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Diksi Vol 28, No 2: DIKSI SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/diksi.v28i2.33104


(Title: Indonesian Identity in Drama’s Nyanyi Sunyi Revolusi by Amir Hamzah).This paper will examine the beginning period of Indonesia which is represented in the drama. The past events which occurred more than seventy years ago are now retold, not only to re-establish who Amir Hamzah was, but also to explain the Indonesian identity and the roles he played in building a nationality. Amir Hamzah, one of the great authors of Indonesia who also contributed in formulating the archipelago as Indonesia, who advocated Malay language as the language of unity of Indonesia, should be killed by several young men because he was a sultan’s nephew. Those young men considered the Sultans and their families as Dutch henchmen. The tragic story of Amir Hamzah’s life was staged in a drama titled “Nyanyi Sunyi Revolusi” (trans. The Quiet Singing of Revolution)which with the scripts was written by Ahda Imran. Socio-political conditions give rise to the need to define ‘self’. This requires serious rethinking. This drama also illustrates the identity of Indonesia after independence. In other words, literature describes history from a different view. By using the principle of New Historicism, this paper will explain the complex problem that occurred in Indonesia after independence until the 50s. Besides, it also will describe “Indonesian Identity” in the drama “Nyanyi Sunyi Revolusi”. In this context, Indonesian literary texts which reflect Indonesian history can be positioned as historical reading from a different version.Keywords: identity, Indonesian, revolution, new historicism.
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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Abstrak: Tulisan ini ingin membuktikan bahwa identitas sebuah bangsa dapat dibaca melalui karya sastra. New Historicism berkeyakinan bahwa selalu ada kaitan antara teks dan sejarah. Pemikiran ini memberi persfektif bahwa “kenyataan sejarah” tidak lagi tunggal dan absolut, tetapi bisa bermacam-macam versi dan sudut pandang. Tulisan ini akan mendeskrispkan “identitas keindonesiaan” dalam drama Indonesia tahun 70-an. Dalam konteks demikian teks sastra Indonesia yang merefleksikan sejarah Indonesia dapat diposisikan sebagai pembacaan sejarah dari versi yang lain. Oleh karena itu, perspektif new historicism menjadi tepat digunakan untuk mendedah fenomena teks sastra yang demikian: yakni, dengan cara menyuguhkan kenyataan-kenyataan di luar teks sejarah yang mainstream. Pendekatan new historicism tidak memisahkan karya sastra dengan pengarangnya, juga tidak memisahkan karya sastra itu dengan konteks zamannya. Teks yang dijadikan objek penelitian adalah Ben Go Tun (1977) karya Saini K.M. dan Topeng (1972) Karya Ikranagara. Teks sengaja dipilih yang terbit awal tahun 70-an dan akhir tahun 70-an agar identitas dalam rentang sepuluh tahun bisa dibandingkan sehingga dapat memberi gambaran bagaimana Indonesia dalam kurun waktu tersebut. Dari analisis kedua drama tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ketimpangan sosial menjadi menjadi masalah utama. Kata-kata Kunci: sejarah, drama, identitas, keindonesiaan, new historicism
The Narrator's Perception of Homosexual in Catetan Poean Rere By Ai Koraliati And My Cousin Is Gay By Lia Indra Andriana Zulfikar Alamsyah; Lina Meilinawati Rahayu; Teddi Muhtadin
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.3987


The purpose of this study is to reveal the narrator's perception of homosexuality and the ideology contained in the Noveletet Catetan Poéan Réré and the teenlit Novelet My Cousin is Gay. The method used in this research is descriptive analytic. Reading and taking notes are the data collection techniques of this study. The data processing technique used is data triangulation. The results of this study indicate that there are eight perceptions of the narrator towards homosexuals, namely homosexuality as a disgrace that must be hidden, a wrong deed, a disease that must be cured, a person who is strange or not in general, a difficult life to live, a bad person, a trial that given by God, and one's life choices that must be respected. There are two ideologies in Catetan Poéan Réré's Noveletet, namely the ideology of conservatism and the ideology of theism. Likewise in the teenlit Novelet My Cousin is Gay which has two ideologies, namely the ideology of conservatism and the ideology of liberalism. The conclusion in this study is that negative perceptions of homosexual behavior are more dominant in both literary works. The ideologies in the Noveletet Catetan Poéan Réré have a close correlation because the two ideologies try to maintain heterosexuality in their society. The author and the narrator have the same voice in addressing homosexual behavior. While the ideology in the teenlit Novelet My Cousin is Gay has no correlation. The author and several characters in the story have a conservatism ideology that tries to maintain heteronormativity. This is contrary to the ideology of liberalism that appears in the middle of the story through the narrator's point of view. Therefore, the writer and narrator in this Novelet do not have the same voice in dealing with homosexuals.
Perubahan Identitas Musik Pop pada Versi Cover di Indonesia Dessyratna Putry; Aquarini Priyatna; Lina Meilinawati Rahayu
INVENSI (Jurnal Penciptaan dan Pengkajian Seni) Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1086.217 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/invensi.v3i2.2414


Abstrak: lagu Sh-Boom karya Crew Cuts (musisi kulit hitam) yang awalnya bekemudian berubah menjadi genre pop oleh musisi kulit puith. Lagu Shorisinal dipublikasikan pada 19 Juni 1954 dan versi cover-nya munculPada 10 Juli 1954 lagu Sh-Boom masuk dalam daftar lagu-lagu pop hitahun kemudian versi cover ini direkam dan dipublikasikan sebagai lagoleh musisi kulit putih. Pada masa itu sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah musisi kulit hitam di-cover oleh musisi kulit putih. Sindrom cover versaja disebabkan oleh permasalahan rasisme, melainkan juga karena pantara label rekaman keduanya. Sementara itu, sejarah versi cover di Indonesia ditulis oleh Wa216) dalam Modern Noise, Fluid Genres: Popular Music in Indonesia, 1 Penelitian ini membahas perubahan identitas musik pop Indonesia yang dipublikasikan melalui situs YouTube. Lagu yang diteliti adalah Akad dari Payung Teduh yang di-cover oleh Mas Paijo dan Pamit dari Tulus yang di-cover oleh Sintesa Vocal Play. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan transit dan transisi dengan kajian tekstual dan kontekstual pada identitas kedua lagu tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk menemukan bagaimana identitas musik (lagu) beserta musisinya mengalami perubahan; dari versi orisinal menjadi versi cover. Dalam penelitian ini dipahami bahwa versi cover merupakan bentuk pembaruan musikal. Penjelasan mengenai perubahan identitas dalam kedua versi ini dibahas pada dua substansi. Pertama, narasi tentang peran teknologi dalam pembaruan musikal; kedua, uraian tentang perubahan identitas dalam narasi musikal yang meliputi lirik lagu, format lagu, instrumentasi, video musik berserta musisinya. Dengan demikian, perubahan identitas yang ditelaah dalam penelitian ini meliputi dua versi lagu: orisinal dan cover dengan dua narasi yang berbeda. Abstract: contohnya: Band Tor yang meng-cover lagu-lagu Jimi Hendrix, Rastafarlagu-lagu Bob Marley kemudian T-Five meng-cover lagu-lagu Korn and saat itu versi cover diciptakan bukan hanya dari segi komposisi musiknyjuga pada aksi panggungnya. Hingga kini versi cover semakin berkembangdiunggah melalui situs YouTube. Fenomena cover version yang tidak terlepas dari penggunaan tmengantarkan pada pembahasan bagaimana teknologi dan seni (musik)ini diuraikan oleh Yangni (2016: 4-5) bahwa kaitan antara seni dan teknolsejarah relasi keduanya tampak terpisah, namun secara esensial keduany Merunut mundur pada zaman Yunani, tidak ada pemisahan sama sekaliteknologi. Keduanya sama dan satu dilakukan oleh tiap individu dalam This research discusses changing identity of Indonesian pop music’s that was published on YouTube. Spesifically, there are two song’s (consist of original version and cover version) discussed here: firstly, Akad original version by Payung Teduh and cover version by Mas Paijo; secondly, Pamit original version by Tulus and cover version by Sintesa Vocal Play. This research applies transit and transition approach in which the signs in textual and contextual data are examined in their identity. The aim of this research is to find out how music and musician identity are represented in their song’s include in cover version. This research shows that cover version is defined as music renewal of the whole music and musician narration. Description about changing identity in both version (original and cover) was observed in two subject. Firstly, narration about technology involvement in music renewal and secondly, description about changing identity in musical narration (including in song lyrics, song forms, instrumentation, music video and the musician). It can also be said that changing identity refers to both version (original and cover) with two different descriptions.
MEDAN MAKNA: Jurnal Ilmu Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 13, No 1 (2015): Vol. 13, No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/mm.v13i1.1226


Utsukushisa to Kanashimi to novel was written by Yasunari kawabata, published 1969. This research followed by the analysis of gender construction Otoko within patriarchy environment. Feminist literature critism is a discourse emphasizing on how literature should be done through feminist perpektive. The important things of feminist literature critism are the way the women are described, how a text could be related to gender, and any feminist ideas depicted in the story. The result of this research proves that Otoko faces gender construction such as marginalization, subordinations, sterotyping and sexual violences. Meanwhile, the ideas of feminism in the story are about a woman‟s independence.
Aktualisasi Mitos “Sangkuriang” dan “Lutung Kasarung” dalam Novel “Déng” Karya Godi Suwarna Deri Hudaya; Lina Meilinawati Rahayu; Hazbini Hazbini Hazbini
PANGGUNG Vol 25, No 4 (2015): Representasi, Transformasi, Identitas dan Tanda Dalam Karya Seni
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.288 KB) | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v25i4.44


ABSTRACTMyth and novel are two kinds of literatures which are different. Myth arised from oral tradition, spiritual art, and primordial of human belief. While novel arised from written tradition that grows from modern culture which identifies the rasio. This research is conducted to see the relationship between myth and Sundanesses novel, and also to know the actualization of myth Sangkuriang and Lutung Kasarung which are retold by Déng’s novel from Godi Suwarna.Keyword: lutung kasarung, sangkuriang, déng, myth, novel ABSTRAKMitos dan novel merupakan dua bentuk karya sastra yang berbeda. Mitos berangkat dari tradisi lisan, seni spiritual, dan kepercayaan masyarakat primordial. Sementara Novel berangkat dari tradisi tulis, berakar pada kebudayaan modern yang bercirikan rasio. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pertemuan antara mitos dan novel Sunda, aktualisasi mitos Sangkuriang dan Lutung Kasarung yang diartikulasikan melalui novel Déng karya Godi Suwarna.Kata kunci: lutung kasarung, sangkuriang, déng, mitos, novel
Cultural Acculluration in Sunda Translation Raudhatul Irfan Fi Ma'rifati Al-Qur'an Dewi Kuraesin; Dade Mahzuni; Lina Meilinawati Rahayu
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 4 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i4.7157


There are several points that need to be considered regarding cultural acculturation including, what elements are accepted, what elements are not acceptable, what channels are used, through what institutions, and why they can be accepted. Of course, these points relate to the acculturation of Sundanese culture and Islamic teachings, especially in the Sundanese. Regarding the elements that can be accepted by Islamic teachings into Sundanese culture, namely Islamic teachings are not much different from the character of Sundanese culture at the time of its initial spread. Meanwhile, elements that cannot be accepted in acculturating Sundanese culture and Islamic teachings, especially in terms of creed. Regarding the channels used in acculturating Sundanese culture and Islamic teachings in the Sundanese, it has been going on since the kingdoms of Cirebon and Banten began exploring remote areas in West Java.KH Ahmad Sanoesi who succeeded in acculturating Sundanese culture and spreading religious ideas in Sundanese land, especially in Sukabumi through his Islamic boarding school educational institutions.Thus the acculturation of Sundanese culture and Islamic teachings became the main factor in the ease with which Islamic teachings spread to Sundanese society. The supporting theory in this research is Islamicate from Marshall G Hodgshon's statement and Vernacularization by Anthony H Johns. Thus, that there is a statement "Urang Sunda mah geus Islam memeh Islam" made by KH Hasan Mustopa is a clear proof of the many acculturation of Sundanese culture and Islamic teachings that have merged into the Sundanese Tatar so that Islamic teachings are easily accepted by the majority of Sundanese people.