Heni Widayani
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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Pemanfaatan Posdaya Masjid Baitussalam sebagai Pusat Pengolahan Sari Buah Markisa di Dusun Robyong, Desa Wonomulyo, Kabupaten Malang Ari Kusumastuti; Heni Widayani; Angga Dwi Mulyanto; Hisyam Fahmi
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/agrokreatif.5.2.89-95


The formation of the family empowerment post (Posdaya) at Robyong Sub-village of Poncokusumo is intended to increase family income through the application of technology to utilize existing natural potential endowment. The mosque-based family empowerment post could functionalize mosque as a social-economic community center as well as a religious activity center. The community empowerment program at Baitussalam-Mosque Posdaya has become a pilot project in the mosque-based society empowerment. The implementation of the program consisted of family data collection, socialization, and determination of the Posdaya main program according to local potential. Discussion with locals has concluded that the need for training about passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) processing as a main program of Posdaya, since passion fruit has become potential and not yet being utilized optimally. Participants are locals around Baitussalam Mosque, especially housewives. Direct observation shows that locals actively participate in the Posdaya program and supported also by Posdaya organizer and community leaders. The resulting product was responded positively by the market. The product was already marketed out of Java as a souvenir from the Robyong sub-village of Poncokusumo. This program is expected to become a micro-group enterprise from Robyong sub-village with product diversification, good marketing strategy, and good production management in the future.
Analisis Dinamik Model Predator-Prey dengan Faktor Kanibalisme Pada Predator Dwi Safitri; Heni Widayani; Usman Pagalay
Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Matematika Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Matematika
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1086.944 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/jrmm.v1i2.14019


Kajian dinamika populasi predator-prey di suatu ekosistem dengan adanya kanibalisme pada predator dilakukan pada penelitian ini. Ketika ada kanibalisme di tingkat predator dikhawatirkan populasi predator itu akan menurun atau terjadi kepunahan, sehingga populasi prey menjadi tidak terkontrol dan akan terjadi ketidakseimbangan ekosistem. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dibangunlah model matematika predator-prey dengan faktor kanibalisme pada predator berbentuk sistem persamaan diferensial biasa non linier dengan tiga persamaan. Pada model predator-prey tersebut ditemukan dua titik kesetimbangan yang memiliki kemungkinan stabil yaitu titik kesetimbangan ketika tidak ada prey  dan titik kesetimbangan ketika kedua spesies eksis di ekosistem tersebut . Hasil sensitivitas analisis menunjukkan bahwa sifat kestabilan lokal dari titik  maupun  bergantung pada parameter kanibalisme yakni  dan . Lebih lanjut, untuk titik  telah dibuktikan sifat kestabilan global menggunakan fungsi lyapunov. Hasil simulasi numerik mengilustrasikan hasil analisa yang sudah diperoleh, sehingga ditemukan kemungkinan terjadinya limit cycles yang menandakan adanya bifurkasi hopf.
Simulasi Model Diskrit Respon Sistem Imun pada Penyebaran Tumor Otak dengan Metode Beda Hingga Standar Icha Zakiyya Nafisah Roza; Usman Pagalay; Heni Widayani
Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Matematika Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Matematika
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1270.314 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/jrmm.v1i2.14045


Tumor otak merupakan penyakit dimana jaringan dalam sistem saraf pusat tumbuh secara abnormal. Pertumbuhan tumor tersebut mengalami interaksi dengan sistem imun untuk menghambat pertumbuhan tumor, hal tersebut dapat dideskripsikan dalam model matematika yang berbentuk persamaan diferensial biasa. Model matematika penyebaran tumor otak dengan respon sistem imun pada penelitian ini terdapat lima variabel yaitu, glioma , makrofag , sel T CD    TGF-   , dan IFN- . Model tersebut akan didiskritisasi dengan menggunakan metode beda hingga standar. Metode beda hingga standar atau metode euler merupakan metode yang diturunkan dari deret Taylor. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa model diskrit penyebaran tumor otak dengan respon sistem imun memiliki jenis kestabilan model diskrit sama dengan model kontinunya dan memiliki dua titik kesetimbangan, yaitu kesetimbangan bebas penyakit dan kesetimbangan endemik. Titik kesetimbangan bebas penyakit dan endemik bersifat stabil asimtotik apabila memenuhi kriteria kestabilan Schur-Cohn. Simulasi numerik dilakukan untuk mengilustrasikan dan menguji hasil analisis yang diperoleh. Hasil simulasi numerik diperoleh bahwa model diskrit akan sama dengan model kontinunya saat  tertentu.
Implementasi Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making Pada Seleksi Beasiswa Bank Indonesia Hakmi Rais Fauzan; Evawati Alisah; Heni Widayani
Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Matematika Vol 1, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Matematika
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.193 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/jrmm.v1i4.14463


The Bank Indonesia Scholarship is a scholarship provided by Bank Indonesia for students at various universities, one of which is UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. In the scholarship selection process, there are several criteria that affect the graduation of prospective scholarship recipients. However, often the process is not transparently. So a calculation method is needed, one of which is using Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM). With FMCDM it can help to get an accurate and optimal decision on scholarship recipients. The FMCDM process begins with collecting information related to scholarships, scholarship applicants, and a set of criteria that will be used for consideration of scholarship acceptance. The set of criteria consists of 11 criteria, namely, Academic Achievement Index (GPA), international level achievement, national level achievement, provincial level achievement, district/city level achievement, father's occupation, mother's income, number of family dependents, house area, land and building tax, as well as electricity bills. The next step is to evaluate the fuzzy set by aggregating the weight of the criteria and the degree of compatibility of each alternative with the criteria. The aggregation result is called the fuzzy fit index which consists of 3 values, namely, the y value which represents the lower limit of the aggregation result, the q value which represents the middle limit, and the z value which represents the upper limit value. The three values are ranked using a ranking method for fuzzy numbers with a degree of optimism. So that the total integral value for each alternative will be obtained, which will be the decision in accepting the scholarship. From the results of the FMCDM, there is a ranking of decision alternatives from the highest priority to the lowest in determining scholarship acceptance.