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Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune Volume 4, Nomor 2 Agustus 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/hukum bisnis bon.v4i2.5288


AbstractThe legal purpose of this study is to analyze the acceleration of agrarian reform implemented by the government so that it has an impact on equitable land management. The impact on land ownership inequality is the occurrence of inequality in land ownership that is not balanced. The acceleration of the agrarian reform program is expected to answer the problem of inequality in assets and access, especially to the object of agrarian reform. This research was conducted through a normative juridical method with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The agrarian reform journey through accelerating agrarian reform in structuring assets and compliance with access to produce justice for people who need land for prosperity in life. The state constitution's mandate towards agrarian resources is that the state economy is structured and aimed at the greatest prosperity of the people by developing forms of populist economy. The benchmark for the success of agrarian reform will be the creation of equal distribution of land ownership for prosperity and justice.Keywords: agrarian reform; asset management; justice; provision of accessAbstrakTujuan hukum penelitian ini untuk menganalisa percepatan reforma agraria yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah sehingga berdampak terhadap penataan tanah berkeadilan. Dampak terhadap ketimpangan kepemilikan tanah yaitu terjadinya kesenjangan terhadap kepemilikan tanah yang tidak seimbang. Perceaptan program reforma agraria diharapkan mampu menjawab permasalahan atas ketimpangan terhadap asset dan akses terutama pada objek reforma agraria. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konsep. Perjalanan reforma agraria melalui percepatan reforma agraria dalam penataan aset dan penaatan akses sebagai upaya untuk menghasilkan keadilan terhadap masyarakat yang membutuhkan tanah untuk kesejahteraan dalam kehidupan. Amanah konstitusi negara terhadap sumber agraria bahwa perekonomian negara disusun dan ditujukan untuk sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat dengan mengembangkan bentuk-bentuk ekonomi kerakyatan. Tolak ukur terhadap keberhasilan reforma agraria akan terciptanya pemerataan terhadap kepemilikan tanah untuk kesejahteraan dan keadilan.  
Veritas et Justitia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Veritas et Justitia
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Parahyangan Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25123/vej.v7i1.3935


The author examines and describes how agrarian reform is realized during different government periods. To do that, policy, and legal documents, directly or indirectly related to agrarian reform, is analysed. This research reveals that attempt at agrarian reform up to present is focussed developing policies aiming to restructure land ownership and utilization (land reform).   Another finding is that the promulgation of Law No. 11 of 2020 (Law on Job Creation) tends to shift the focus more on granting easy access to land for development purposes. This change of policy priority will have dire consequence to access to land for the poor and most likely increase agrarian conflicts.
Dampak Perpindahan Ibu Kota Negara terhadap Pemulihan Ekonomi dalam Perspektif Persaingan Usaha Deny Slamet Pribadi; Setiyo Utomo
Jurnal Persaingan Usaha Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Persaingan Usaha
Publisher : Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.163 KB) | DOI: 10.55869/kppu.v2i.28


Perpindahan ibu kota negara sebagai upaya untuk pemerataan ekonomi sehingga perlu ditinjau dari beberapa aspek terutama dalam aspek ekonomi, hukum dan masyarakat. Tinjauan umum dalam perpindahan ibu kota negara pada aspek persaingan usaha tentu menjadi hal yang menarik untuk dikaji sebagaimana terdapat investor yang akan masuk dalam proses pembangunan ibu kota negara. Permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah apa saja faktor yang melatarbelakangi perpindahan ibu kota negara dalam pemulihan ekonomi dan bagaimana dampak perpindahan ibu kota negara terhadap pemulihan ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis faktor dan dampak perpindahan ibu kota negara dalam pemulihan ekonomi. Pemulihan ekonomi tentu berhubungan dengan konsep ekonomi pembangunan hingga iklim persaingan usaha pada pelaku usaha sehingga penting untuk melihat aspek persaingan usaha hingga peran Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) dalam menjaga iklim persaingan usaha. Hasil penelitian ini tentu menjelaskan faktor dan dampak perpindahan ibu kota negara dalam pemerataan ekonomi yang berakibat pada pemulihan ekonomi. Peran Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) dalam pemulihan ekonomi sangatlah penting salah satunya terciptanya lapangan kerja. Beberapa negara yang berhasil memindahkan ibu kota negara salah satunya Kazakhstan sebagaimana terdapat pertimbangan sebelum perpindahan ibu kota negara sehingga Negara Indonesia dapat mencontoh atau dapat gambaran terhadap proses perpindahan ibu kota negara. Perpindahan ibu kota negara tidak hanya sekedar memindahkan pusat Pemerintahan namun ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan terutama masyarakat di wilayah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa perpindahan ibu kota negara harus mencerminkan masa depan bangsa Indonesia sehingga perpindahan ibu kota negara tidak hanya sekedar memindahkan atau memisahkan pusat Pemerintahan dan bisnis namun ada nilai dan norma yang diterapkan dalam perpindahan ibu kota negara. Pemerataan ekonomi akan memberikan peluang bagi pelaku usaha di wilayah timur sehingga menumbuhkan daya tarik pelaku usaha untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja sehingga terjadinya pemulihan ekonomi di wilayah tersebut. Kata Kunci: Perpindahan; Pemerataan Ekonomi; Pemulihan Ekonomi; Persaingan Usaha. Abstract The relocation of national’s capital as an effort for the economic equity need to be studied/reviewed from several aspect especially within economic, legal and society aspect. An overview in national’s capital relocation within business aspect surely will become an interesting thing to be reviewed as for the investors who will join in the process of national capital development. This research aims to study and analyze about the factors and impacts of national capital relocation within economic recovery. The economic recovery is definitely related to the concept of economic development as well as the business competition’s scene for the business actors for it is essential to look up the aspect of business competition up to the role of business competition supervisory commission in maintaining the scene of business competition. The result of this research explained about the factors and impacts of the national’s capital relocation within economic equity which caused the economic recovery. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has very important roles in economic recovery which one of them is the jobs creation. There are some countries that have succeeded in relocated their national capital, one of them is Kazakhstan which has some consideration before doing the relocation of national capital as for Indonesia can imitate or get an overview to the process of national capital relocation. The national’s capital relocation is not only about relocating the central government yet there are several things need to be concern of especially relate to the society in the East Kalimantan Province. This research conclude that the national capital relocation need to reflect the future of Indonesian so that it won’t be just relocating or separating the central government and business but also having the applied values and norms in the national’s capital relocation. The economic equity will provide the opportunities for business actors in eastern region in rising the business actors’ attractiveness to creating jobs field as well as the economic recovery in the region. Keywords: Displacement; Economic Equity; Economic Recovery; Business Competition.
Problematika Proses Pengadaan Tanah Setiyo Utomo
Jurnal Justisia : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Perundang-undangan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Law Department, Sharia and Law Faculty.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/justisia.v5i2.8452


The land has a social function; therefore, everyone has the right to make the best use of the land, from the land for agriculture to land to develop an area. This paper aims to analyze land acquisition problems in the West Kutai Regency and forms of legal protection for the community against land acquisition. This research method is normative juridical research. The land is fundamental to support the sustainable development of an area to impact the community whose land is designated for development. The legal umbrella still constrains land acquisition in West Kutai Regency in the form of regional regulations that provide access to the land acquisition process in the West Kutai Regency. The absence of legality of land certificates becomes an obstacle for the government to carry out land acquisition to trigger agrarian conflicts. For this reason, land acquisition, of course, the community must have a sense of sincerity if the land has been included in development activities. However, the government must provide compensation for communities affected by regional development. The concept of land acquisition carried out in an area must have a regional regulation formation in advance. In the land acquisition process, the community knows the legal basis, and the government has a legal basis in land acquisition. Justice for communities affected by land acquisition's impact, the government, must have an ideal system to provide justice for the community in terms of land acquisition. 
Equitable Partnership Arrangements for MSMEs During The Pandemic Setiyo Utomo; Deny Slamet Pribadi
Veteran Justice Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Veteran Justice Journal
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/vjj.v3i2.67


MSMEs are one of the most reliable drivers of the Indonesian economy. In carrying out Cooperation, MSMEs enter into partnership agreements with prominent business actors so that there will be legal consequences for the agreement. The COVID-19 pandemic period provides separate arrangements for implementing MSMEs so that they can survive during the COVID-19 pandemic. MSMEs, in this case, can be proven from employment and as a source of state income and reduce the number of poor people. The problem in this research is how to implement partnership arrangements for MSMEs during the pandemics and how to arrange partnerships for MSMEs from a business competition perspective. This study examines and analyzes the implementation of partnership arrangements for MSMEs from the perspective of business competition. This study certainly explains the factors and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic for MSME actors who carry out partnership agreements with prominent business actors who can provide justice.
CREPIDO Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Crepido November 2022
Publisher : Bagian Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/crepido.4.2.70-82


Perkembangan teknologi saat ini memberikan dampak terhadap sektor keuangan. Perubahan mempengaruhi sistem pengamanan dalam sektor keuangan. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk menganalisa terhadap transaksi di sektor keuangan secara elektonik dan dampak terhadap aktivitas yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian doktrinal, dengan pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan konseptual dengan analisa dengan metode deduktif. Hasil penelitian ini adanya bentuk penegakan hukum bagi perusahaan pinjaman online yang harus terdaftar terlebih dahulu di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan karena apabila tidak dilakukan pendaftaran akan mengakibatkan terhadap perlindungan hukum bagi masyarakat yang melakukan aktifitas pinjaman online.