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Jurnal Teknosains Vol 1, No 1 (2011): December
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/teknosains.3990


Spring is as one of the water resources potential that can not be ignored. Gunungkidul district has three physiographic units: Baturagung Hills, Wonosari Basin and Gunung Sewu Karst Hills. All of them affect the distribution of springs in the Gunungkidul Regency. On the other hand, physiography will affect the community adaptation to the environment. It will contribute to the springs conservation effort. The purposes of this research are:  1) to identify the characteristics of springs, 2) to analyze the community participation in conserving  the springs as basic information to develop spring conservation models. To identify the socio-economic characteristics and the springs characteristics in the research areas use a survey method. Unit sampling and analysis is done purposively based on three zones: Baturagung Hills, Wonosari Basin and Gunung Sewu Karst Hills. Socio-economic survey was done by sampling on the 90 respondents, divided into 3 zones through direct interviews using quetionare. Quantitative descriptive analysis was performed through statistical tests. The results show that the quality of spring water in all physiographic zones meet to the water quality standard, except those for colli bacteria. The discharge of karst springs in the hills of Gunung Sewu greater than the discharge of the two other zones. The springs distribution is more in Wonosari Basin and Karst Hills of Gunung Sewu than Baturagung Hills. The level of the community participation in springs conservation is mostly done in groups through user spring groups. Generally, socio-economic factors affect to the level of participation in prevention of springs damage.
NILAI EKONOMI TOTAL KONVERSI LAHAN PERTANIAN DI KABUPATEN SLEMAN (Total Economic Value of the Land Agricultural Conversion in Sleman Regency) Rika Harini; Hadi Sabari Yunus; Kasto Kasto; Slamet Hartono
Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan Vol 20, No 1 (2013): Maret
Publisher : Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jml.18472


ABSTRAKKonversi lahan pertanian untuk  penggunaan non pertanian  merupakan suatu  fenomena yang tidak dapat dihindarkan. Penilaian secara ekonomi maupun lingkungan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat keuntungan secara finansial maupun kelingkungan dari kegiatan  pertanian. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Sleman  melalui metode survai dengan 90  responden  sebagai sampel penelitian. Wilayah kajian didasarkan pada tingkat konversi lahan pertanian selama  kurun waktu 17 tahun. Melalui Citra Landsat TM 1992, 2000 dan Citra Alos 2009  dapat diketahui luas konversi lahan pertanian  di semua wilayah di Kabupaten Sleman. Analisis data  dilakukan secara  deskriptif  kualitatif maupun kuantitatif dengan  uji statistik melalui model uji Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) dan juga model Total Economic Value (TEV). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi variasi tingkat konversi lahan pertanian  di wilayah Kabupaten Sleman. Hasil perhitungan  dengan metode TEV menunjukkan bahwa pada wilayah zone 1 nilai ekonomi usahatani lahan  sawah lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan wilayah zone 2, sedangkan pada zone 3 nilai ekonomi dari usahatani lahan sawah paling tinggi. Tingkat pencemaran akibat adanya konversi lahan pertanian berdampak pada hasil kegiatan usahatani lahan sawah. Pencemaran yang dianggap paling tinggi oleh petani untuk saat ini adalah pencemaran air, sedangkan untuk pencemaran tanah dan udara belum dirasakan. Konversi lahan juga berdampak terhadap  produksi hasil komoditi lahan sawah. Meskipun hasil produksi komoditas pertanian juga dipengaruhi oleh luas lahan sawah, konversi, teknologi dan produktivitas pada setiap zone wilayah kajian. ABSTRACTThe conversion of agricultural land for non agricultural purposes is a phenomenon that inevitable. Economic and environmental assessment needs to be done to determine the level of profit financially and environmentally of farming activities on the agricultural sector. The study was conducted in Sleman Regency through survey methods using 90 respondents as the research samples. The study area is based on a conversion rate of the agricultural land during the period of 17 years. Through Landsat  TM images year 1992 and 2000, also Alos images year 2009, can be determined the conversion of agricultural land all regions in Sleman Regency. Data analysis is performed qualitatively and quantitatively using descriptive statistical test through test models Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) and also Total Economic Value (TEV) model. The research result show there are varying levels of the agricultural land conversion in Sleman Regency. The assessment result using TEV method is obtained that in the zone 1 region, the economic value of wetland farming is lower than the area of zone 2, while in the region of zone 3 has a high value. The level of pollution is caused by the conversion of agricultural land which impacted on the results of wetland farming activities. The most pollution which is assumed by the farmers recently is water pollution, otherwise the soil and the air contamination, there is no response by them. The conversion of the agricultural land also impacts to the production of commodities.  The commodities production is also influenced by the area of wetland, technology and productivity in each zone of the study area.