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Widyariset Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Widyariset
Publisher : Pusbindiklat - LIPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (805.611 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/widyariset.15.2.2012.471–478


Community structure of macrozoobentos in estuary of Banyuasin important as based of knowledge about bioindicator environtment. The aim of this research was to examine the community structure of macrozoobenthos in estuaries Banyuasin river of South Sumatra. This research conducted by field survey method. Field sampling was selected by purposive random sampling. Macrozoobenthos samples were taken using ekman grab. Further silt that is picked up from the tool was filtered using a filter to separate from the mud. Samples was inserted into the bottle sampel and then identifyed in the laboratory. Results showed that the highest density of macrozoobenthos occured in Oktober and the lowest in April. Diversity of macrozoobenthos based on index Shannon-Wiener average of all station showed a value of 1< H’ < 3. There were significant differences (P<0,05) at each sampling month and the highest value found in June amounting to 1,82. The value of uniformity during the research as seen from the difference in observation time was low. For environtmental quality criteria based on the diversity index Shannon-Wiener showed that the value of IML is 1,62 which means that in the area in the station that is contaminated with medium level.
Widyariset Vol 15, No 2 (2012): Widyariset
Publisher : Pusbindiklat - LIPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/widyariset.15.2.2012.471–478


Community structure of macrozoobentos in estuary of Banyuasin important as based of knowledge about bioindicator environtment. The aim of this research was to examine the community structure of macrozoobenthos in estuaries Banyuasin river of South Sumatra. This research conducted by field survey method. Field sampling was selected by purposive random sampling. Macrozoobenthos samples were taken using ekman grab. Further silt that is picked up from the tool was filtered using a filter to separate from the mud. Samples was inserted into the bottle sampel and then identifyed in the laboratory. Results showed that the highest density of macrozoobenthos occured in Oktober and the lowest in April. Diversity of macrozoobenthos based on index Shannon-Wiener average of all station showed a value of 1< H’ < 3. There were significant differences (P<0,05) at each sampling month and the highest value found in June amounting to 1,82. The value of uniformity during the research as seen from the difference in observation time was low. For environtmental quality criteria based on the diversity index Shannon-Wiener showed that the value of IML is 1,62 which means that in the area in the station that is contaminated with medium level.
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia Vol 20, No 2 (2014): (Juni 2014)
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan, BRSDM KP.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/jppi.20.2.2014.89-96


Danau Batur merupakan tipe danau vulkanik berbentuk kaldera di Propinsi Bali yang tidak mempunyai aliran air keluar (outlet). Danau ini mempunyai peranan penting sebagai sumber penyediaan protein hewani bagi masyarakat Kabupaten Bangli khususnya dan Bali pada umumnya. Informasi mengenai kondisi limnologi dan biologi perairan yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan dan pengelolaan perikanan belum banyak tersedia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian mengenai aspek limnologi dan estimasi potensi produksi ikan dilakukan pada Februari, Mei, September dan Nopember 2011.  Estimasi potensi produksi ikan diketahui dengan menerapkan rumus empiris dari hubungan antara produksi ikan dengan indeks morfoedafik. Dari nilai indeks status trofik perairan (55,17–61,14), perairan Danau Batur diklasifikasikan sebagai perairan dalam tingkat eutofik ringan sampai sedang. Dari nilai-nilai parameter daya hantar listrik, konsentrasi fosfat (PO4-P), nitrat (NO3-N), total nitrogen (TN), dan alkalinitas, perairan Danau Batur secara umum dapat dikategorikan sebagai perairan subur yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh organisme air yang berfungsi sebagai makanan alami, yang dapat mendukung kehidupan ikan. Perairan Danau Batur yang relatif subur ini memberikan gambaran potensi produksi sebesar 98,56-99,48 kg/ha/tahun (rata-rata 99,15 kg/ha/tahun). Dengan memperhitungkan luas perairan danau, potensi ikan Danau Batur diperkirakan secara rata-rata sebesar 159 ton/tahun. Nilai potensi produksi ini relatif lebih tinggi dari target produksi perikanan pada 2010 sebesar 150 ton. Agar dapat mempertahankan keberlanjutan proiduksi perikanan tangkap di Danau Batur, disarankan agar produksi perikanan tidak melebihi nilai potensi produksi seperti yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini.Lake Batur is a type of volcanic lake shaped caldera that has no water flow out (outlet). The lake has an important role to provide a protein source for the people of Bangli regency. However, the Information about the condition of limnology and aquatic biology that can be used as a basis for the development and management of fisheries has not been widely available. Therefore, research on aspects of limnology and estimation of fish production potential had been conducted in February, May, September and November 2011. Estimation of the potential of fish production was evaluated by applying the empirical formula of the relationship between fish production with morfoedafik index. Based on the aquatic trophic state index score (55.17 to 61.14), the waters of Lake Batur was classified as mild to moderate eutofik levels. From the values of the parameters of conductivity, the concentration of phosphate (PO4-P), nitrate (NO3-N), total nitrogen (TN), and alkalinity, the waters of Lake Batur in general can be categorized as productive waters that can be utilized by aquatic organisms as a natural food, which can supported the fish life. Waters of Lake Batur that was relatively productive provided the illustrating the production potential of 98.56 to 99.48 kg/ha/year (an average of 99.15 kg/ha/year). With into accounting the wide of the lake waters, fish potential of Lake Batur was estimated average of 159 tons/year. The potential value of this production was relatively higher than the fishery production target in 2010 amounted to 150 tons. In order to maintain the sustainability of fisheries production at Lake Batur, it was suggested that fish production did not exceed the value of fisheries production potential as obtained in this study. 
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap Vol 4, No 1 (2012): (April 2012)
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan, BRSDM KP.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.92 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/bawal.4.1.2012.35-43


Populasi ikan di suatu perairan berkaitan erat dengan keragaman jenis dan makanan yang tersedia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis dan kelimpahan sumberdaya ikan berdasarkan kebiasaan makannya di muara Sungai Musi Sumatera Selatan. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan pukat hela dan belad dilakukan pada bulan Maret dan Juni 2008 masing-masing pada 4 stasiun pengambilan contoh yang mewakili perairan muara Sungai Musi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sebanyak 34 jenis ikan di bagian tepi sungai dan 63 jenis di bagian tengah sungai. Ditinjau dari kebiasaan makan pada bulan Maret untuk ikan yang berada di tepi sungai diperoleh kelimpahan ikan herbivora paling tinggi (49 %) dan terendah ikan yang bersifat omnivora (1 %). Pada bulan Juni kelimpahan ikan carnivora paling tinggi (50 %) dan terendah ikan omnivora (1 %). Untuk jenis ikan yang berada di tengah sungai, kelimpahan ikan yang tertinggi pada bulan Maret yaitu ikan herbivora (87 %) dan terendah ikan omnivora (2 %). Pada bulan Juni kelimpahan yang tertinggi yaitu ikan carnivora (57 %) dan terendah ikan omnivora (0,2 %). Fish populations in the waters is closely related to species diversity and food available. The objective of this study is to determine of species composition and abundance of fish resources based on feeding habit in the estuarin water of Musi river. Sample was taken from 4 fishing stations by using trawl and towing net (belad) in March and June 2008. The results showed that there were 34 species of fish in the riverside and 63 species of fish in the middle stream. Analysis of feeding habit in March for the fishes in found riverside showed that herbivorous fish was highest 49% of total catch and the lowest was omnivorous fish (1%). While in June the carnivorous fish was highest (50%) and the lowest was omnivorous fish (1%). In the middlestream the highest abundance in March was herbivorous fish (87%) and the lowest (57%) was omnivorous fish (2%). In June, the highest abundance of fish was carnivores and the lowest was omnivorous fish (0.2%).
BIOLOGI REPRODUKSI IKAN SUMPIT (Toxotes microlepis Gunther 1860) DI PERAIRAN SUNGAI MUSI SUMATERA SELATAN Ni Komang Suryati; Safran Makmur; Syarifa Nurdawati
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap Vol 6, No 3 (2014): (Desember 2014)
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan, BRSDM KP.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.846 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/bawal.6.3.2014.119-126


Kegiatan penangkapan ikan sumpit sebagai ikan hias secara terus menerus di SungaiMusi oleh para nelayan akan mengakibatkan penurunan populasi ikan tersebut. Ikan sumpit termasuk ikan yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi, harganya di pasaran Rp 150.000,-. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui aspek biologi reproduksi ikan sumpit sebagai salah satu informasi untuk mendukung pelestarian ikan sumpit agar populasi ikan sumpit tetap terjaga. Penelitian dilakukan pada setiap bulan sejak Juni hingga Oktober 2011. Pengambilan sampel Ikan sumpit dilaksanakan di Perairan Sungai Musi dari Borang sampai Sungsang. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan rasio kelamin antara ikan jantan dan ikan betina terjadi ketidakseimbangan dimana rasio kelamin ikan jantan jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan rasio kelamin ikan betina (2:1). Rata-rata nilai Indeks Gonad Somatik ikan sumpit berkisar antara 4,27±1,27. Nilai dari fekunditas ikan sumpit betina secara keseluruhan berkisar 6.655-72.726 butir/individu. Kisaran diameter telurnya antara 0,27 – 0,95 mm. Ukuran pertama kali matang gonad pada panjang total 134,97 mm untuk ikan jantan dan 116,31 mm untuk ikan betina.Fishing activity of archer fish as ornamental fish continuously in Musiriver by fisher will decrease it population. The price is Rp 150.000,-/fish in market so that Archer fish has high economy value. Therefore it was necessary to study the reproductive biology of archerfish that may be used as a reference for better management in order to achieve stability of its population. The research was conducted every month from June to October 2011 in downstream ofMusiriver South Sumatera. Result of this research showed that proportion between male and female were not equal (2:1). Gonad Somatic Index of archer fish values ranged 4,27 ± 1,27 and the fecundity of the female is estimated between 6655 to 72726 eggs. The average diameter of mature egss ranged form 0.27 to 0.95 mm. Length of first maturity for male and female were 134.97 mm and 116.31 mm, respectivelly.