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Utility of Rice Bran Mixed with Fermentation Extract of Vegetable Waste Unconditioned as Probiotics from Vegetable Market Cahya Setya Utama; Nyoman Suthama; Bambang Sulistiyanto; Bhakti Etza Setiani
International Journal of Science and Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.799 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/ijse.4.2.97-102


The aimed of the study was to enhance utilization of Lactobacillus Sp. and Saccharomyces sp. as starter for fermentation of waste cabbage and green mustard to enhance the utility of rice bran as an ingredient of poultry feed. The first stage of the study was to characterize the extract of fermented wasted vegetable with difference concentration of glucose and different period of time for incubation. Completely randomized design using 3 x 3 factorial with three replications was used for the first stage of the study. The second stage of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the extract of fermented wasted vegetable to improve the quality and utility of rice bran. Completely randomized design with four treatments and 4 replications. The third stage of the study was to obtain the value of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus retention, as well as metabolic energy of rice bran after fermentation in broiler hatching. The third stage analysis was conducted by t-test analysis. The results of the study showed that the microbial characteristics on the extract of fermented wasted vegetable in two days incubation time and 2% concentration of glucose was able to produce pH of 3.80, log of total lactic acid bacteria 7.38 and types of microbes that grow predominantly were Lactobacillus Sp. and Saccharomyces Sp. The effectiveness of the extract fermented wasted vegetable for the fermentation of rice bran were shown in additional concentration of extract wasted vegetable of 40% with a moisture content of  toluene 65.24%, 13.36% ash, 14.93% protein, 7.61% crude fat, 12.39% crude fiber, nitrogen free extract material (NFE) 51.59% and 0.07% biomass. The biological value and the availability of fermented rice bran were higher than unfermented rice bran on the broiler chickens after hatching. The values were justified from nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus retention also metabolic energy. The study concluded that the benefits and utility of rice bran could increased by fermentation using 40% extract of fermented wasted vegetable from vegetable market with 2% glucose concentration and 2 days incubation time.Doi: 10.12777/ijse.4.2.2013.97-102 [How to cite this article: Utama, C.S., Suthama, N., Sulistiyanto, B., Setiani, B.E.  (2013). Utility of Rice Bran Mixed with Fermentation Extract of Vegetable Waste Unconditioned as Probiotics from Vegetable Market.  International Journal of  Science and Engineering, 4(2),97-101. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.4.2.2013.97-102]
AMERTA Vol. 28 No. 1 (2010)
Publisher : Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRAK Upaya pengelolaan warisan budaya di situs arkeologi pada masa sekarang, harus memperhatikan makna sosial (sosial significance) bagi masyarakat sekitarnya. Konsekuensi pemahaman tersebut, menuntut adanya sesuatu perubahan kebijakan (advokasi), mengalihposisikan penduduk di sekitar situs yang semula sebagai objek menjadi subjek. Perubahan kebijakan tersebut, mengubah peran penduduk di sekitar situs bukan sebagai pihak yang dikontrol dan dikuasai, melainkan sebagai mitra yang sejajar dengan pihak pengelola warisan budaya, agar asset yang dimiliki memberikan kontribusi balik baik material maupun non material yang berguna untuk kehidupanya. Upaya mewujudkan konsep pengelolaan yang menempatkan warisan budaya pada kontesks sosial, menuntut dikembangkanya pendekatan partisipatif yang lebih berorientasi pada masyarakat (community-oriented). Implementasi pendekatan tersebut, diwujudkan melalui pemberdayaan. Makna pemberdayaan adalah, pertanggungjawaban sosial arkeologi terhadap masyarakat, yang terkena dampak baik langsung maupun tidak langsung akibat pengembangan situs. Kata kunci: Pemberdayaan, masyarakat, pengelolaan, pertanggungjawaban arkeologi, makna sosial. ABSTRACT. The Empowerment of Community Around Archaeological Site In the effort to manage cultural heritages nowdays, it is important to take into account the social significance of a site to its surrounding communities. As a consequence, we are required to make an advocacy (change of policy) to revise the position of the local inhabitants around a site from being an object to a subject. Such change of policy is significant to change the position of the local inhabitants within the site area from the controlled party into equal partner. Communities should be involved in the process of cultural heritage management so that the valuable asset will give back good contribution- both materially and non-materially – which will be of benefited to the well-being of cultural heritage and its surrounding communities. The effort to implement the management concept that places cultural heritage in sosial context, calls for the importance of developing participative approach, which is more community oriented. The implementation of this type of approach is through community empowerment. Empowerment means the social responsibility of archaeology to the communities that have to put up, directly, with the effects of development of site. Key words: empowerment, community, management, archaeological responsibility, social meaning.