Nicolas Kandowangko
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Journal : Holistik: Journal For Islamic Social Sciences

PERAN GANDA WANITA PEDAGANG DI PASAR BERSEHATI KELURAHAN CALACA KECAMATAN WENANG KOTA MANADO (Studi Kasus Tentang Peran Seorang Ibu Menjadi Kepala Rumah Tangga dalam Mencari Nafkah) Kalele, Jureine Valentin Debora; Tumiwa, Juliana; Kandowangko, Nicolas
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 12 No. 3 / Juli - September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Father as the head of the household therefore he must take full responsibility in the form of protecting the family and make a living for the needs of the family. While a mother is a housewife who does not have to support the family, it is also not forbidden to work if given permission.The phenomenon that occurs in society is the increasing number of women to assist in earning a living, as well as being driven by the needs of a little family economy, women are increasingly able to express themselves in the midst of families and Community.A mother with a trader has a double role. This role in addition to being a coaching in the family to work hard but also sustain economic life in the family.A qualitative study method based on the philosophy of post positivism or interpretive, is a naturalistic, qualitative method of research in which the process is inductive.In the activity as a merchant mother does not diminish her role as a mother in the household, such as taking care of the house and family despite the time to trade but them still run the responsibility well. Because also the job of the trader is not tied, so they have set their time to be able to socialize with the community around the house such as the Association of worship p, especially taking time for family events.Keywords: housewife, family, trader
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 12 No. 1/Januari-Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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The younger generation is the backbone of the nation, which is expected in the future is able to pass on the baton of the relay of the struggle and the leadership of the nation in order to be better. Globalization has been going decline in morals, morals and decency, their impact is certainly related to problems towards them into free association. As the younger generation should think more clear avoid norms or decency layout deemed to deviate from the neighborhood association. Deviant behavior impacts as a result of free association may give rise to excesses or the social impact that also affect their behavior from drift norms, norms, morality or law that among other things consuming liquor, drugs/addictive substances, free Sex, gambling and so on. The issue of free association can be affected by the problem of the lack of social control especially of the elderly, the problem of uncontrolled environments as well as the existence of the Era of globalization. The influence of strong drink among teenagers enough potentially to the problems of crime in particular sexual crimes, crimes through fights between free-range. In order to reduce the problem of free association, then it takes the role of religious figures. Because religion is one of the alternatives in reducing and tackling the existence of free intercourse among teenagers. In addition the role of families is very important in shaping the personality of the adolescent, because from a parent or keluargalah fortress personal resilience of teenagers can be formed. Keywords: youngers, generation, globalization
PERANAN KEBUDAYAAN RAMBU SOLO’ DALAM MENINGKATKAN PARIWISATA DI DESA KET’TE’ KESU’ KECAMATAN KESU’ Randan, Gelardus Januarto Transenden; Kandowangko, Nicolas; Goni, Shirley Yvonne Viviane Irene
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 12 No. 1/Januari-Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Rambu Solo' is a traditional ceremony of the death of the Toraja society which aims at respecting and delivering deceased died towards the realms of the spirit, namely back to immortality along their ancestors in a resting place.Custom made by torajans has plenty of enticing tourists within the country and abroad who still looks liked a habit that smells of mystique as did by the Toraja ceremony in Rambu Solo'.What if the customs that are considered sacred simply becomes a free spectacle by the tourists who were present at the time of the ceremony to take place, not just a cultural role Rambu Solo' in concerned with the sustainability of the progress or of the the tourism. Because after all the custom Rambu Solo' identity is the Torajans who became the basis of the character of the local people.The role of the Government in the activities of the Rambu Solo' support the economy of the area although there are still many other elements that can support it. It can be said that there are no obstacles the Government participate in preserving Culture Rambu Solo'.Things that are very fundamental to the Toraja society especially in the village of Ke'te' Kesu’ yourself must be preserved so that this culture is not eroded by the times. There are still many elements from the aluk will always be enhanced by all elements of society and culture is expected to continue.Keyword: Rambu Solo', tourism, culture
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture HOLISTIK, Tahun IV No. 08 / Juli - Desember 2011
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Fruit farmer in the Kolongan Village of Talawaan Sub-district initially oriented on coconut farming. By the development of market demand of local fruits such as duku and rambutan hence most farmers divert their efforts to the local fruit farm. The formulation of the problem studied in this research is the level of welfare of farmers associated with the technical management of fruit farming fruit under is management The results showed that farmer depelopment technical management in Kolongan Village of Sub-disrict Talawaan is based on the traditional approach. Fruit farmer development is still emphasis on local fruit and the are using is still traditional fertilizer. The welfare level of fruit farmer of Kolongan Village Of Talawaan Sub-district, according Sajogjo, already above the poor line. Their average income is four hundred thousand rupiah per month. Prospect and development of because the increase number of population so the need for fruits also increase. The society income  is increasing by the development of economic in other sectors so the society afford to buy of agribusiness. Keywords : Management, The Level of Welfare, Potential
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 12 No. 3 / Juli - September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Socio-economic Status is a condition or position that is socially regulated in a particular position in the community structure. The provision of this position is accompanied by a set of rights and obligations that are only fulfilled by the carrier of its status, so that land ownership is one of the factors that can determine the high or low socio-economic condition of a person in society.Agricultural land is a contributing factor to the life needs of the community, especially rural communities. Rural communities in general are people who use natural resources in the field of agriculture, where the community has hereditary activities in the agriculture sector, so that people in rural areas and The margins of earning or relying on businesses engaged in agriculture.Farmers are synonymous with marginalized people in the bustle of development. The unbiased situation on the farmer, then it affects the performance of farmers in their field. In North Minahasa regency, especially in the village of Patokaan Coconut is considered as one of the main livelihood for farmers to support the familyeconomy. Coconut plants are an efficient plant that is very beneficial to meet the needs of human day, because all parts of coconut tree can be used for human needs.By looking at the price of coconut in the market still fluctuating sometimes rises sometimes down but the farmers are still able to survive in cultivating coconut plants. The reason farmers are trying in coconut farming because coconut in its productivity in one year is able to get results as many as 4 (four) harvest.Keywords: agricultural, farmer, coconut
PERAN MODAL SOSIAL PEDAGANG IKAN DI PASAR BERSEHATI MANADO Duwila, M. Kamel; Kandowangko, Nicolas; Purwanto, Antonius
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 13 No. 4 / Oktober - Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Fish in North Sulawesi is the catch of small fishermen and fishing companies, fish caught by large vessels owned by fishing companies are often sold to fish processing plants to be processed and exported abroad as well as those to fishing ports to be sold to suppliers and small traders such as in the Jati fish auction Tuminting District, Fish caught by fishermen with small boats are usually traded in traditional markets. For Manado City, there are several traditional markets and supermarkets that sell fish to consumers directly, one of which is Bersehati Market.The power of social networks facilitates the mobility of trade, where the efforts they are diligent in moving economic resources are needed as well as communication and information for fellow traders. So social relations or networks in the world of trade is very important to be able to meet market demand for traders, especially in the Area of Bersehati Market.Social capital is well maintained especially those who work on average are experienced then the supporting element is also trust. Given that not all the ingredients imported from the fishing were immediately paid but there was an agreement between their fellow suppliers and the fishermen on board, that for the payment of the fish will be repaid when the proceeds of the sale are completed. Keywords: market, relationships, social capital