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Journal : Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin

Pemikiran Ulama Dayah Inshafuddin Arfah Ibrahim
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 17, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v17i2.3992


Abstract: Inshafuddin is one of conservative Islamic scholar organizations that still maintains traditional customs, and uphold the values of the kitab kuning (old Islamic books). Nevertheless, they also adapt to modern customs. Thus, Inshafuddin is able to take on a role for social and religious changes in Aceh. The changes are apparent in the thought dynamics of the figures produced by Dayah (conservative Islamic school) of Inshafuddin itself. Among the many are the concepts of thought by promoted by TGK. David Zamzami related to ideologies in Islam, Prof. Dr. Safwan Idris, MA, on BAZIS (Muslim Charitable Donation Board), and TGK. Ismail Jacob about contemporary Islamic jurisprudence. This article aimed to review the thought of these figures from the standpoint of their openness to new ideas.Abstrak: Inshafuddin salah satu organisasi ulama dayah yang masih tetap eksis mempertahankan pola-pola tradisional, dan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kitab kuning. Meskipun demikian, mereka turut serta menyesuaikan diri dengan pola-pola kemoderenan. Dengan demikian Inshafuddin mampu mengambil peran bagi perubahan sosial dan keagamaan di Aceh. Perubahan tersebut terlihat dari dinamika pemikiran yang lahir dari tokoh-tokoh yang ada dalam dayah inshafuddin itu sendiri. Seperti konsep pemikiran Tgk. Daud Zamzami tentang aliran-aliran dalam Islam, Prof. Dr. Safwan Idris, MA, tentang BAZIS (Badan Amil Zakat Infak dan Shadakah), dan Tgk. Ismail Yakub tentang fiqh kontemporer. Artiikel ini dimaksudkan untuk mengulas beberapa pemikiran tokoh tersebut dari sudut pandang keterbukaan mereka terhadap ide-ide baru.
Eksistensi Majelis Zikir Dan Pembentukan Akhlak Generasi Muda Kota Banda Aceh Arfah Ibrahim
Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 19, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/substantia.v19i2.2880


In the last decade, various groups of dhikr assemblies have emerged in Banda Aceh. The presence of the dhikr assembly has broadly attracted the interest of Banda Aceh people to join in including youth. Majoriti those who joined the assembly of zikr caused by the aridity of the soul who wants to find peace and tranquility in the remembrance of mind. Therefore, the existence of the dhikr assembly in Banda Aceh is accepted by most layers of society. Nevertheless, in the last year, the call to remembrance has been massively no longer vibrant when compared to a few years ago. This raises the perception that dhikr made during this time is closely related to the political season and is full of political interests from certain groups. Nevertheless, this article concludes that the existence of the assembly of remembrance needs to be maintained by the people of Aceh because the assembly of remembrance becomes a means that can bring society closer to Allah SWT, helping to shape the morality of the younger generation, thus changing their attitude to become a better person as a servant of God and also as social beings