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Pengembangan video penggunaan alat gelas laboratorium kimia di universitas Khusna Arif Rakhman; A. Rasyid Saraha; Nurfatimah Sugrah
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA Vol 3, No 2: October 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1034.581 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v3i2.15667


Telah dilakukan peneletian tentang pengembangan media video penggunaan alat gelas di Laboratorium pada mahasiswa tahun I Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan video penggunaan alat gelas di laboratorium yang layak digunakan sebagai panduan mahasiswa program studi pendidikan kimia FKIP Universitas Khairun dalam melakukan praktikum. Media video pengguaan alat gelas di Laboratorium ini dikembangkan berdasarkan kaidah pengembangan media pembelajaran yang diadaptasi dari tahap pengembangan 4D. Hasil pengembangan berupa video pengenalan dan penggunaan alat gelas di laboratorium dengan durasi 18 menit. Dari segi validitas media video, kedua produk tersebut dinyatakan sangat valid oleh 3 orang validator dengan nilai rata-rata 3,81 dari skala 4 dengan kategori sangat valid. Produk media video juga diukur keterbacaannya oleh 10 mahasiswa prodi pendidikan kimia FKIP Universitas Khairun dengan persentase keterbacaan sebesar 79,17%. Sedangkan angka keterlaksanaan praktikum menggunakan panduan kedua video tersebut di Laboratorium sebesar 67,50%. Video Development of Use of Chemical Laboratory Equipment in University AbstractThe research has been conducted to develop of video use of glassware in the laboratory at the first year students of the educational chemistry department. This study aims to produce a video of glass tools usage in a laboratory that was suitable to be used as a practicum module for students of educational chemistry department FKIP Khairun University. Video development methods based on learning media development principles adapted from the 4D development stage. The results of the development of a video introduction and use of glassware in the laboratory with a duration of 18 minutes. The validity of both was expressed by 3 validators with an average rating of 3.81 from a scale of 4 with very valid categories. Video products are also measured legibility by 10 students of educational chemistry department FKIP Khairun University with a percentage of legibility of 79.17%. While the practical implementation the video usage on practicum in the Laboratory of 67.50%.
SDBL-Prodeo (Self-Directed Belended Learning-oriented Prodeo) Design and Validation to Improve Digital Literacy Chemistry Teacher Candidate Students St Hayatun Nur Abu; Abd. Rasyid Saraha; Fitriani Ibrahim
EduLine: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Yayasan Ahmar Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (688.108 KB) | DOI: 10.35877/454RI.eduline1203


The influence of advances in information and technology causes changes in all aspects of life, including aspects of education or teaching. The ease of accessing digital or internet information through search engines such as Google should be able to be used properly in the learning process and can make students become independent and creative learners. In fact, the condition of students, especially chemistry education students, has not utilized digital resources properly, therefore it is necessary to increase digital literacy for prospective teacher students as their provision to become professional teachers, technology literate and according to the demands of the times. Digital literacy is a skill that not only involves the ability to use technology, information, and communication devices, but also social skills, learning skills, and having attitudes, critical thinking, creative, and inspirational as digital competencies. These abilities can be developed if educators apply innovative learning strategies and are based on the learning independence of students. This study aims to design and validate the Prodeo-oriented Self-Directed Belended Learning (SDBL) (Video Project) or SDBL-Prodeo learning model that can improve the digital literacy of prospective teacher students. The components of the learning model developed consist of a description of the model, theoretical basis, syntax, reaction principle, social system, instructional impact, supporting impact. The SDBL model is an integration of the Self-Directed Learning (SDL) model with Belended Learning. This proposal is a development of previous research that has known the effect of learning chemistry through the creation of videos and images based on social media. The method in this research is RnD research following the 4D development pattern (Define, Design, Development, Disseminate). This research is limited to the development stage, namely the revision of the validation results. The results of the validation of the SDBL-Prodeo model design are in the valid category, which means that the SDBL-Prodeo model can be applied to chemistry learning which aims to improve students' digital literacy.