Muh. Abdul Aziz
Universitas Diponegoro

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Imaji Vol 15, No 1 (2017): IMAJI APRIL
Publisher : FBS UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.451 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/imaji.v15i1.15686


AbstrakEkonomi kreatif menjadi salah satu tulang punggung pertumbuhan perekonomian Negara. Kita dapat mengamati bahwa industri kreatif semakin aktif sehingga penyerapan tenaga kerja akan semakin tinggi dan dapat di pastikan pengangguran akan semakin berkurang. Terbukti pada tahun 2014 ekonomi kreatif berkontribusi sebesar 7,1% terhadap PDB nasional, mampu menyerap 12 juta tenaga kerja, serta memberikan kontribusi perolehan devisa negara sebesar 5,8%. Namun beberapa sub-sektor yang ada di dalam ekonomi kreatif, potensi di bidang seni (kriya, seni rupa, tari, dan musik) masih dirasa kurang maksimal. Artikel ini merupakan sebuah upaya menganalisis potensi seni di bidang ekonomi kreatif dalam memaksimalkan penjualan produk/jasa kesenian. Peneliti mencoba mengkaji potensi seni dengan menggunakan teori dari Philip Kotler, yaitu teori bauran pemasaran (marketing mix). Alat-alat bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) yang populer sering digunakan meliputi: produk (product), harga (price), saluran distribusi (place), dan promosi (promotion). Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif dengan metode studi literatur.Kata kunci: produk seni, ekonomi kreatif, bauran pemasaran. NUSANTARA ART PRODUCTS IN THE CONTEXT OF CREATIVE ECONOMYAbstractCreative economy has become one of the backbones of the country’s economy growth. We can observe that the creative industries are increasingly active so the absorption of labor will be higher and can make sure that unemployment will be reduced. Proven in 2014 the creative economy account for 7.1% to GDP, able to absorb 12 million workforce, as well as foreign exchange earnings contributing countries amounted to 5.8%. However, some sub-sectors in the creative economy, the potential in the field of Arts (fine art, craft, dance, and music) are still considered insufficient. This article will analyze the potential of art in economics creative in maximizing the sales of your products/services. Researchers try to assess the potential of art by using the theory of Philip Kotler, i.e. the theory of marketing mix. The tools of marketing mix (the marketing mix) which is popular often used include: product (product), the price (price), the distribution channels (place), and promotion (promotion). This study used a descriptive-qualitative approach using methods of study of literature.Keywords: art product, creative economic, the marketing mix.