Marthunus Judin
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The Difference of Airway Irritative Effect of Halotane and Isoflurane as Inhalational Anestethic Setyawan, Whendi; Judin, Marthunus; Murti, Bhisma
Nexus Kedokteran Klinik Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Nexus Kedokteran Klinik
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (14.042 KB)


Background:Isoflurane and halothane have been used broadly. Airway irritation is one of the side effect from both isoflurane and halothane and have fairly important clinical implication in the provision of both anestethic agent. Methods:The Research is observational analitic research. The population of the research was the patient completed surgery with general anesteshia in IBS(InstalasiBedahSentral) RSUD dr. Moewardi, Surakarta and was transferred to the ward. The data of odynophagia and the incidence of chough were analyzed using Chi Square method. Results:This quote sampling research uses 30 samples divided into two groups, 15 peoples get Isoflurane as their anestethic agent, the other 15 get Halothane. The results of all samples obtained from both groups experienced a sense of hoarseness in the throat. Data incidence of odynophagia obtained that 15 patients of isoflurane experienced odynophagia and 7 patients found in the halothane. Data incidence of chough obtained that 7 patients of isoflurane experienced chough and none of the halothane patient experienced chough. Analitical result on the incidence of odynophagia obtained that patients given isoflurane are at risk for odynophagia 35.13 times greater than halothane, and the increased risk was statistically significant (OR: 35.13, 95% CI 1.78 to 693.30, p = 0.002) and the results cough incidence analysis, found patients given isoflurane are at risk for experiencing cough 27.35 times greater than halothane, and the increased risk was statistically significant (OR: 27.35, 95% CI 1:36 to 539.7, p = 0.004). Conclusions:The conclusions of this study isisoflurane has the effect of irritating the respiratory tract is greater than halothane as inhaled anesthetic. Isoflurane itself can still be used in elective surgery such as halothane when accompanied by adequate premedication Keywords:Isoflurane-Halothane-Iritation-Airway. 
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 9, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jurkes.v9i1.3404


Cairan tubuh manusia sekitar 60% dari berat badan (BB) tubuhyang terdiri dari elektrolit dan non elektrolit. Resusitasi cairan pada pasien operasi harus dimonitoring dengan baik untuk menghindari terjadinya gangguan keseimbangan asam basa tubuh. Pemberian cairan pada pasien yang akan operasi, khususnya section caesaria (SC). Monitoring elektrolit pasien yang menjalani operasi penting dilakukan. Penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh pemberian cairan kristaloid dan koloid sebagai cairan pengganti pasien yang menjalani operasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh antara kristaloid dan koloid terhadap perubahan elektrolit (Na, K, Cl) pasca operasi sectio caesaria. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Bedah Pusat RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, dimulai pada bulan Juni sampai September 2015. Jenis penelitian eksperimental berupa uji klinik dengan desain single blind pre and post test accidental control trial pada pasien yang menjalani operasi sectio caesaria elektif dan emergensi sebagai subyek penelitian. Kelompok penelitian dibagi menjadidua yaitu kelompok Kristaloid (K1), dan Koloid (K2). Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kadar elektrolit (Na, K, dan Cl) sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok yang diberi cairan ringerfundin dimana terjadi penurunan kadar Na = 2,0% , K = 12,1% , dan Cl = 3,2%. Ringerfundin dan tetraspan sama-sama dapat mencegah turunnya elektrolit pada pasien operasi (p>0,05). Pada kelompok ringerfundin terjadi penurunan/perubahan kadar elektrolit yang signifikan (p<0,05), sedangkan pada kelompok tetraspan kadarelektrolit tidak terjadi penurunan/perubahan signifikan (p>0,05) sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengaruh pemberian ringerfundin dan tetraspan terhadap perubahan kadar elektrolit.Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan pengaruh pemberian ringerfundin dan tetraspan terhadap perubahan kadar elektrolit dimana pemberian tetraspan sebagai?airan perioperatif dapat mempertahankan keseimbangan kadar elektrolit tubuh lebih baik daripada cairan ringerfundin.
The Difference of Airway Irritative Effect of Halotane and Isoflurane as Inhalational Anestethic Whendi Setyawan; Marthunus Judin; Bhisma Murti
Nexus Kedokteran Klinik Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Nexus Kedokteran Klinik
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (14.042 KB)


Background:Isoflurane and halothane have been used broadly. Airway irritation is one of the side effect from both isoflurane and halothane and have fairly important clinical implication in the provision of both anestethic agent. Methods:The Research is observational analitic research. The population of the research was the patient completed surgery with general anesteshia in IBS(InstalasiBedahSentral) RSUD dr. Moewardi, Surakarta and was transferred to the ward. The data of odynophagia and the incidence of chough were analyzed using Chi Square method. Results:This quote sampling research uses 30 samples divided into two groups, 15 peoples get Isoflurane as their anestethic agent, the other 15 get Halothane. The results of all samples obtained from both groups experienced a sense of hoarseness in the throat. Data incidence of odynophagia obtained that 15 patients of isoflurane experienced odynophagia and 7 patients found in the halothane. Data incidence of chough obtained that 7 patients of isoflurane experienced chough and none of the halothane patient experienced chough. Analitical result on the incidence of odynophagia obtained that patients given isoflurane are at risk for odynophagia 35.13 times greater than halothane, and the increased risk was statistically significant (OR: 35.13, 95% CI 1.78 to 693.30, p = 0.002) and the results cough incidence analysis, found patients given isoflurane are at risk for experiencing cough 27.35 times greater than halothane, and the increased risk was statistically significant (OR: 27.35, 95% CI 1:36 to 539.7, p = 0.004). Conclusions:The conclusions of this study isisoflurane has the effect of irritating the respiratory tract is greater than halothane as inhaled anesthetic. Isoflurane itself can still be used in elective surgery such as halothane when accompanied by adequate premedication Keywords:Isoflurane-Halothane-Iritation-Airway.