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Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Metode Course Review Horay terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja tentang HIV/AIDS di SMK Darus Sholihin Puger Kabupaten Jember (The Effect of Health Education by Course Review Horay Method on Knowledge and Attitudes of Suhariyati Suhariyati; Ratna Sari Hardiani; Iis Rahmawati
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 4 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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HIV/AIDS is a infectious disease due to human immunodeficiency virus that attacks the bodyimmune system. The number of HIV/AIDS cases among teenagers is still high because of theteenagers’ limited knowledge and attitude about HIV/AIDS. One way to improve teenagers’knowledge and attitude related to HIV/AIDS through health education by Course Review Horay(CRH) method. This research aimed to determine the effect of health education by course reviewhoray method on knowledge and attitudes of teenagers toward HIV/AIDS at SMK (Vocational HighSchool) Darus Sholihin Puger. The method used in was quasi experiment with non-equivalent controlgroup approach with a sample size of 36 students. Data analysis used wilcoxon test and mann uwhitney with a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05). Results of data analysis showed that there weredifferences in knowledge and attitudes in the experimental and control groups as evidenced by thevalue of mann u whitney p = 0.000 on knowledge and attitudes p = 0.001 (p <α). It is concluded thatthere is an effect of health education by CRH method on knowledge and attitudes of teenagers aboutHIV/AIDS. Nurses are expected to implement health education by CRH method to increase theknowledge and attitudes of teenagers related to HIV/AIDS.Keywords: Health Education, CRH, Attitude, Knowledge, HIV / AIDS.
THE EFFECT OF ONION (Allium ascalonicum L.) COMPRES TOWARD BODY TEMPERATURE OF CHILDREN WITH HIPERTERMIA IN BOUGENVILLE ROOM DR. HARYOTO LUMAJANG HOSPITAL Pragita Reza Riyady; Liarucha Ria Aridya; Juliningrum Peni Perdani; Hardiani Ratna Sari; Prasetyorini Dhara Ayu; Zulka Ayesie Natasa; Flowerenty Dini Dian; Sari Dewa Ayu Eka Chandra Merta; Sari Dewa Ayu Dwi Chandra Yadnya; Hikmah Devintania Kurniasti Nurul; Pratiwi Haidar Dwi; Irawan Rosita Debby; Puspitasari Melinda; Suhariyati Suhariyati
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (ICMHS)
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Hyperthermia is a condition where the bodytemperature is higher than usual , and is a symptomof a disease[1]. If not promptly treated hyperthermiamay cause an increase in respiratory rate and pulse,increased heart rate, chills, excessive sweating,increased thirst, mild to severe dehydration, andseizures[2]. Hyperthermia can occur in 1 of 2,000cases in children aged 1 to 10 years which is ascribedto the pediatric emergency department . Increasedbody temperature at an ordinary child makesparents into becoming stressed and anxious[3].Onion is a multipurpose herb that can be used tolower the body temperature[4]. Phytochemicalcompounds contained in the onions one of which isa flavanoid [5]. Flavonoids show more than onehundred kinds of bioactivity was shown among otherantipyretic effect, analgesic and anti-inflammatory[6]. Flavonoid found in onions as much as 29%.Flavonoids in onions second highest after green tea,where onions are also often used in everydayactivities within the community so it is very easy tofind in the community[5]. Red onion , besidescontaining flavonoids, also contains organic sulfurcompounds that Allylcysteine sulfoxide (Alliin) whichserves destroy the formation of blood clots. Thismakes the smooth blood circulation so the heat fromthe body can be more easily distributed to theperipheral blood vessels.Data based on the results of preliminary studiesconducted in space Bougenville dr. LumajangHaryato hospital diseases showed 10 patientstreated in the room is DHF, Seizures Fever, vomiting,GEA, pneumonia, typhoid, GEDR, bronchitis,Talasemi, and Febris. DHF disease ranked first inwhich there are 37.3 % of the top ten most prevalentdiseases are DHF or 72 out of 193 patients. Based onthe description of the background above, the writeris interested in studying the effect of onioncompress to temperature changes in patients withhyperthermia. The general objective of this studywas to analyze the effect of onion compress therapyin patients with hyperthermia treated in Bougenvilledr . Haryato Lumajang.
LITERATUR REVIEW: TERAPI NON FARMAKOLOGIS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS TIDUR PASIEN DI ICU ATAU CCU: Literatur Review: Non-Pharmacological Therapy for Increasing Sleep Quality of Patients in ICU or CCU Rizky Asta Pramestirini; Heny Ekawati; Suhariyati Suhariyati
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan (Scientific Journal of Nursing) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): JIKep | September 2021
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (296.797 KB) | DOI: 10.33023/jikep.v7i2.847


Abstract Sleep is one of the basic human needs. Good quality sleep can increase the improvement of the disease. Sleep disturbances are common among hospitalized patients in CCU and ICU. The purpose of this literature review is to compare several research results on non-pharmacological therapies (eye masks, earplugs, music therapy, turning off lights, environmental modifications) in improving sleep quality to determine the best nursing action and safe for treating sleep disorders patients. Search articles using the PICO framework in the database; Google Scholar, Ebscho, Science direct, Elseiver, MedLine, CINAHL, PubMed, and ProQuest, limited to the last 10 years; 2011 to 2021, 10 International Journals were obtained. Improved sleep quality can be done in several ways; the use of eye masks, earplugs, music therapy, light and sound reduction, switching treatment schedules outside of bedtime, and combinations. The results of the review show schedules outside of bedtime, and combinations. The results of the review show that the most effective actions applied locally to improve sleep quality are reducing lighting and noise and diverting treatment schedules outside of bedtime because it is easy, safe, and does not cost money. If the intervention has not helped, eye masks, earplugs, and/or music can be offered according to the patient's choice, local culture, and facilities available at the hospital. Further research is needed on patients outside the ICU/CCU with a larger number of samples, different age and condition characteristics, longer treatment duration, and using objective sleep quality measurement tools such as polysomnography.