I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara
Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana

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E-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana VOLUME.09.NO.08.TAHUN 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (811.754 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/EEB.2020.v09.i08.p04


This study uses Lintner's (1956) dividend estimation model to test the effect of earnings and leverage on dividend policy. The population in this study is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2014 to 2016. Sampling research conducted by purposive sampling technique which further collected as many as 52 company samples with 139 observations. This study meets the pre-assumption test required as a requirement to perform multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that: (1) earnings has a positive effect on dividend policy, (2) leverage has no negative affect on dividend policy.
Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, Leverage Dan Kepemilikan Saham Publik Pada Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility I Komang Gede Surya Andriana; I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara
E-Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 29 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/EJA.2019.v29.i01.p08


Corporate Social Responsibility is a strategy that is applied by a company as evidence of the company's social responsibility to the environment and social companies so that the company can grow sustainably. This study aims to determine the effect of company size, profitability, leverage and public share ownership on CSR disclosures of food and beverage companies. Measurement of index of social responsibility disclosure with Global Reporting Initiative Generation 4.This research was conducted on food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2014-2016 period. Samples were selected using purposive sampling and obtained 33 data that met the sample criteria. The research data was analyzed using multiple linear regression methods. The results showed that firm size and profitability had a positive effect on Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure, while Leverage and public share ownership had no effect on the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility. Keywords : Corporate Social Responsibility; company size; profitability; leverage; public share ownership.
Moderasi Manacika Parisudha terhadap Pengaruh Skeptisme Profesional pada Deteksi Kecurangan Anak Agung Ngurah Agung Kresnandra; I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara
E-Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 31 No 6 (2021)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/EJA.2021.v31.i06.p17


This study aims to determine the effect of the moderating variable Manacika Parisudha on the effect of professional auditor skepticism on fraud detection. To achieve the research objectives, primary data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires that had passed the instrument test with 60 respondents holding internal supervisory positions such as internal auditors, accountants and taxation. This research uses quota sampling method. The hypothesis was tested using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The results found that Auditor Professional Skepticism had a positive and significant effect on Fraud Detection¸ and Manacika Parisudha did not strengthen the positive influence of Professional Auditor Skepticism on Fraud Detection. Keywords: Auditor's Professional Skepticism; Manacika Parisudha; Fraud Detection.
Moderasi Persepsi Kegunaan dan Kemudahan Pembelajaran terhadap Pengaruh Minat Belajar pada Tingkat Pemahaman Akuntansi Anak Agung Ngurah Agung Kresnandra; I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara
E-Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 32 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/EJA.2022.v32.i01.p07


This study aims to determine the moderating ability of the perceived usefulness and convenience of online learning media at OASE Udayana on the influence of accounting students' learning interest on their level of accounting understanding. The primary data of this research is the distribution of questionnaires using purposive sampling method. The collected data is first tested for the fulfillment of the classical assumption requirements, then analyzed using the technique of moderated regression analysis (MRA). The results of this study are that interest in learning statistically affects the level of accounting understanding, perceptions of the usefulness of online learning media are not able to strengthen or weaken the influence of interest in learning on the level of accounting understanding and perceived ease of moderating the effect of interest in learning on the level of accounting understanding. Keywords: Learning Interests; Perceptions of Usefulness; Perceptions of Ease; Level of Accounting Understanding.
Pengaruh Penerapan Prinsip-Prinsip Good Corporate Governance pada Kinerja Bank Perkreditan Rakyat di Kabupaten Badung I Wayan Sukardika; I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara; I Made Andika Pradnyana Wistawan
E-Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 30 No 8 (2020)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/EJA.2020.v30.i08.p10


Transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness are basic principles in implementing GCG. This study used a survey method with a questionnaire technique that was distributed to 37 BPRs. The sample used was 74 and each of them was taken two respondents from each BPR in the financial section and in the general section in Badung Regency. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling method. The analysis technique used is a simple linear regression analysis using SPSS. This study shows the results that the application of the principles of good corporate governance which includes transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness has a positive effect on the performance of Rural Credit Banks in Badung Regency. Keywords: Good Corporate Governance; Balanced Scorecard; The Performance.
Pengaruh Kebijakan Dividen terhadap Laba di Masa Depan I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara
E-Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 30 No 9 (2020)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/EJA.2020.v30.i09.p20


This study uses Lintner's (1956) dividend policy estimation model to examine the effect of earnings and earnings. Leverage on dividend policies. The population in this study were manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2014 and 2016. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling technique, which then took 52 sample companies with 139 observations for the first stage analysis and 46 sample companies with 79 observations. for analysis at the second stage. This study fulfills the classical assumption test which is required as a condition for conducting multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that dividend policy has no positive effect on future earnings.This study uses Lintner's (1956) dividend policy estimation model to examine the effect of earnings and earnings. Leverage on dividend policies. The population in this study were manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2014 and 2016. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling technique, which then took 52 sample companies with 139 observations for the first stage analysis and 46 sample companies with 79 observations. for analysis at the second stage. This study fulfills the classical assumption test which is required as a condition for conducting multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that dividend policy has no positive effect on future earnings. Keywords: Estimation Model; Dividend Policy; Profit; Leverage; Future Profits.
Moderasi Kesesuaian Tingkat Keterampilan, Interkoneksi, dan Organizational Innovativeness Terhadap Efektivitas Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Anak Agung Ngurah Agung Kresnandra; I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara
E-Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 32 No 8 (2022)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/EJA.2022.v32.i08.p18


This study aims to determine the effect of Accounting Information Systems on individual performance and the moderating effect of skill level suitability, interconnection, and organizational innovativeness variables on individual performance. The research was conducted at the Office of the Ministry of Religion in Bali Province. The research population is the employees of the Ministry of Religion Office in Bali Province. The sample was determined by purposive sampling method with a sample of 73 employees as respondents. The analysis technique used is Moderated Regression Analysis. The results show that the effectiveness of the use of accounting information systems has a positive effect on individual performance, skill level strengthens the effect of the effectiveness of the use of accounting information systems on individual performance, interconnection does not moderate the effect of the effectiveness of using accounting information systems on individual performance and organizational innovativeness strengthens the effect of the effectiveness of using information systems. accounting for individual performance. Keywords: AIS Effectiveness, Skill Level Match, Interconnection, Organizational Innovativeness, Individual Performance.
Market Reaction to the Implementation of Coal Royalty Tariff Policy in Indonesia I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara; Ni Made Puji Andari
E-Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 33 No 9 (2023)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/EJA.2023.v33.i09.p10


The impact of government regulation on the mining industry is captivating to explore, specifically the newly reformed Coal Royalty Tariff. This present research captures the market's response to two tariff policy reforms, namely the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 25 of 2021 and Government Regulation Number 15 of 2022 building upon the semi-strong form market efficiency. T-Test analysis is used to test the hypothesis in which the abnormal returns from sample companies in the mining sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange surround the enactment of government regulations. There is no abnormal return that occurred around the enactment of Government Regulation Number 25 of 2021, while the enactment of Government Regulation Number 15 of 2022 do generate abnormal return. Results imply a solid relationship between changes in risk and the investors’ expected future profitability as investors’ expectations are depicted in the stock price movements. This concludes that uncertainty following changes in government regulation constitutes an additional premium required by the investors. Our findings provide empirical evidence to the literature of semi-strong form market efficiency hypothesis (EMH) displaying that the market response to the implementation of changes in policies, especially the government should give proper attention to the issue of determining tariffs and investors should evaluate their required premium based on the impact of tariff changes. Keywords: Stock Price, Coal Mining, Government Policies, Royalty Rate
Rasio Keuangan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 dan Nilai Perusahaan I Nyoman Gede Suwantara; I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara
E-Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 34 No 3 (2024)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/EJA.2024.v34.i03.p03


Share prices reflect changes in company value over time. It is likely that investments are generated by companies with strong financial performance, which can be a positive indicator of the company's growth and increase its market value. This research aims to determine the effect of financial ratios during the Covid-19 pandemic on company value. This research was conducted on all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2020-2022 period. The sampling method used a non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling technique and obtained 267 observations. The data collection method uses non-participant observation. The data analysis technique used is Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) for Windows. The research results show that profitability, solvency, liquidity and activity have a positive and significant effect on company value. This means that profitability, solvency, liquidity and activity can increase company value and provide a positive signal to investors.
Indonesian Capital Market Response to U.S. Federal Funds Rate Increase Announcements Ketut Bintang Maharani; I Nyoman Wijana Asmara Putra; I Wayan Gde Wahyu Purna Anggara
E-Jurnal Akuntansi Vol 34 No 6 (2024)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Udayana in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Indonesia, Bali Region

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/EJA.2024.v34.i06.p20


This research aims to examine whether there are abnormal returns due to the increase in the Federal Funds Rate (FFR) in the United States on February 1, 2023, March 24, 2023, May 3, 2023, and July 26, 2023. The observation period for this study spanned two days before and after each event, with a sample size of 250 companies obtained using the Cochran formula. The sampling method employed was simple random sampling. The data analysis technique utilized was the one-sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The results of the analysis indicate that of the four FFR increase events, only the event on March 24, 2023, resulted in a significant abnormal return. It was concluded that this FFR increase event had an impact. This significant abnormal return was predicted to be due to the normalization of policies on the Indonesian Stock Exchange, which occurred one day before the event (t-1) of the FFR increase on March 24, 2023.