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Journal Of Holistic Nursing Science Vol 3 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.072 KB)


  The situation is causing the elderly experience different kinds of stress one of which is the psychological stress, psychological stress is a set of physiological changes as a result of the body exposed to the danger of the threat. This stress can affect the physical and psychological affects the elderly. One is a healthy heart gymnastics, Gymnastics Healthy Heart is a sport that is prepared with always put the ability of the heart, the movement of large muscle and joint flexibility, as well as attempts to include as much oxygen as possible. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship healthy heart gymnastics with Stress Levels in the Elderly in Group Gymnastics Heart Healthy Heart Among Roso Ngluwar District of Magelang regency. The method used was a cross sectional, with a sample of 57 elderly. The instrument used was a questionnaire heart gymnastics and stress levels. Data processed by Spearman rank test. The result showed a p-value 0,000 < = 0.05, which means that therea is a relationship between a healthy heart gymnastics with the level of stress in Group Gymnastics Heart Healthy Heart Among Roso Ngluwar District of Magelang regency.
Journal of Holistic Nursing Science Vol 3 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.072 KB)


The situation is causing the elderly experience different kinds of stress one of which is the psychological stress, psychological stress is a set of physiological changes as a result of the body exposed to the danger of the threat. This stress can affect the physical and psychological affects the elderly. One is a healthy heart gymnastics, Gymnastics Healthy Heart is a sport that is prepared with always put the ability of the heart, the movement of large muscle and joint flexibility, as well as attempts to include as much oxygen as possible. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship healthy heart gymnastics with Stress Levels in the Elderly in Group Gymnastics Heart Healthy Heart Among Roso Ngluwar District of Magelang regency. The method used was a cross sectional, with a sample of 57 elderly. The instrument used was a questionnaire heart gymnastics and stress levels. Data processed by Spearman rank test. The result showed a p-value 0,000 < = 0.05, which means that therea is a relationship between a healthy heart gymnastics with the level of stress in Group Gymnastics Heart Healthy Heart Among Roso Ngluwar District of Magelang regency.
PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL & INTERNASIONAL 2015: Prosiding Bidang MIPA dan Kesehatan The 2nd University Research Colloquium
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Wound management is an important part in wound management of patients at the Hospital. In practice wound management is often overlooked by less applying knowledge continues to evolve today. Latest wound management is the principle of moist, which is conditioned wounds covered and accompanied bandage application by using a drug that can accelerate wound healing. This study was using descriptive approach. Subject were nurses who have worked in Hospital and interest with woundcare and selected by purposive sampling. The analysis data using univariate and bivariate. This devotion is done in Harapan Hospital by conducting seminar and workshop latest wound care, followed by practice on direct patient with injuries for a month. These activities are carried out in the span of two months implemented in the Harapan Hospital. The number of participants is 50 people during the workshop and 25 people on the presentation case. Results of this activity is an increase in knowledge and skills of nurses on the latest wound care and changing policies at the Hospital with special room as a wound care clinic by using the principles of modern wound care.Keywords: implementation, modern wound care
EKSTRAKSI DAN IDENTIFIKASI METABOLIT SEKUNDER DARI ISOLAT AL6 SERTA POTENSINYA SEBAGAI ANTIBAKTERI TERHADAP Escherichia coli Syarifuddin, Alfian; Kamal, Sodiq; Yuliastuti, Fitriana; Pradani, Missya Putri Kurnia; Septianingrum, Ni Made Ayu Nila
Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Balai Bioteknologi, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2891.129 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jbbi.v6i2.3516


Extraction and Identification of Secondary Metabolites from AL6 Isolates and Its Potential as Antibacterial against Escherichia coliABSTRACTSecondary metabolites in the form of antibiotics can be produced by rhizospheric bacteria. AL6 bacterial isolate, which is one of the bacterial isolates from the rhosphere of Saccarum officinarum L., is known to produce antibiotic compounds. This study aims to determine the activity of antibiotics from AL6 ethyl acetate extracts produced by AL6 bacterial isolates, to analyze the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the similarity of the active substances using GCMS. The ethyl acetate extract obtained was tested for MIC at 1.25%, 2.5%, 5.0%, 10.0%, 20%, and 40% concentrations. Detection of potential antibiotic spots was carried out using bioautographic thin layer chromatography (TLC). Compounds responsible for antibiotic activity were analyzed using GCMS. Minimum inhibitory levels obtained reached 2.5%. The active spots responsible for antibiotic activity against Escherichia coli at Rf 0.94. Components detected using GCMS and suspected to be antibiotics include chloroform; ethane, 1,1-dimethoxy-(CAS) dimethyl acetal; dan 1,3-dioxolane, 2-methoxymethyl-2,4,5-trimethyl.Keywords: AL6 bacterial isolate; antibiotic; Escherichia coli; GCMS; MICABSTRAKMetabolit sekunder berupa antibiotik dapat diproduksi oleh bakteri rizosfer. Isolat bakteri AL6, salah satu isolat bakteri dari rizosfer Saccarum officinarum L., diketahui dapat menghasilkan senyawa antibiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui aktivitas antibiotik dari ekstrak etil asetat antibiotik AL6 yang dihasilkan isolat bakteri AL6, menganalisis kadar hambat minimum (KHM), serta kemiripan zat aktif menggunakan GCMS. Ekstrak etil asetat yang diperoleh diuji KHM-nya pada konsentrasi 1,25%, 2,5%, 5,0%, 10,0%, 20%, dan 40%. Deteksi bercak yang berpotensi sebagai antibiotik dilakukan menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) bioautografi. Senyawa yang berperan dalam aktivitas antibiotik dianalisis menggunakan GCMS. Kadar hambat minimal yang diperoleh mencapai 2,5%. Hasil uji KLT bioautografi memperlihatkan bercak aktif sebagai antibiotik terhadap Escherichia coli pada Rf 0,94. Komponen senyawa yang terdeteksi menggunakan GCMS dan diduga sebagai antibiotik antara lain chloroform; ethane, 1,1-dimethoxy-(CAS) dimethyl acetal; dan 1,3-dioxolane, 2-methoxymethyl-2,4,5-trimethyl.
Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta Vol 8 No 2 (2021): MAY 2021
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35842/jkry.v8i2.611


Socio-economic status includes a person's lack of education and income which can affect a person's health status. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between socioeconomic status and the incidence of injury in people with Diabetes Mellitus. The method used is a correlation analytic design, with a cross-sectional approach with a sample of 120 respondents. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The data were processed using the Spearman statistical test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between socioeconomic status and the incidence of injury (p-value = 0.001; r = -0.313). Results of multivariate analysis in research using linear regression that shows that the R result is 0.343. The socioeconomic status regression coefficient on the incidence of injury was 0.185 while the regression coefficient for self-care activities on the incidence of injury was 0.133. A socio-economic status that includes education and income influences a person to carry out self-care management to prevent complications of Diabetes Mellitus, namely Diabetic ulcer. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus; Incident Of Injury; Socio-Economic Status
Edukasi Perilaku Hidup Sehat pada Masyarakat Lanjut Usia di Posyandu Lansia Ngudi Rahayu Magelang Pinilih, Sambodo Sriadi; Kamal, Sodiq
Community Empowerment Vol 5 No 3 (2020): Special Issue
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.755 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.3726


Cakupan pelayanan kesehatan lansia di Kota Magelang belum mencapai 100%. Kelurahan Gelangan merupakan daerah dengan masyarakat rata-rata berpenghasilan rendah, bahkan beberapa sudah tidak produktif. Sehingga perlu dilakukan peningkatan ketrampilan masyarakat melalui gerakan masyarakat hidup sehat melalui posyandu. Akan tetapi kegiatan posyandu yang cenderung monoton dan makin menurunnya jumlah anggota posyandu atau warga binaan dan peningkatan penyakit degenerative dan penyakit kronis seperti diabetes melitus dan hipertensi, maka perlu adanya upaya promotif dan preventif dengan meningkatkan perilaku hidup sehat bagi masyarakat. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat lanjut usia dalam mengelola kesehatan dirinya sesuai dengan Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat, perubahan perilaku hidup sehat lansia dalam Paguyuban Bina Lansia Ngudi Rahayu. Metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). Tahapan kegiatan meliputi sosialisasi program, penyuluhan tentang pola hidup sehat untuk usia lanjut, pelatihan untuk mengolah tubuh bagi lansia dan pengelolaan nutrisi pada lansia. Pendampingan dalam penerapan pola hidup sehat berupa olah tubuh dan olah nutrisi bagi lansia. Program dilaksanakan selama empat bulan di RW 8, Kelurahan Gelangan. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah terbentuknya kader kesehatan posyandu lansia yang terampil dalam kemampuan pemberian edukasi pada keluarga lansia dan dalam menyusun menu sehat untuk lasnia dengan diabetes melitus. Serta terlaksananya program kegiatan senam lansia secara rutin 2 kali dalam seminggu dan pemeriksaan kesehatan rutin sebulan 1 kali. Terdeteksi jumlah lansia sebanyak 215 orang dan 78 lansia aktif kunjungan ke posyandu.
Characteristics of Patients in Receiving Informed Consent on Arteriovenous Shunt Vascular Access Measures in the Hemodialysis Room of Temanggung Hospital Stefani Danik Kurniyati; Sodiq Kamal; Nurul Hidayah
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia [JIKI]
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jiki.v5i2.5978


Background: Hemodialysis is a medical procedure that must be performed in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Infection and hematoma are the cause of the use of temporary access can be a vascath (percutaneous venous catheter) where the catheter is inserted into the large femoral vein. The importance of giving informed consent in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) to install an Arteriovenous (AV) shunt vascular access to reduce infection and hematoma. Approval and rejection of medical treatment in patients are influenced by patient characteristics which include age, gender, education, occupation, attitude, knowledge and language. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between patient characteristics in receiving informed consent and AV shunt vascular access in the hemodialysis room. Methods: This study uses a quantitative method with a descriptive correlative design. This type of research is using a descriptive cross-sectional study approach. Sampling with a total sampling of 24 respondents. Results: The results showed that the relationship between characteristics such as education, knowledge and patient attitudes in receiving informed consent had an effect on Arteriovenous (AV) Shunt vascular access (p-value = 0.005). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the characteristics of patients in receiving informed consent and access to vascular Arteriovenous (AV) shunts in the hemodialysis room. Acceptance of informed consent for Arteriovenous (AV) shunt vascular access in the hemodialysis room, the results showed that most of the respondents did not agree to install Arteriovenous (AV) shunt vascular access as many as 18 respondents (75.0%). The recommendation from the main findings of this study is the importance of providing complete and clear information to patients about the informed consent of the ArterioVenous (AV) Shunt vascular access plan before hemodialysis.Keywords: Informed Consent; Vascular Access Arteriovenous (AV) Shunt; Hemodialysis
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 8th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang MIPA dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.867 KB)


Latar belakang : Luka pada penderita diabetes melitus (DM) yang sulit sembuh disebabkan oleh gangguan pada makrofag. Gangguan ini menyebabkan berbagai bentuk gangguan selama tahap proliferasi. Beberapa kemungkinan gangguan tersebut adalah hipergranulasi dan munculnya hiperkeratosis pada luka yang menjadi penyulit penyembuhan luka. Heat Shock Protein (HSP) merupakan citokin yang dihasilkan pada saat sel mengalami trauma. HSP mampu mengaktivasi makrofag. pengalaman klinis menunjukkan perbaikan proses penyembuhan luka dengan hipergranulasi dan hyperkeratosis. Bagaimana kemungkinan mekanisme terapi Heat shock stimulation pada luka dalam menyelesaikan masalah hipergranulasi dan hiperkeratosis. Tujuan : Penelitian ini akan mengkaji tentang berbagai kemungkinan mekanisme terapi dari heat shock stimulations (HSS) dalam mengatasi permasalahan hipergranulasi dan kalus pada luka DM. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus. dokumen status pasien hiperganulasi 1 dokumen dan kalus 2 dokumen. Fokus analisis dilakukan khususnya untuk dokumen berupa foto perkembangan luka sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan heat shock stimulations. Hasil : pada kasus hipergranulasi HSS mampu menjadi pemicu keberlanjutan tahap penyembuhan luka. Pada kasus hiperkeratosis HSS mampu mencegah munculnya kembali hiperkeratosis. Kesimpulan : Heat shock stimulation mampu mengatasi permasalahan penyembuhan luka DM melalui aktivasi makrofag sebagai kemungkinan mekanisme terapi.
Aplikasi pemberian PHMB gel (polihhexamethylene biguanide gel) pada penderita diabetes mellitus untuk kerusakan integritas kulit Fella Efendi; Sodiq Kamal; Margono Margono
Borobudur Nursing Review Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Borobudur Nursing Review Vol 1 No 1
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/bnur.4885


Latar Belakang: Diabetes mellitus merupakan penyakit yang memiliki resiko tinggi untuk terjadi komplikasi. Salah satu komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi adalah ulkus diabetikum. Ulkus diabetikum terjadi karena tingginya kadar gula darah yang berlangsung lama. Ulkus Diabetik merupakan kerusakan sebagian (partial thickness) atau keseluruhan (full thickness) pada kulit yang dapat meluas kej aringan d ibawah kulit, tendon, otot, tulang atau persendian. Untuk merawat luka maka diperlukan aplikasi pemberian PHMB GEL (Polihhexamethylene Biguanide Gel) pada penderita Diabetes Mellitus untuk mengatasi kerusakan integritas kulit. Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas pemberian PHMB Gel pada penderita Diabetes Mellitus dengan ulkus diabetik. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dengan menggunakan metode sampling berupa purposive sampling. Sampel pada studi kasus ini adalah Ny.S usia 54 tahun yang mengalami ulkus Diabetes Mellitus denga luka terbuka dan luka infeksi. Data penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan metode observasi partisipatif, wawancara tidak terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Setelah ditabulasi data yang ada dianalisis dengan menggunakan domain analisis. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi PHMB Gel pada masalah kerusakan integritas kulit pada ulkus Diabetes mellitus yang dialami Ny.S menunjukkan adanya perbaikan jaringan luka. Hal ini ditandai dengan skor Bates Jensen Assessment Tool sebelum perawatan dengan PHMB Gel adalah 34 dan setelah perawatan sebanyak 12 kali turun menjadi 26. Kesimpulan: Aplikasi PHMB Gel dapat diterapkan pada ulkus Diabetes Mellitus sehingga dapat mengatasi masalah kerusakan integritas kulit.
Hubungan lama sakit dengan kejadian luka pada penderita Diabetes Melitus di Kabupaten Magelang Desy Arifatul Hidhayah; Sodiq Kamal; Nurul Hidayah
Borobudur Nursing Review Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Borobudur Nursing Review Vol 1 No 1
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/bnur.4947


Latar Belakang: Diabetes Melitus adalah penyakit gangguan metabolik menahun akibat pankreas tidak memproduksi cukup insulin atau tubuh tidak dapat menggunakan insulin yang diproduksi secara efektif. Faktor resiko dari Diabetes Melitus adalah pola makan, obesitas, faktor genetik, jenis kelamin, riwayat merokok. Komplikasi Diabetes Melitus yaitu kerusakan otak, retinopati, neuropati, nefropati, gagal ginjal,gagal jantung, luka kronis. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian luka adalah aktivitas fisik, dukungan keluarga, sosial ekonomi, prolanis, usia, lama sakit. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan lama sakit dengan kejadian luka pada penderita Diabetes Melitus di Kabupaten Magelang. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah croos sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 6.483 responden. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu sebanyak 120 responden dengan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Lama sakit dan kejadian luka diukur menggunakan kuesioner. Uji statistik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji Spearman-Rank. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan antara lama sakit dengan kejadian luka pada penderita Diabetes Melitus di Kabupaten Magelang (p < 0,05; r = 0,331). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan lama sakit dengan kejadian luka pada penderita Diabetes Melitus di Kabupaten Magelang.