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Journal : Sosio Konsepsia

Sosio Konsepsia Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Sosio Konsepsia
Publisher : Puslitbangkesos Kementerian Sosial RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33007/ska.v6i2.582


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran stress kerja perawat gerontik di Panti X (beserta responnya) yang akan digunakan dalam menyusun modul konseling berbasis pendekatan Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan metode kualitatif (wawancara mendalam) dan sebuah kuesioner hanya untuk membantu melengkapi gambaran kualitatifnya. Kuesioner tersebut untuk mengukur tingkat stress kerja terhadap 3 partisipan. Kuesioner diperoleh dari penelitian Jusnimar (2012) yang hanya dimodifikasi sedikit tanpa mengubah validitas serta reliabilitasnya untuk melengkapi hasil penelitian ini. Teori stress kerja yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terutama mengacu pada teori Lazarus. Hasil penelitian ini ialah 1 partisipan mengalami stress berkadar berat, 1 partisipan mengalami stress berkadar sedang, dan 1 partisipan mengalami stress berkadar ringan. Untuk menangani stress kerja yang dialami, ketiga partisipan ini kerapkali menggunakan cara-cara yang dominan mengarah kepada emotion focused coping daripada problem focused coping. Ketiga partisipan belum memperoleh solusi terarah untuk mengatasi permasalahannya. Modul konseling berbasis SFBT dalam penelitian ini ditujukan bagi para perawat di Panti X, terutama para partisipan, untuk mengatasi stress kerja yang dialami secara lebih memadai.  Kata kunci: Stress Kerja, Perawat Gerontik, Solution Focused Brief Therapy Abstract This study aims to get a work stress description of geriatric nurses at X Institution (with its responses) that will be used in preparing a module-based counseling approach of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). This descriptive study uses qualitative method (in-depth interviews) and a questionnaire only to help complete the qualitative description. That questionnaire for measuring level of work stress on three participants. The questionnaire which obtained from Jusnimar’s research (2012) was modified slightly without change its validity and its reliability as a result complement. Theory of work stress that be used in this study mainly refers to Lazarus’ theory. The results are 1 participant experiences severe stress level, 1 participant experiences moderate stress level, and 1 participant experiences mild stress level. To cope with the work stress which experienced by them, these three participants often use ways that lead to emotion focused coping dominantly than problem focused coping. All three participants do not have targeted solutions to resolve their own problems. A module-based counseling approach of SFBT in this study is addressed for nurses in an X Institution, especially the participants, to overcome the work stress that experienced more adequately. Key words: Work Stress, Geriatric Nurse, Solution Focused Brief TherapyÂ