Neny Setiawaty Ningsih
Jurusan Kesehatan Gigi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak, Indonesia

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The Effectiveness of Combination Toothbrushing Techniques on Oral Hygiene Index (PHP-M) in Pre-School Children at Harapan Indah Kindergarten, Pontianak: Efektifitas Teknik Menyikat Gigi Kombinasi Terhadap Indeks Kebersihan Mulut (PHP-M) Pada Anak Pra-Sekolah Di TK Harapan Indah Pontianak Syarifah Lia Rismana; Neny Setiawaty Ningsih; Fathiah Fathiah; Halimah Halimah
Dental Therapist Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Dental Therapist Journal
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.263 KB) | DOI: 10.31965/dtj.v2i2.713


The combination tooth brushing technique is the technique most often taught in dental health education. Given the importance of maintaining dental and oral hygiene for pre-school children, parents play an important role in taking preventive measures, namely by brushing teeth twice a day, in the morning after breakfast and at night before going to bed using a combination technique that is often recommended in dental health education. and mouth. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the combined tooth brushing technique on changes in the oral hygiene index (PHP-M) of pre-school children at Harapan Indah Kindergarten, Pontianak. This research method is a quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) with the research design used in this study is the One Group Pre-test-Post-test Design. In this design, a pre-test was carried out to determine the initial state of the subject before being treated so that the researcher could find out the condition of the subject being studied before or after being given treatment whose results can be compared or seen changes, with a total of 31 respondents aged 6 years. The test results obtained that the mean/average of the initial PHP-M index before brushing with individual techniques was 46.61 and the mean/average of the final PHP-M index after brushing with individual techniques was 33.12 with a mean difference of 13.49, while the mean/average index of the initial PHP-M before brushing the teeth with the combination technique was 45.74 and the mean/average of the final PHP-M index after brushing the teeth with the combination technique was 19.64 with a mean difference of 26.1, with the probability after brushing teeth with individual and combination techniques is 0.000 because the probability is less than 0.05 then accept Ha, which means there is a significant difference before and after brushing teeth with the combination technique. Based on the research conducted, it is concluded that the combined tooth brushing technique is more effective in reducing the PHP-M index compared to the individual tooth brushing technique. Teknik menyikat gigi kombinasi adalah teknik yang paling sering diajarkan dalam penyuluhan kesehatan gigi. Mengingat begitu pentingnya menjaga kebersihan gigi dan mulut anak pra-sekolah, maka dari itu orang tua berperan penting dalam melakukan tindakan pencegahan yaitu dengan menyikat gigi dua kali sehari, pagi setelah sarapan dan malam sebelum tidur dengan menggunakan teknik kombinasi yang sering dianjurkan dalam penyuluhan kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektifitas teknik menyikat gigi kombinasi terhadap perubahan indeks kebersihan mulut (PHP-M) anak pra sekolah di TK Harapan Indah Pontianak. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimental quasi (semu) dengan desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Pada desain ini dilakukan pre-tes untuk mengetahui keadaan awal subjek sebelum diberi perlakuan sehingga peneliti dapat mengetahui kondisi subjek yang diteliti sebelum atau sesudah diberi perlakuan yang hasilnya dapat dibandingkan atau dilihat perubahannya, dengan jumlah 31 responden yang berumur 6 tahun. Hasil uji diperoleh mean/rata-rata indeks PHP-M awal sebelum menyikat gigi dengan teknik individual adalah 46,61 dan mean/rata-rata indeks PHP-M akhir setelah menyikat gigi dengan teknik individual adalah 33,12 dengan selisih mean 13,49, sedangkan mean/rata-rata indeks PHP-M awal sebelum menyikat gigi dengan teknik kombinasi 45,74 dan mean/rata-rata indeks PHP-M akhir setelah menyikat gigi dengan teknik kombinasi adalah 19,64 dengan selisih mean 26,1, dengan probabilitas setelah menyikat gigi dengan teknik individual dan kombinasi 0,000 karena probabilitasnya lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka menerima Ha yang artinya ada perbedaan yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah menyikat gigi dengan teknik kombinasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, maka disimpulkan bahwa teknik menyikat gigi kombinasi lebih efektif dalam menurunkan indeks PHP-M dibandingkan dengan teknik menyikat gigi individual.
The Influence of Polygonum Minus Huds on Bacteria to Acrylic Denture Sri Rezki; Halimah Halimah; Yeni Maryani; Neny Setyowati
Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi Vol 7, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jkg.v7i1.5777


The user of acrylic partial denture more than 4,5%  on  Indonesia Country, expecially on West Borneo distrik. Used acrylic partial denture in mouth must be clean, because in the moulth many bacteria. Plaque is a collection of bacteria. Plaque causes of diseases on the teeth and moulth. Plak Cleaning plak using toothbrush and moulthwash. Polygonum minus Huds is the endemic plants in West Borneo. Contained of Polygonum minus Hud are phenolic compounds, flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, terpenoids, tannins, saponins, and essential oils. It is can antibacterial in the form of Methanol Extract. the purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial effects of infusion extracts on the collection of bacteria on acrylic denture in the mouth. This study is experimental laboratory research with a posttest only control group design. It was conducted by comparing the antibacterial of Polygonum minus Huds in infusa of 25%, 50%, and 75%. Antibacterial test uses dilution test Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST). Data analysis uses qualitative data analysis. The results of the study is infusa Polygonum minus Huds can reduce  bakteri colony in acrylic denture. The higher the concentration of the infusa, the higher, the highter antibakteri effect
Anxiety Levels in Pre-Exodontia Children with Topical Anesthesia in Class III A and III B Students: Tingkat Kecemasan Anak Pra Tindakan Exodontia Dengan Topikal Anestesi Pada Siswa-Siswi Kelas III A Dan III B Bagus Maulidi; Neny Setiawaty Ningsih; Asmaul Husna; Budi Suryana
Dental Therapist Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dental Therapist Journal
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/dtj.v4i1.726


In providing an optimal dental health service, one of which is tooth extraction, this action given to children often causes pain and discomfort in children. Pain control is not only beneficial for children, but also for dental health workers. Because the calmness of the child will make it easier for dental health workers to carry out tooth extractions calmly, easily and according to the proper procedure. This study aims to describe the level of anxiety in pre-exodontia children with topical anesthesia at SDN 15 North Pontianak District in 2015. The design in this study was descriptive with a cross-sectional approach, ie each object of the study was observed at the same time and only done once. The results of the study on the level of anxiety in pre-exodontia children with topical anesthetics in grade III A and III B students at SDN 15 North Pontianak District in 2015, that of the 48 respondents who experienced a lot of anxiety levels were severe anxiety levels, namely 31 respondents (64 ,6%). The most who experienced it were girls as many as 25 respondents (52.1%). Based on the age category, the level of anxiety in pre-exodontia children with topical anesthesia at SDN 15 North Pontianak in 2015 was 9 years old with a total of 22 respondents (45.8%). Meanwhile, from the gender category, the level of anxiety in pre-exodontia children with topical anesthesia was mostly girls, namely 25 respondents, with a distribution of 15 respondents experiencing severe anxiety levels, 9 respondents experiencing moderate anxiety levels and none experiencing mild anxiety levels. Dalam memberikan suatu pelayanan kesehatan gigi yang optimal salah satunya adalah pencabutan gigi, tindakan ini diberikan kepada anak sering menimbulkan rasa sakit dan ketidaknyamanan pada anak. Pengendalian rasa sakit ini tidak hanya menguntungkan bagi anak, tetapi juga bagi tenaga kesehatan gigi. Karena ketenangan anak akan memudahkan tenaga kesehatan gigi dalam melakukan pencabutan gigi dengan tenang, mudah dan sesuai prosedur yang seharusnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kecemasan anak pra tindakan exodontia dengan topikal anestesi di SDN 15 Kecamatan Pontianak Utara Tahun 2015. Rancangan dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional yaitu setiap objek penelitian dilakukan observasi pada saat yang bersamaan dilakukan sekali saja. Hasil penelitian tingkat kecemasan anak pra tindakan exodontia dengan topikal anestesi pada siswa-siswi kelas III A dan III B di SDN 15 Kecamatan Pontianak Utara pada tahun 2015, bahwa dari 48 responden yang banyak mengalami tingkat kecemasan adalah tingkat kecemasan berat yaitu sebanyak 31 responden (64,6%). Paling banyak yang mengalaminya adalah anak perempuan sebanyak 25 responden (52,1%). Berdasarkan dari kategori umur tingkat kecemasan anak pra tindakan exodontia dengan topikal anestesi di SDN 15 Pontianak Utara tahun 2015 yang banyak mengalami adalah umur 9 tahun dengan jumlah responden 22 orang sebanyak (45,8%). Sedangkan dari kategori jenis kelamin tingkat kecemasan anak pra tindakan exodontia dengan topikal anestesi, yang paling banyak adalah anak perempuan yaitu 25 responden, dengan distribusi 15 responden mengalami tingkat kecemasan berat, 9 responden mengalami tingkat kecemasan sedang dan tidak ada yang mengalami tingkat kecemasan ringan.
Comparison Of The Number Of Salivary Bacterial Colonies In Caries And Non-Caries Children After Consuming Isotonic Drinks Yaya Widyatmoko; Neny Setyawati Ningsih; Amakhul Husna
Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi Vol 9, No 1: Juni 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jkg.v9i1.7934


ABSTRACTLevel of oral health very affected by level of bacteria colonies in saliva. One of oral disease which can happen because of development of caries is tooth caries. Isotonic drinks (soft drink) and other soft drink  have an a effect of oral health. Carbonated drink (soft drink), lactate, and isotonic drinks have same level of acidity. Point of this research is to know how different number of saliva bacteria colonies of children who had an caries and children who don`t have an caries after cosuming isotonic drinks.This research is the pseudo eksperiment research (quasi experiment). Design of this research is Pre and Post test with Control Group Design. Subject taken from student at the V class Elementary School 41 North Pontianak that is children who had an caries and non caries and subject this research taken by some criteria. The process of take saliva doing before and after consuming isotonic drink from 20 sample consists of 10 caries and 10 non caries and than breeding to be 40 colonies saliva bacteria in Microbiology Laboratory Health Polytechnic Kemenkes Pontianak. Static analysis do with used t-test.Number of colonies saliva bacteria of children who had an caries and non caries after consume isotonic drink obtained p value 0,05 is meaning have a significant different between two group. This mean comparison number of colonies saliva bacteria of children who had an a caries and non caries between before and after comsume isotonic drink in caries group as much 155,30 cfu and after treatment as much 232,20 cfu. Whie in non caries group before treatment as much 47,50 cfu and after treatment 101,50 cfu. This increase is much better than caries group as much 76,9 cfu while on non caries group as much 54 cfu.Based of the treatment result obtained is have an meaningfull different number colonies saliva bacteria of children who had an caries and non caries after consume isotonic drinkKeyword :Bacteria colonies, isotonic drink and caries