of the methods has the strength to solve the problem. We propose combining Bat Algorithm (BA) and Dynamic Spiral Method (DSM) for solving mixed integer optimization. The bat Algorithm is used for the exploration stage to find some candidate solutions. Meanwhile, the dynamic spiral method is used in local search to find the best optimum solution. The result obtained by Bat Algorithm-Dynamic Spiral Method (BA-DSM) were more effective than the standard Bat Algorithm in solving the problem.
PEMODELAN SPASIAL PRODUKSI IKAN PADA INDUSTRI BUDIDAYA PERIKANAN DI KOTA CILEGON Atia Sonda; Faula Arina; Ade Sri Mariawati; Asep Ridwan; Dyah Lintang Trenggonowati
Jambura Journal of Probability and Statistics Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Jambura Journal Of Probability and Statistics
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34312/jjps.v3i2.16753


The aquaculture industry in Cilegon City is fairly substantial. In the year 2020, 230.09 tons of farmed fish were produced. In Cilegon City, fish production statistics is often used for each sub-district. So far, no research has been undertaken to examine the dependency of fish output from one district to the next. Spatial modeling is used to examine the spatial correlation of fish production data in each sub-district, making it easier to characterize observations in a sub-district and their relationships with other sub-districts. A semivariogram model was fitted using the fish production data, and it was discovered that fish production in the city of Cilegon followed the cubic model with model parameters C = 2.9891 and range a = 5.28. Furthermore, using this spatial model, assessment of fish production in a location, in this example Cilegon City, can be carried out in further research in an effort to see food security.
Product quality control analysis using the six sigma method Asep Ridwan; Atia Sonda; Amelia Amelia
Journal Industrial Servicess Vol 9, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jiss.v9i1.19044


Technological improvements and developments have significantly altered consumers' perceptions of product quality. The production of high-quality products is only possible through a robust manufacturing process. However, during the production process, various issues may arise, leading to the production of defective products. As a result, manufacturing companies like XYZ are now required to conduct product quality control to minimize the number of defects. The objective of this study is to control product quality by reducing defects at XYZ. To achieve this, we have employed the Six Sigma method, which involves several stages, such as define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. Our research indicates that product A is prone to defects, with density being the most common type. We have calculated the DPMO (defects per million opportunities) to be 2580.66, while the sigma value is 4.297. The process capacity that produces problems at XYZ is at an average level for US industry. Additionally, we have used the 5W + 1H approach to propose improvements during the Improve stage. However, our recommendation for enhancing the production process to reduce defects is still a work in progress and needs to be executed, assessed, and monitored to reach world-class industry standards.
Supply chain performance analysis using discrete system simulation method: A case study in a furniture company Dyah Lintang Trenggonowati; Maria Ulfah; Asep Ridwan; Achmad Bahauddin; Ratna Ekawati; Atia Sonda; Ani Umyati; Aditya Rahadian Fachrur; Yayan Harry Yadi
Journal Industrial Servicess Vol 9, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jiss.v9i1.19049


As time progresses, the evolving industrial world demands that companies devise the best strategies to achieve their desired goals. A well-designed system is expected to increase the profitability of the company itself. CSD is an interior furniture and interior design studio located in the city of Cilegon, Banten. The challenge faced by CSD is the inability to meet order deadlines during periods of high demand. The objective of this study is to assess the level of machine utility within the existing process and provide recommendations to achieve an optimal process. The methodology employed includes system simulation and model development using Promodel software. Additionally, statistical tests, model validation, and ANOVA tests were conducted. Based on the results, it was determined that the level of machine utility at CSD is 17.48% for shaping planning, 30.08% for grinding, 14.88% for assembly, and 29.98% for finishing. The proposed solution, scenario or proposal 2, suggests combining the assembly and finishing workstations, resulting in increased machine utility.
Penerapan metode six sigma dalam pengendalian kualitas di industri tekstil PT XYZ Dyah Lintang Trenggonowati; Asep Ridwan; Maria Ulfah; Lely Herlina; Achmad Bahauddin; Ratna Ekawati; Faula Arina; Putro Ferro Ferdinant; Atia Sonda; Adhitya Rahadian Fachrur
Journal of Systems Engineering and Management Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/joseam.v1i1.17587


Perkembangan dunia industri sekarang mengakibatkan semakin banyaknya persaingan dalam dunia industri khususnya bidang tekstil. Dalam persaingan yang semakin ketat ini, perusahaan harus perusahaan harus mampu mempertahankan jumlah pelanggan dengan cara menjaga kualitas produk. PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan industri penenunan label yang terletak di Tangerang Banten Indonesia, dengan produk yang paling banyak diproduksi adalah woven label. Banyaknya permintaan dari produk woven label ini diperlukan kualitas yang baik untuk memenuhi kriteria konsumennya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan proses produksi yang juga sesuai dengan prosedur yang ditetapkan. Permasalahan yang terdapat pada PT. XYZ adalah banyaknya produk reject pada bagian produksi dan finishing. Hal ini ditunjukan pada data reject yang terjadi di bulan Desember 2021 sebanyak 1.285.876 dozen dan proses produksi yang belum terkendali secara statistic karena banyaknya jenis cacat (CTQ) sebesar 19 jenis. Banyaknya reject woven label ini mengakibatkan produksi tidak sesuai yang dijadwalkan, biaya operasional bertambah dan keuntunganpun bisa menurun. Oleh karena itu, PT. XYZ perlu melakukan perbaikan pengendalian kualitas yang salah satu caranya dengan metode Six Sigma. Tahapan pengendalian metode six sigma dilakukan dengan melakukan tahapan DMAI atau Define, Measure, Analyze, dan Improve. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh nilai DPMO sebesar 2454,102 dan nilai sigma 4,318 yang berarti perusahaan merupakan rata-rata industri USA. Usulan yang peneliti berikan untuk PT. XYZ untuk mengurangi kecacatan yaitu dengan menetapkan settingan tension beam yang tepat disetiap produksi, membuat desain garis untuk pemotongan agar saat dipotong, garis tepi dapat lurus,  menyamakan persepsi atau membuat standar terkait reject PGM, operator mengontrol mesin setiap beberapa menit, dan mengganti benang yang sudah mau putus, agar mesin distop manual.