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Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Pengharmonisasian, Pembulatan, Dan Pemantapan Konsep Raperda Provinsi Pasca Lahirnya UU No. 15 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perubahan Atas UU No. 12 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Oki Nugroho, Muhammad; Burlian, Paisol; Huzaimah, Arne
Jurnal Komunikasi Hukum Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Agustus, Jurnal Komunikasi Hukum
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jkh.v7i2.38497


This study analyzes the authority of the local government in harmonizing, unifying, and strengthening the concept of the Provincial Regional Regulation Draft. 15 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law no. 12 of 2011 and their application in South Sumatra Province. The results of the analysis and discussion show that the regional government is not authorized to harmonize, unify, and consolidate the draft Provincial Regulation Draft after the issuance of Law No. 15 of 2019. After the issuance of this Law, harmonization, unification, and strengthening of the draft Provincial Regulation Draft are carried out by ministries or institutions that run a government in the field of law previously coordinated by the legal bureau (regional government apparatus). This activity is a form of deliberation in establishing law and one of the principles in Islamic nomocracy and democracy in Islam. The implementation of harmonization, unification, and consolidation of the draft Provincial Regulations in South Sumatra has not been under the provisions in Law No. 15 of 2019. The process of harmonizing, unifying, and strengthening the concept of the Draft Provincial Regulation in South Sumatra is still being implemented by the regional government (legal bureau as regional apparatus). Suggestions from researchers, namely that the provisions in Law no. 15 of 2019 and it is necessary to guide to human resources in the South Sumatra Province. This process needs to be linked to the concept of Maqhasid Syariah so that the substance of the Provincial Regulation does not conflict with the public interest (benefit).
Urgensi Penerapan Lembaga Dwangsom (Uang Paksa) Pada Perkara Hadhânah di Pengadilan Agama dalam Perspektif Maqâshid al-Syarî’ah Arne Huzaimah; Syaiful Aziz
al-'adalah Vol 15, No 1 (2018): Al-'Adalah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.976 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/adalah.v15i1.3383


This article discusses the implemention of the forced money (dwangsom institution) in the hadhânah case in the Religious Courts from the perspective of maqâshid al-shariah. This study found that the application of dwangsom sentences for hadhânah cases is very important to be applied, especially to the defendant who objects to carrying out court decisions; or default to the agreement; or there will be difficulties at the time of execution; or the plaintiff suffers a loss. In addition, implementing dwangsom in the hadhânah case will pave the way for the benefit of children who are still in the process of growth even though their parents divorce. Therefore, even if not asked by the plaintiff, the judge himself can decide the dwangsom sentence to the defendant to ensure the fulfillment of the needs of the children.
Nurani: Jurnal Kajian Syari'ah dan Masyarakat Vol 13 No 1 (2013): Nurani
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v13i1.114


Abstrak: Where there is sugar there must be an ant, or like fishand water, as it were appropriate parable likens the Law andSociety, because where there is society there must be laws willbe needed. Law and society are two sides of which are difficultto separate, because they will need each other and influenceeach other.ملخص:حیث یوجد السكر یجب أن یكون ھناك نملة، أو مثل السمك والماء، كما انھاكانت مناسبة المثل یشبھ القانون والمجتمع، وذلك لأن عندما یكون ھناك مجتمع یجبأن یكون ھناك وستكون ھناك حاجة القوانین .القانون والمجتمع وجھان لوالتي یصعبفصل، لأنھا سوف نحتاج إلى بعضنا البعض وتؤثر على بعضھا البعض.Kata Kunci: hadanah, perceraian
Nurani: Jurnal Kajian Syari'ah dan Masyarakat Vol 16 No 2 (2016): Nurani
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v16i2.931


Settlement of disputes divorce on the grounds “syiqaq” have two mechanisms for peace, which is mediating in the initial examination of the case and making the appointments “hakam” were carried out after the process of verification. Mediator and “hakam” same function, namely as a neutral party to reconcile the two sides of a dispute. This of course raises another problem where the dualism of law and overlapping carried out by two different agencies in one point. When taken in conjunction with the principle of justice that is simple, fast and inexpensive, of course, can lead to the length and complexity of the dispute resolution process for divorce on the grounds “syiqaq” between mediation and “hakam”  have mechanisms respectively. Although on the other hand, the institution of mediation and “hakam” was to embody the principle of compulsory reconciling the parties in the process of judicial civil procedure law agama. In addition, in spite of the mediation and the appointment of “hakam”  in the dispute resolution process of divorce on the grounds “syiqaq”  as an attempt to reconcile the two parties dispute, but peace efforts have not achieved the expected results, the divorce rate remains high and even increasing every year. Therefore, there should be integration between mediation and “hakam” as a single entity in the settlement process of a divorce on the grounds “syiqaq”. Urgency integration between mediation and “hakam”  in the completion of a divorce case on the grounds “syiqaq”  are to: simplifies the process of settlement of a divorce case on the grounds “syiqaq”; Religious Court of Justice to embody the principle is simple, quick and inexpensive; re-establish the Islamic shariah on the mechanism for settling disputes “syiqaq”  in the religious and synergize with positive law in Indonesia; and the last to discuss for alternatives in addressing divorce rate in Indonesia.
Nurani: Jurnal Kajian Syari'ah dan Masyarakat Vol 19 No 1 (2019): Nurani
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v19i1.1940


Syiqaq is a constant dispute and quarrel between husband and wife. To overcome the problem of syiqaq, then Allah SWT has arranged it directly in the Qur'an, the letter an-Nisa (4) verse 35, namely by adopting the hakam that comes from the family of each party to reconcile the two husband and wife. The implementation of the appointment of the rights applied in the procedural law of the religious court in Indonesia is not imperative, it all depends on the judge's judgment. Hakam in the Indonesian Religious Court only functions to reconcile the two parties (husband and wife) who are at loggerheads and not the authority to decide. So Hakam only serves as a mediator not an arbitrator. At the Malaysian Syar'iyyah Court, Hakam must obtain full authority from his principal. Husband may give full authority to the husband Hakam to pronounce divorce to his wife before the Court, and the wife can give full power to his wife Hakam to do khuluk or accept Lafaztalak before the Court. keywords: Hakam, Pengadilan Agama, Mahkamah Syar’iyyah
Nurani: Jurnal Kajian Syari'ah dan Masyarakat Vol 18 No 2 (2018): Nurani
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v18i2.1942


Abstrak Pelaksanaan eksekusi putusan hadhanah masih terdapat beberapa hambatan sehingga eksekusi putusan hadhanah tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Belum adanya aturan formal yang secara khusus mengatur masalah teknis eksekusi anak. Dengan demikian, khusus masalah eksekusi anak sampai saat ini dapat dikatakan tengah terjadi kekosongan aturan atau kekosongan undang-undang (vacuum). Reformulasi Hukum Acara Peradilan Agama dalam Pelaksanaan Eksekusi Putusan Hadhanah adalah menerapkan lembaga dwangsom pada saat mengajukan perkara hadhanah ke pengadilan agama. Lembaga dwangsom dapat menjadi instrumen eksekusi jika penggugat yakin bahwa tergugat tidak akan mau melaksanakan putusan hakim dan yakin bahwa pelaksanaan eksekusi dilapangan akan mengalami kesulitan. Lembaga dwangsom dapat menjadi solusi preventif, di mana dengan adanya hukuman dwangsom, tergugat secara psychis akan merasa tertekan untuk segera melaksanakan putusan hakim yang telah berkekuatan hukum tetap secara sukarela. Selain itu, Ada upaya lain yang dapat dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan putusan hadhanah di pengadilan agama, di mana sebelum pengucapan putusan, Ketua Majelis Hakim dapat memanggil dan memerintah pihak tergugat secara sukarela menyerahkan anak dengan cara baik-baik kepada pihak penggugat, apa lagi jika diketahui bahwa anak lebih dekat dengan penggugat dari pada dengan tergugat. Hal ini tentunya dapat dilakukan jika pihak tergugat mau mendengarkan saran hakim sebelum perkara hadhanah tersebut diputus dan mempertimbangkan kepentingan kemaslahatan anak, sehingga putusan yang akan diucapkan nanti tidak menjadi ilusoir (hampa).
Pandangan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Palembang Terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010 Tentang Status Anak di Luar Nikah Arne Huzaimah
Intizar Vol 20 No 1 (2014): Intizar
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang status anak di luar nikah perpektif hukum Islam. Pertimbangan Hukum Majelis Hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor: 46/PUU-VIII/201. Pandangan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Kelas 1A Palembang terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor: 46/PUU-VIII/2010 adalah: Putusan uji materi pasal 43 ayat 1 UUP, sesungguhnya ditujukan untuk anak yang lahir di luar perkawinan akibat nikah sirri atau kumpul kebo. Berdasarkan penetapan pengadilan agama yang berkaitan dengan pengesahan perkawinan/itsbat nikah dan penetapan asal usul anak, maka anak yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan sirri dapat dinyatakan sebagai anak yang sah. Dengan status anak sah, maka anak tersebut mempunyai hubungan perdata dengan ayah biologisnya. Hubungan perdata yang timbul akibat dari adanya hubungan darah ini meliputi hubungan hukum, hak dan kewajiban antara anak dengan ayah dan ibunya yang dapat berupa:  (1)  hubungan  nasab;  (2)  hubungan mahram; (3) hubungan hak dan kewajiban; (4) hubungan pewarisan (saling mewarisi)  yang  merupakan  pelanjutan  hubungan  hak  dan  kewajiban karena  nasab  ketika mereka  sama-sama masih  hidup;  dan  (5)  hubungan wali nikah antara ayah dengan anak perempuannya.This paper examined the status of children outside wedlock in perspective of Islamic law. Consideration of the judges of the Constitutional Court Law No. 46 / PUU-VIII / 2010: included: the right to obtain legal status of the child; registration of marriage was not a factor in determining the legal of the marriage and registration of marriages was an administrative obligations required by legislation. The factors that determined the legal of a marriage was the conditions prescribed by the religion of each pair bride; problems concerned children born out of wedlock should receive law protection and law certainty to the status of a child born and rights available to him, including toward children born though the legal of the marriage still disputed. While the view of the religion Court Judge Class 1A Palembang to Constitutional Court Decision No. 46 / PUU-VIII / 2010: Decision of the judicial review of Article 43 paragraph 1 UUP, in fact intended for children born out of wedlock as a result of Sirri marriage or cohabiting. Based on the determination of religion courts that related to ratification of the marriage / marriage ithbat and determination of the origin of the child, then the child born of the marriage Sirri could be expressed as a legitimate child. With the status of a legitimate child, then the child had a civil relationship with biological father. Civil relations arose from the presence of this blood relationship included legal relationships, rights and obligations between the child with his/her father and mother who could be: (1) the relationship nasab; (2) the relationship of mahram; (3) the relationship of rights and obligations; (4) the relationship of inheritance (inherit each other) which was a continuation of the relationship of rights and obligations as nasab when they were both still alive; and (5) the relationship of guardians between a father with his daughter.
Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Pengharmonisasian, Pembulatan, Dan Pemantapan Konsep Raperda Provinsi Pasca Lahirnya UU No. 15 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perubahan Atas UU No. 12 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Muhammad Oki Nugroho; Paisol Burlian; Arne Huzaimah
Jurnal Komunikasi Hukum Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Agustus, Jurnal Komunikasi Hukum
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jkh.v7i2.38497


This study analyzes the authority of the local government in harmonizing, unifying, and strengthening the concept of the Provincial Regional Regulation Draft. 15 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law no. 12 of 2011 and their application in South Sumatra Province. The results of the analysis and discussion show that the regional government is not authorized to harmonize, unify, and consolidate the draft Provincial Regulation Draft after the issuance of Law No. 15 of 2019. After the issuance of this Law, harmonization, unification, and strengthening of the draft Provincial Regulation Draft are carried out by ministries or institutions that run a government in the field of law previously coordinated by the legal bureau (regional government apparatus). This activity is a form of deliberation in establishing law and one of the principles in Islamic nomocracy and democracy in Islam. The implementation of harmonization, unification, and consolidation of the draft Provincial Regulations in South Sumatra has not been under the provisions in Law No. 15 of 2019. The process of harmonizing, unifying, and strengthening the concept of the Draft Provincial Regulation in South Sumatra is still being implemented by the regional government (legal bureau as regional apparatus). Suggestions from researchers, namely that the provisions in Law no. 15 of 2019 and it is necessary to guide to human resources in the South Sumatra Province. This process needs to be linked to the concept of Maqhasid Syariah so that the substance of the Provincial Regulation does not conflict with the public interest (benefit).
Usroh: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Usroh
Publisher : Program Studi Al-Ahwal Al-Syakhshiyyah

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A marriage aims to create a sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah household life. From this goal it becomes a desire for every married couple, as well as for blind couples. So this research the authors formulate the problems, namely: (1) how to understand the family sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah for blind couples (2) how are the efforts to form a sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah household for blind couples. This research method uses field research methods (field research), the data sources used are primary data sources obtained from interviews with respondents in the field, then secondary data obtained from books and scientific papers. Data collection techniques are direct interviews, field survey and documentation. The data analysis used was qualitative inductive, namely drawing conclusions from general statements drawn to specific statements. From the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that: (1) Understanding the sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah family for blind couples is a family that is peaceful, peaceful, gives love to all family members, is always grateful to Allah SWT, can solve problems by well and of course support each other. (2) As for how to form a sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah family, namely by promoting a sense of love and affection between family members, understanding each other, understanding, appreciating, not demanding more of each other, establishing good communication, and always solving problems by giving in to each other. so that things that are not desirable happen. Key words: Visually impaired, family, sakinah mawaddah warahmah
Abandonment of Women’s Rights in Child Marriage; An Islamic Law Perspective Qodariah Barkah; Arne Huzaimah; Siti Rochmiyatun; Andriyani; Zulmi Ramdani
Al-Ihkam, Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Vol 17 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia IAIN Madura collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/al-lhkam.v17i2.6725


The number of child marriages has recently increased significantly, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is caused by assumption that child marriage will save the child's financial and social security. In fact, child marriage actually causes many problems, especially regarding the abandonment of women's rights in domestic life. This is contrary to the purpose of marriage in Islam which is to create harmonious, prosperous and happy household. This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding on the forms of abandonment of women's rights in child marriage cases and how the Islamic family law perspective percieves it. The data were obtained through observation, interviews, and literature searches. The research location was conducted in Palembang City, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Data analysis is carried out with an interpretive approach to give meaning so that it has coherence between one another. The research findings show that the forms of abandonment of women's rights in child marriage cases include three types, namely the abandonment of economic rights, human rights and reproductive rights. The abandonment occurs because of community’s legal culture which considers the action as commonplace in the household. Even, the victim of abandonment allowed herself stuck in that position. According to Islamic family law, the abandonment of women's rights in the household is an act of disobedience against justice as well husband’s reluctance to the wife. It is a form of violation of the commands of Allah and His Messenger which is is also emphasized in the legislation with the existence of both social and criminal sanctions.