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Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): An Evolution in Revolution ARIATNA ARIATNA
BAHAS No 84 TH 38 (2012): BAHAS
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v0i84 TH 38.2330


The topic of language pedagogy has generated excitement and interest among language researchers for many years.  Again and again the discussion returns to the question of how to deliver language content to students so that they can learn a language effectively. Despite the numerous trends in language teaching, most attention has increasingly been given to an approach called ‘Communicative Language Teaching’ (CLT). As a new paradigm of pedagogy which  centres on communication-based classroom activities, CLT has emerged in response to an earlier focus on grammatical forms. This article is an attempt to briefly describe the beginnings of CLT and its developments, and to discuss different ideas surrounding CLT tenets and practice. In essence, this paper does not treat CLT as a superior western product but rather as an international phenomenon which attends to the needs of language learners in a variety of learning contexts.
Framework for Articulating Beliefs: Reflections on Teaching and Learning Experiences ARIATNA ARIATNA
BAHAS Vol 25, No 4 (2014): BAHAS
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v25i4.2517


Our beliefs have a great influence on our daily activities and how we do them, for example how people go about driving has a lot to do with their beliefs about safety, beliefs about health influence the way people drink and eat, etc. As an English practitioner, my teaching practice is also driven by my beliefs. Thus, the way I select materials, start the class, assign an activity, and assess my students are informed by what I believe to be relevant to be applied to my language classroom. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss four categories of the Stern’s framework for articulating teaching beliefs and provide experience-based examples to illustrate how each could inform classroom pedagogy. As an extension of Stern’s view, I will also discuss the importance of assessment for learners and professional development for teachers. At this stage, my views will be based on the experiences that I have acquired  as a language learner and a language teaching professional. Key Words: framework, teaching beliefs, classroom pedagogy, teaching experience.
BAHAS Vol 26, No 3 (2015): BAHAS
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v26i3.5589


The topic of literacy is of special interest among language scholars and educators. Again and again the discussion returns to the question of how to best teach literacy. Despite the controversy over the methods of teaching literacy, the contemporary literature on literacy repeatedly describes teachers as having the power to make a change. This paper discusses what teachers need to know about teaching literacy and how to do the teaching to children. Key Words: Literacy, Teacher, Written Language, Oral Language
Analisis Estetika Resepsi terhadap Novel The Invisible Man dari Perspektif Gender ARIATNA ARIATNA; INDRA HARTOYO
BAHAS No 86 TH 39 (2013): BAHAS
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v0i86 TH 39.2408


Sebuah karya sastra akan dapat dinikmati dan diapresiasi oleh pembacanya apabila pembaca dapat memahami tujuan penulis. Pemahaman ini sangat ditentukan oleh dua faktor umum seperti unsur intelektualitas dan unsur emosionalitas. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap tiga hal pokok yang berkaitan dengan resepsi mahasiswa terhadap novel The Insible Man, yaitu dari sisi intelektualitas, sisi emosional, dan sisi gender. Dalam proses pengumpulan data, sebanyak 40 orang responden, 20 pria dan 20 wanita, dilibatkan. Data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa dari sisi intelektualitas, responden yang bersikap positif sangat tinggi, yaitu sebesar 16,1% (sangat setuju), 40,4% (setuju) dan 31,8% (cukup setuju). Dari sisi emosional, resepsi positif responden juga cukup tinggi, yaitu 20,4% (sangat setuju), 32,5% (setuju) dan 24,2% (cukup setuju). Sedangkan dari sudut pandang gender, diperoleh temuan berikut. Penilaian responden pria dari perspektif intelektualitas dan emosional tergolong tinggi (positif) atau dengan total 81,2% yang setuju. Sedangkan, dari responden wanita diperoleh penilaian yang juga cukup tinggi (positif) yaitu total sebesar 84,9%,  meskipun terjadi perbedaan dalam sikap berdasarkan analisis per item. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat sikap positif responden dari kedua perspektif. Kemudian, secara umum, dari sudut pandang gender, responden pria dan wanita sama-sama semiliki sikap positif terhadap novel tersebut.   Kata Kunci: perspektif intelektualitas, perspektif emosional, gender.
BAHAS Vol 29, No 3 (2018): BAHAS
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v29i3.12212


This report is based on an ethnographic project which attempts to find out how someone learns a second language from a participant’s point of view. The participant was a male international student who studied in Adelaide, South Australia with a continuous experience of learning English as a second language for twelve consecutive years in his country. Using a self-designed questionnaire which is based on Spolky’s model of second language learning (1989, as cited in Mitchell & Myles, 2004, p. 8), information about the participant’s language use, learning and behaviour was gathered through a 45-minute face-to-face interview. While participation is voluntary, the confidentiality of the participant and any information provided by the participant is highly respected. The results showed that the participant’s learning experience seemed to accord with the contemporary notions of second language acquisition in relation to pronunciation, learning setting, motivation, teaching approach, and other cognitive or affective factors.
BAHAS Vol 33, No 3 (2022): BAHAS
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v33i3.40640


 Abstract   As a result of English globalization and commercialization, the past three decades have seen rapid changes in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) around the globe. While some English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English as a Second Language (ESL) nations are satisfied with the adoption of a traditional teacher-centered approach in their English language curriculum, others have opted for a more innovative student-centered approach in an attempt to produce communicatively competent graduates in their countries. Of all the existing student-centered approaches, one approach that has received increasing attention in many EFL/ESL countries is outcome-based education (hereinafter referred to as OBE). As an innovative model of pedagogy, this approach focuses on student learning outcomes which can be measured through what students know and what they can actually do upon completion of a course. This article provides an overview of the basic concepts of OBE and how it has developed across instructional contexts. To provide an objective perspective, the merits and downsides of OBE are also discussed along with some implementational possibilities and challenges. At the end of the paper, some educational  considerations are offered. Kata kunci: Outcome-based education; learning outcomes; student assessment