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Asosiasi Dan Distribusi Spasial Permukiman Kumuh Di Kota Yogyakarta Mohammad Isnaini Sadali; Fitri Noviyanti; Rifan Andika
Media Komunikasi Geografi Vol. 20 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/mkg.v20i2.21102


Kota Yogyakarta sebagai ibukota provinsi, pusat kota, pusat pelayanan, dan pusat ekonomi wilayah memiliki daya tarik bagi penduduk. Hal tersebut meningkatkan tekanan penduduk terhadap lahan dan menjadi penyebab masyarakat memilih lahan marginal untuk tempat tinggal di perkotaan. Permukiman kumuh muncul karena ketidakmampuan masyarakat memenuhi kebutuhan papan serta kurangnya kesadaran menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan tempat tinggal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan sebaran permukiman kumuh dan asosiasinya dengan sungai utama di Kota Yogyakarta melalui analisis geospasial. Luas kawasan permukiman kumuh di Kota Yogyakarta sebesar 264,90 Ha atau 8,58 % dari luas Kota Yogyakarta, tersebar hampir di seluruh kecamatan (13 dari 14 kecamatan). Berdasarkan kedekatannya, permukiman kumuh di Kota Yogyakarta berasosiasi dengan ketiga sungai yang melintasi Kota Yogyakarta yaitu Sungai Winongo, Sungai Code, dan Sungai Gajah Wong. Kata kunci : Permukiman Kumuh; Geospasial; Pembangunan Wilayah
Surfing Tourists’ Preferences in Choosing Type of Accommodation in the Mentawai Islands Rifan Andika; Muhammad Baiquni
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


As a tourist destination, the Mentawai Islands have many potential tourism destinations such as marine tourism especially surfing spots. Many surfers come to the Mentawai Islands from all around the world. Most of the tourists are young adults with an average income of USD 20.000-40.000 annually. Most are intermediate to pro-level surfers. The biggest reason why so many surfers come to visit the Mentawai Islands is for the exceptional surfing experience, which comes from the quality of its natural environment as one of the top preferences. Based on location, there are two types of accommodation, city accommodation and resort accommodation. On the other hand, surfers' preference in choosing accommodation type needs to be discovered. There will be preferences, at least surfers have three, which are Price, Facility, and Location. Price compatibility with quality, availability of surfing transport, proximity to surf breaks becomes the main preferences in choosing accommodation.Keywords: Accommodation, Mentawai Islands, surf.
Surfing Tourists' Preferences in Choosing Type of Accommodation in the Mentawai Islands Rifan Andika; Muhammad Baiquni
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2021.009.03.04


As a tourist destination, the Mentawai Islands have many potential tourism destinations such as marine tourism especially surfing spots. Many surfers come to the Mentawai Islands from all around the world. Most of the tourists are young adults with an average income of USD 20.000-40.000 annually. Most are intermediate to pro-level surfers. The biggest reason why so many surfers come to visit the Mentawai Islands is for the exceptional surfing experience, which comes from the quality of its natural environment as one of the top preferences. Based on location, there are two types of accommodation, city accommodation and resort accommodation. On the other hand, surfers' preference in choosing accommodation type needs to be discovered. There will be preferences, at least surfers have three, which are Price, Facility, and Location. Price compatibility with quality, availability of surfing transport, proximity to surf breaks becomes the main preferences in choosing accommodation.Keywords: Accommodation, Mentawai Islands, surf.
Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method in Comparing Stakeholder Perceptions of Tourism Impact in Mentawai Islands Rifan Andika; Leksono Probo Subanu
Jurnal Kepariwisataan Indonesia: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Indonesia Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47608/jki.v17i22023.156-170


Tourism has become one of the important industries in the Mentawai Islands. Some people depend on the tourism sector. The tourism sector does not come without any consequences or impacts, both positive and negative. Each tourism stakeholder has a perception of the tourism impact. It is necessary to trace stakeholders’ perceptions of the impact of tourism on a tourist destination so that these perceptions can be a reference in tourism development that can represent the interests of all parties. This study explored stakeholder perceptions of tourism impact in the Mentawai Islands. The stakeholders studied in this study are local governments and local communities. This quantitative research used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach to obtain priority impacts from both stakeholder groups. Analyzing stakeholder perceptions seldom use the AHP method. The method is different from quantitative methods in general. A mathematical approach determines stakeholder perceptions of tourism impacts instead of statistical approaches. The tourism impact focused on three main impacts, i.e., economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts. The study shows that local governments' perceptions of the tourism impact are dominant in the economic impact (40.14%). Meanwhile, the local community’s perceptions tend to the environmental impact (40.24%). When compared, several impact criteria are considered equally important by both stakeholder groups. Based on this, the comparison of these two stakeholder perceptions can be a reference in the development of tourism in the Mentawai Islands.