Kamtono Kamtono
Research Centre For Geotechnology - LIPI Kompleks LIPI, Jln. Sangkuriang Bandung

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Karakteristik Batuan Sumber (Source Rock) Hidrokarbon pada Formasi Batuasih di daerah Sukabumi, Jawa Barat Praptisih, Praptisih; Kamtono, Kamtono; Putra, P. S.; Hendrizan, M.
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 4, No 3 (2009)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (812.796 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v4i3.78


http://dx.doi.org/10.17014/ijog.vol4no3.20092The purpose of the study carried out on the claystone of Batuasih Formation in Sukabumi area is to find out the hidrocarbon potential and its characteristics. The Batuasih Formation, overlying conform- ably the Walat Formation, consists  of claystone, dark gray, shaly, brittle, containing clay ball, calcite veins, with carbonate intercalations. The geochemical analysis conducted on twelve samples shows the TOC values vary between 0.49 – 1.14 % and Tmax of 431 – 434o C. Four samples are categorized to be immature, while the rests are mature. HI values of the Batuasih Formation varying from 77-191 mg HC/ TOC indicate that the samples are of C and CD organic facies. Based on those analyses, the source rock is favourably potential to generate a small quantity of hydrocarbon and gas. The hydrocarbon source rock potential level in the investigation area shows a poor to fair organic richness, and its kerogen is included into types II and III. The source rock quality based on the Hydrogen Index (HI) value tends to be a gas prone. 
Turbidite Facies of the Halang Formation in Ajibarang Area, Central Java Praptisih, Praptisih; Kamtono, Kamtono
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 6, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2265.866 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v6i1.112


DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v6i1.112An understanding of deepwater turbidite sediments is very important mainly dealing with the determination of a reservoir geometry. The problem arising in the turbidite sediment geometry is very complex and varied, and its existence depends on how, when, and type of its environment. In Central Java, the broad turbidite sediment distribution of the Halang Formation is needed to be observed its facies association. This paper will discuss the turbidite facies of Halang Formation in the Ajibarang area. The method used to analyze the turbidite facies is by measuring stratigraphic sections and observing the lithofacies characteristics to reconstruct its depositional environment. The Halang Formation outcrop in the Ajibarang area is dominantly composed of alternating sandstone and claystone or marl. Based on the observation, the turbidite facies of Halang Formation, in the Ajibarang area, was deposited on a submarine fan system at the middle fan of suprafan lobes. Compiling with the previous studies, the source of the Halang Formation is indicated to be derived from the south southwest.
Nose Structure Delineation of Bouguer Anomaly as the Interpretation Basis of Probable Hydrocarbon Traps: A Case Study on the Mainland Area of Northwest Java Basin Kamtono, Kamtono; Wardhana, D. D.
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 7, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1887.421 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v7i3.144


DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v7i3.144Two important aspects in the exploration of oil and gas are technology and exploration concepts, but the use of technology is not always suitable for areas with geological conditions covered by young volcanic sediments or limestone. The land of the Northwest Java Basin is mostly covered by young volcanic products, so exploration using seismic methods will produce less clear image resolution. To identify and interpret the subsurface structure and the possibility of hydrocarbon trap, gravity measurements have been carried out. Delineation of nose structures of a Bouguer anomaly map was used to interpret the probability of hydrocarbon traps. The result of the study shows that the gravity anomalies could be categorized into three groups : low anomaly (< 34 mgal), middle anomaly (34 - 50 mgal), and high anomaly (> 50 mgal). The analysis of Bouguer anomaly indicates that the low anomaly is concentrated in Cibarusa area as a southern part of Ciputat Subbasin, and in Cikampek area. The result of delineation of the Bouguer anomaly map shows the nose structures existing on Cibinong-Cileungsi and Pangkalan-Bekasi Highs, while delineation of residual anomaly map shows the nose structures occurs on Cilamaya-Karawang high. Locally, the gas fields of Jatirangon and Cicauh areas exist on the flank of the nose structure of Pangkalan-Bekasi High, while the oil/gas field of Northern Cilamaya is situated on the flank of the nose structure of Cilamaya-Karawang High. The concept of fluid/gas migration concentrated on nose structures which are delineated from gravity data can be applied in the studied area. This concept needs to be tested in other oil and gas field areas.
Extensional Tectonic Regime of Garut Basin based on Magnetotelluric Analysis Handayani, Lina; Kamtono, Kamtono; Wardhana, D. D.
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 8, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (854.834 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v8i3.162


DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v8i3.162Garut Basin are is part of Bandung-Garut Greater Basin (Bandung Zone) characterized by a large basin surrounded by mountain ranges. Active volcanoes had distributed their material as pyroclastic deposits around the outer border of the zone and as lava flow deposit separating the two basins. Bouguer gravity anomaly data had also indicated the presence of several low anomaly closures at about the area of Bandung and Garut Basins that were surrounded by high gravity anomaly zones. Two magnetotelluric surveys were completed to acquire the subsurface model that might explain the tectonic evolution of studied area. The first stage was characterized sby the presence of horst - graben structures that might imply an extensional regime of the area. The next stage of evolutionwas indicated by the horizontal layering correlated to the relative non-active tectonic. In addition, a most recent structure that appeared near the surface might suggest a possible extension force as the current stage.
Buletin Sumber Daya Geologi Vol 9, No 1 (2014): Buletin Sumber Daya Geologi
Publisher : Buletin Sumber Daya Geologi

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Penelitan batuan induk hidrokarbon yang dilakukan pada Formasi Cibulakan didaerah Palimanan, Cirebon bertujuan untuk memperoleh data permukaan endapan klastik berbutir halus serta karakteristik litofasies yang diduga sebagai batuan induk hidrokarbon. Metode yang dipakai adalah penelitian lapangan dan laboratorium. Penelitian lapangan meliputi pengamatan stratigrafi detil dan pengambilan conto batuan, sedang analisis laboratorium terdiri dari analisis kandungan Total Organic Carbon dan analisis Pirolisis Rock  Eval. Hasil analisis Total Organic Carbon terhadap 17 conto batulempung dan batulanau yang diambil dari Formasi Cibulakan menunjukkan nilai berkisar 0,27-4,43%, dan umumnya mempunyai potensi membentuk hidrokarbon dalam katagori rendah hingga sangat baik. Pirolisis Rock Eval dilakukan terhadap 9 conto yang berpotensi membentuk hidrokarbon dan  memperlihatkan nilai T sebesar 331-557°C. Nilai yang menunjukkan tingkat kematangan termal sebanyak 6 conto dinyatakan matang hingga pasca matang dengan nilai T max  berkisar 445-557°C, sedang 3 conto lainnya belum matang dengan nilai T sebesar 331-362°C. Nilai Hydrogen Index berkisar 3-338 mg Hydrocarbon/g Total Organic Carbon, dan berada dalam fasies BC, CD dan D. Batuan induk tersebut dapat menghasilkan minyak dalam kuantitas sedang dan gas dalam kuantitas kecil. Potensi hidrokarbon di daerah penelitian menunjukkan kategori kekayaan material organik rendah hingga sangat baik, dengan kerogen termasuk tipe II dan III. Kualitas batuan sumber berdasarkan nilai Hydrogen Index termasuk dalam kategori gas prone dan oil prone.  
Potensi Batuan Induk Hidrokarbon pada Formasi Cinambo di Daerah Majalengka, Jawa Barat Praptisih, Praptisih; Kamtono, Kamtono
Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral Vol 17, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral
Publisher : Pusat Survei Geologi

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 Penelitan  endapan klastik berbutir halus dan karakteristik litofasies batuan Formasi Cinambo bertujuan untuk memperkirakan potensi batuan induk dalam menghasilkan minyak dan gas di daerah Majalengka.  Pengambilan 14 contoh  batuan dilakukan untuk analisa geokimia di laboratorium yaitu  analisa kandungan TOC , analisa Pirolisis Rock-Eval dan GC-MS. Hasilnya menunjukkan nilai TOC sebesar 0,42 – 1,90 %,  potensi rendah hingga baik  untuk membentuk hidrokarbon. Hasil analisis pyrolisis rock Eval memperlihatkan T max sebesar 359  - 475 oC termasuk kategori belum matang hingga paska matang. Berdasarkan nilai HI sebesar 12 – 114 mg HC/g TOC, fasies organic di daerah penelitian dapat dibagi menjadi 2 fasies yaitu fasies CD dan D,   dapat menghasilkan minyak dalam kuantitas sedang dan gas dalam kuantitas relatif kecil. Type kerogen Formasi Cinambo di daerah penelitian berdasarkan diagram TOC versus PY menunjukkan tipe kerogen III, termasuk oil prone dan gas prone. Hasi analisis GCMS menunjukkan bahwa batuan induk di daerah penelitian mempunyai kondisi lingkungan pengendapan yang material organiknya berasal dari tanaman darat. Kata Kunci : batulempung, batuan induk, hidrokarbon, Formasi Cinambo, TOC.