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Transformative Learning dalam Membangun Pesantren Berbasis Multikultural Syamsul Ma'arif
Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi dan Aplikasi Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi dan Aplikasi
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (98.579 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jppfa.v1i1.1051


Abstrak Semangat membangun pesantren berbasis multikultural, harus diawali dengan perubahan fundamental dalam proses belajar mengajar di pesantren, menuju ke arah transformative learning. Pendidikan pesantren  yang cenderung monolog  (kaku dan satu arah antara kiyai-santri), perlu digeser ke arah sistem  dan metode dialogis-kritis. Dari sistem “pengajian” dan mono-disipliner ke arah “pengkajian” serta bersifat interdisipliner studies.  Dengan harapan pesantren yang terkenal sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang selalu berdimensi metafisik ini, terbiasa dengan “perbedaan” dan responsive terhadap perkembangan zaman. Selain itu, pesantren perlu mempersiapkan kurikulum yang dapat menumbuhkan multikulturalisme serta mampu menggali sisi –sisi perdamaian dan toleransi. Tujuan transformative learning di pesantren berbasis multikultural tiada lain adalah  mempersiapkan generasi yang inklusif dan akomodatif terhadap keanekaragaman masyarakat, yang memiliki perbedaan agama, etnis dan kultur. Santri yang memiliki wawasan luas dan mampu melintas batas tradisi dan keagamaan serta memiliki kepedulaian terhadap peran agama dalam memecahkan problem sosial yang ada. Kata kunci: pesantren, multikultural dan  transformative teaching
”Rent Seeking Behaviour” dalam Relasi birokrasi dan Dunia Bisnis Syamsul Ma'arif
NATAPRAJA 2011: Proceeding Simposium Nasional Ilmu Administrasi Negara
Publisher : Yogyakarta State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.029 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jnp.v0i0.3264


Private sector is one of the important element in the economic system driven by mar­ ket mechanism. It means that development process needs the entrepreneur group which is characterized as competitive and independent. However in Indonesia, this faction never grew yet since Indonesia took independence. What happened in Indonesia is the rise of group named “ client entrepreneur “ ( client businessmen) which  their existence is highly dependent on the “patronage” and protection given by the state. While economic globaliza­ tion which recently wide spreads over the world demands governments to reduce their in­ volvement in many economic activity in order to increase the role of private sector. This last phenomenon happened since too large involvement of government bureaucracies have resulted failure and un-efficiency. That’s why numerous countries, including to Indonesia, conducted economic reforms to open the greater room to market mechanism.   Keywords : businessmen, bureaucracy, economics
DEMOKRASI Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Volume 1, Nomor 1 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (551.428 KB) | DOI: 10.36269/dmkr.v1i1.130


The development of Indonesia socio-political situation in the past two decades has encouraged the idea of the need for the government to share roles with non-governmental forces, such as the private sector and the public. Good governance is as a system that allows constructive synergies between the government, the private sector and civil society in the implementation of development. Even the World Bank specifically confirms the important role of good governance in achieving successful development. In this system. the state or government functions to create a conducive political and legal environment, the private sector encourages the creation of employment and community income, while the community itself accommodates social political interaction and participates in various economic, social and political activities. This paper will focus more on the study of efforts to revitalize the government bureaucracy in the midst of configuration changes towards efforts to realize good governance. Keywords: Bureaucracy, Good Governance, Development