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Makna Semantik Hamba dan Saleh dalam Alquran Dindin Moh saepudin; Nurwadjah Ahmad; Rosihon Anwar
Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an Vol 16 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam FIS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JSQ.016.2.07


Godly servants in the view of the majority of Indonesian people are good people who diligently worship in their daily lives. This study focuses on the role of pious servants in world life. The object of study is the word 'Abdun and S}a>lih which means servant and a good person, besides that there is the word ‘Iba>diya S}a>lihu>n, ‘iba>dina> S}a>lihu>n, and ‘Iba>dika S}a>lihu>n which refers to the pious servant. This study focuses on the sign of Qur’anic language, using semantic analysis. This study shows that pious servants in the Qur’an are those who do good with three main features of worshiping Allah, repent and make improvements in the world. There are characteristic of pious servants that are sacrificing his soul for his good pleasure, fearing Allah, believing, following the teachings of Islam, worshiping, surrendering to Allah, not giving up hope in Allah, not arrogant, saying good things, trusting and asking for help only to him, doing good in the world, not worrying, or grieving, giving alms, knowing, giving thanks for all the blessings, repenting, always praying, spending some of his income it can be grouped into social roles as leaders, scholars, entrepreneurs, workers and institutional activists self-subsistent.
TRADISI MENGHIDUPKAN MALAM NISF SHA’BAN DI MASYARAKAT DAN PENGARUH MASYARAKAT URBAN: Studi Living Quran Di Masjid Miftahul Jannah Rw11 Desa Sindang Pakuon, Kecamatan Cimanggung, Kabupaten Sumedang Dindin Moh Saepudin; Dadan Rusmana
Diya Al-Afkar: Jurnal Studi al-Quran dan al-Hadis Vol 7, No 01 (2019): Juni
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.893 KB) | DOI: 10.24235/diyaafkar.v7i01.4530


Nisf Sha’ban has become a tradition in Indonesian society as a day when people flock to fill mosques, musala to read letters of Ya>si>n, prayer sunnah taubat, salawat, dhikr, read the Koran and so on, one of them at the Mosque of Miftahul Jannah, Rt.01 / Rw. 11, Desa. Sindang Pakuon, Kec. Cimanggung, Kab. Sumedang, so that the authors are interested in examining how the reading and reading of Sha’ba>n is improved by the community with a living approach to the Koran theory. The results of this study indicate that the tradition of Nisf Sha’ban in the hamlet of Cimande, the Mosque of Miftahul Jannah shows one form of reception of Islamic societies towards the Qur‘an. With this, the Qur‘an is not only a reading material, but also as a means to connect the relationship between fellow Cimande Hamlets, with the existence of traditions like this that have been ingrained when the Miftahul Jannah Mosque has been established, according to traditional writers. this kind is a model of Islamic Nusantara which is rich in tradition and culture.
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Publisher : Qur’anic and Tafsir studies Programme at Ushuluddin Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (810.25 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/al-bayan.v4i1.5227


Tradisi intelektual nusantara memiliki rantai sanad transimisi kuat dan bersambung, salah satunya dalam bidang tafsir al-Quran. Meskipun jumlahnya masih dapat dikatakan belum banyak, jika dikomparsikan dengan warisan intelektual di timur tengah dengan segala usia peradabannya yang lebih senior. Namun apresiasi terhadap tafsir ulama nusantara telah menjadi kajian tersendiri bagi para akademisi. Salah satu karya tersebut adalah Jami’ al-Bayan min Khulashat Suwar Alquran kitab tafsir yang ditulis oleh KH. Muhammad bin Sulaiman dari Solo. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengungkap keberadaan kitab tafsir Jami’ al-Bayan min Khulashat Suwar Alquran dengan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dan analisis-deskriptif. Hasil penelitianinimenunjukkanbahwa secara umum, tafsir ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan kitab tafsir ulama yang menjadi referensinya yakni Tafsir Anwar al-Tanzil wa Asrar al-Ta’wil, Lubab al-Ta’wil fi Ma’ani al-Tanzil, Madarik al-Tanzil Wahaqa’iq at-Ta’wĩl, Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibnu Abbas, al-Jalalain, Hasyiah Tafsir al-Jalalain, Hasyiah Tafsir al-Jalalaini, Hasyiah Tafsir al-Baidhawi dan tafsir Ibnu Katsir. Sumber penafsiran mayoritas berdasarkan rasio dengan metode ijmali, dan memiliki corak akhlaki wa nafsani (etik-psikologis) dengan kecenderungan pandangan ahlussunah wal jama’ah an-Nahdhiyyah (Nahdhatul Ulama). Distingsi tafsir ini dengan lainnya adalahbahwa tafsir Jami‘ al-Bayan min Khulashati Suwar Alquran al-Adzimmengeksplorasi intisari makna secara ringkas dengan poin-poindari ayat-ayat yang dikelompokkan dengan bahasa Arab popular atau dengan gaya bahasa simplistik.