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PENGEMBANGAN GAME UNTUK TERAPI MEMBACA BAGI ANAK DISLEKSIA DAN DISKALKULIA agus purnomo; Intan Nur Azizah; Rudi Hartono; Hartatik Hartatik; Sahirul Alim Tri Bawono
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8, No 2 (2017): JURNAL SIMETRIS VOLUME 8 NO 2 TAHUN 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.696 KB) | DOI: 10.24176/simet.v8i2.1351


Kesulitan belajar spesifik adalah suatu keadaan pada seorang anak yang mengalami ketidakmampuan dalam belajar, keadaan ini disebabkan gangguan proses belajar di dalam otak, yang dapat berupa gangguan persepsi (visual atau auditoris), gangguan dalam proses integratif atau gangguan ekspresif. Disleksia merupakan gangguan dalam kesulitan membaca dan Diskalkulia merupakan gangguan dalam kesulitan berhitung. Masalah muncul karena kurangnya perhatian terhadap anak yang mengalami kedua gangguan tersebut. Serta kurangnya pemahaman akan kedua gangguan tersebut terhadap anak dan belum adanya media khusus yang dapat dijadikan sebagai metode terapi terhadap kedua gangguan tersebut.Dari permasalahan diatas dibuat media pembelajaran sebagai terapi untuk anak yang mengalami gangguan dalam kesulitan membaca dan kesulitan berhitung. Media belajar yang cocok untuk menarik anak disleksia dan diskalkulia  adalah dalam bentuk aplikasi game.  Konsep permainan yang dikembangkan  adalah anak diajak untuk mengenal huruf dan angka serta dapat membedakannya juga. Kemudian anak diajak untuk menghafalkan huruf dan angka tertentu yang menurut mereka sulit untuk dihafalkan. Dan yang terakhir anak diajak untuk menjawab pertanyaan dan menghitung dengan soal matematika dasar.Pengembangan aplikasi game ini menggunakan metodologi analisa terhadap anak disleksia dan diskalkulia. Kemudian mencari konsep game yang cocok bagi anak disleksia dan diskalkulia. Konsep tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan dalam pembuatan desain game dan background untuk diimplementasikan di unity3d. Terakhir adalah building game pada perangkat dan testing untuk kelayakan game. Aplikasi game yang telah berhasil dibuat diberi nama game “Two Dis”. Hasil yang diharapkan dari Pembuatan game “Two Dis” berbasis android ini adalah dapat menjadi salah satu media terapi dan media pembelajaran baru bagi anak disleksia dan diskalkulia dengan metode bermain game.
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (661.666 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v1i1.9000


Sangiran is an important site for the development of various fields of science, especially for research in the fields of anthropology, archeology, biology, paleoanthropology, geology, and tourism. The existence of Sangiran site is very useful for studying prehistoric human life because the site is equipped with ancient human fossils, the result of ancient human culture, and ancient fossils of flora and fauna. But in the provision of educational information on the Museum Sangiran still use posters and pamphlets. Therefore necessary to develop educational information media with a more interactive method of Augmented Reality technology.This application is developed using the method of observation, literature study, interviews with the managers of Sangiran, as well as visitors sangiran questionnaire for data collection, creation of applications such as design, story board, catalogs marker to application development and testing. This research purposes to visualize the prehistory in the multimedia-based Sangiran Museum using Augmented Reality Technology as well as to test the ability of visitors about the discovery of ancient objects in the Museum Sangiran.The result is that the marker detection by the camera can be optimally if the distance of the camera to the marker between 15-75 cm and a deflection angle between 15o-105o. The results of questionnaires to the application for Aspects of interest that agree and strongly agree is 100%, Aspect Ease ie agree and strongly agree is 96.6%, Aspect Ease of Navigation that is agreed and strongly agreed is 93.4%, ie Interactive Aspects agree and strongly agree is 93.4%, and the aspect of innovation that agree and strongly agree 100%.
Conferec (Conference CMS) Sahirul Alim Tri Bawono; Fendi Aji Purnomo; Agus Purnomo; Rizky Nuzuliati
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v2i1.13170


Conference is a medium for researchers to exchange experiences. The organization of the website requires registration management, review and payment process. Web site conference management is required for these processes.Making CMS Conference using MySQL, Apache, PHP, Codeigniter.MySQL is a program to manage the database. Apache is a program to serve the process of response and demand that is on the internet. PHP is a programming language. Codeigniter is a framework to facilitate the process of coding the program.Results resulting from this research is CMS Conference has been successfully created with no found syntax error and error logic in the program. The main features are the management of conference display, acceptance management articles, review process management, management of the process of receiving articles and payment management 
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Logistik dan Peralatan Studi Kasus: BPBD Kabupaten Wonogiri Anisa Pamiliawati; Nanang Maulana Yoeseph; Ovide Decroly Wisnu Ardhi; Sahirul Alim Tri Bawono; muhammad Asri Safi'ie
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3074.612 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v4i1.35721


Almost all sub-districts in Wonogiri Regency have the potential to be vulnerable to natural disasters ranging from landslides, fires, floods, whirlwinds, moving land, sinking land, and drought. Losses arising from the disaster in the form of damaged homes and fatalities. Warehouse management aims to ensure the availability of logistical support and equipment at all times. An information system is created to monitor expiration dates, calculate aid allocations, and document movement of goods to calculate stock. Food logistics is prone to expiration, so it must be monitored so that it is in good condition for assistance. Calculating the allocation of aid is done to find out the number of days needed to make further distribution adjustments. The allocation calculation uses the fair share allocation method. The results achieved are managing category data, source of procurement data, sub-district data, village data, disaster data, item data, inventory data, expired data, incoming goods data, detail data of incoming goods, improper goods data, post data, calculated data, outgoing goods data, detail data of outgoing goods, and borrowing data.
Aplikasi Playing Futsal Sebagai Penyedia Lapangan Dan Cari Lawan Tanding Sahirul Alim Tri Bawono; Irfan Dwi Prasetyo
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v5i2.51576


Abstrak Olah raga sepak bola adalah olah raga yang disukai di Indonesia. Tapi dalam permainan membutuhkan sumber daya yang besar baik dari sisi lapangan dan jumlah pemain. Sehingga akan menyulitkan jika ingin melakukan olah raga ini maka dibuatlah olah raga yang mirip dengan sepak bola tapi dengan jumlah pemain yang lebih sedikit dan luas lapangan yang lebih kecil yang disebut futsal. Penelitian ini membahas pembuatan aplikasi yang menyediakan fasiltas untuk mencari lapangan dan lawan main futsal dengan bahasa pemrograman dart yang nanti aplikasi ini dapat dijalankan melalui media mobile phone. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah telah dibuatnya aplikasi playing futsal yang telah diuji dengan metode blacbox  yaitu semua permintaan sistem telah selesai dibuat dan tidak ditemukan error didalamnya.=========AbstractFootball is a sport that is input in Indonesia. But in the game requires large resources from the side of the field and the number of players. So that it will be difficult if you want to do this sport, a sport similar to football is created but with a smaller number of players and a smaller field area called futsal. This study discusses the making of an application that provides facilities for finding the field and opponents to play futsal using the dart programming language, which recently this application can be run via cellphone media. The results obtained are the application of playing futsal that has been tested with the Blacbox method, which means that all system requests have been made and no errors have been found in it.
E-MARKETPLACE BATIK Berliana Kusuma Riasti; Sahirul Alim Tri Bawono; Eksan Setyawan
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (845.686 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v1i1.8390


Batik is the ancestral heritage of Indonesia. Every region in Indonesia has a different motif. The distinctiveness of batik appeal to everyone from both outside and inside the country. But to do the media promotion process used to use print media such as brochures and other alternatives through batik exhibition performances and put them on display in stores.The website is a technology that can be accessed quickly. Only by knowing the website address people from any country can access the information in the address of the website. Therefore, by using these technologies can be used as a marketing medium that is easily accessible. The programming language used to develop websites using PHP are commonly used and easy to learn. Media storage (database) for the website is MySQL that can be used free of charge and powerful.Results obtained from this research is the design and application of E-Marketplace Batik. Applications already well underway based on testing using the BlackBox.
The Appropriate Technology for Aquaponics in Narrow Land by KKN UNS Group in Ngarap-Arap Village, Grobogan Moh Sayful Zuhri; Sahirul Alim Tri Bawono; Aziza Ridha Septika; Willis Safitri; Arnold Mario Luhut Martua Tambunan; Mohamad Ashraf Irfanda; Eka Febryani Raihan Putri; Hanifah Pammula Istigfarin; Filia Ariska Meylana
KOMUNITA: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Agustus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60004/komunita.v1i2.24


Utilization of narrow land is a trend that needs to be developed at this time in supporting family food self-sufficiency. The role and use of yard land varies greatly from one area to another, depending on the level of need, socio-cultural, community education, as well as physical and ecological factors of the local area. Agriculture with aquaponics techniques can provide many benefits to farmers and the community, including being able to produce two products at once, namely fresh organic vegetables and fish. Real Work Lectures (KKN) by Sebelas Maret University students, carry out programs that have been agreed upon and adapted to the needs of the community at the KKN location. The activity was carried out at the home of the head of the Brenggolo hamlet with the work program of Extension on the Utilization of Vertical Farming and Workshop on Appropriate Aquaponic Technology in Narrow Land. Through this program, he hopes to be able to give the role of independence to the community in the use of narrow land in the yard of the house.
The Workshop on Making Grobogan Batik as an Effort to Preserve Indonesian Cultural Heritage by KKN UNS in Plosorejo Village, Grobogan: Workshop Pembuatan Batik Grobogan sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Warisan Budaya Indonesia Oleh Kelompok KKN UNS di Desa Plosorejo, Grobogan Moh Sayful Zuhri; Sahirul Alim Tri Bawono; Ela Octafiyani; Krisna Amanulloh Adi Wicaksono; Joesephin Dwi Pramesthi; Indah Nurkhasanah; Karlindya Rahma; Mathilda Bella; Kresna Pandu Pratama; Angga Judanto Mahendra; Lukmaniyah Rizky Amalia
KOMUNITA: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Agustus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60004/komunita.v1i2.29


Plosorejo Village in Grobogan is one of the villages that initiated the production of Grobogan batik. However, public awareness and interest are still low, making the potential of batik Grobogan still hampered and has not been able to develop to its full potential. As a form of spreading the impact to the community, KKN Sebelas Maret University students planned a batik program training as a form of community service to the people in Plosorejo. Early planting of the interests and talents of children in Plosorejo can prevent the community from ignoring the community's ignorance of Indonesia's cultural heritage, namely Batik Grobogan. The Grobogan batik Making Training was held to provide opportunities for the people in Plosorejo to preserve the unique culture of Indonesia.