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Peran Pesantren dalam Membentuk Karakter Santri Syadidul Kahar; Muhammad Irsan Barus; Candra Wijaya
Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology) Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Anthropos
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/antro.v4i2.11949


The purpose of this study was to find out the role of the Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School in the Pangkalan Susu District of Langkat in the Form of Santri Character The approach used is case study. The object of this research is religious Islamic education institutions. Data sources are people who are directly and indirectly involved with pesantren. To collect these data, the author uses several techniques in data collection, namely documentation, observation and interviews. Data analysis in research uses interpretive patterns that aim to achieve a correct understanding of facts, data and symptoms. In this study researchers focused on two curricula, namely the pesantren curriculum and the general education curriculum. used in the Darusa'dah Islamic Boarding School which is related to character formation. The Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School curriculum accommodates students who focus on learning two curricula, namely the pesantren curriculum and the general education curriculum. The pesantren curriculum material taught is sourced from the yellow book which includes; religious laws, monotheism, morals and Arabic. The education curriculum of the Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School is focused on the teaching of the Koran, hadith and the books written by the previous ulama. Educational material is presented based on class. The pesantren curriculum and general education curriculum are taught in the Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School, as well as forming the character of the santri.
Pola Asuh Demokrasi dan Nilai-Nilai Agama Dalam Keluarga di Lingkungan Beragam Agama Desa Suka Julu Dusun III Jumpa Laili Alfita; Risydah Fadillah; Muhammad Irsan Barus
Pelita Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Pelita Masyarakat, September
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (866.572 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/pelitamasyarakat.v1i1.2774


This service aims at this service is Building a pattern of Democratic Care and Building the values of Religion. It should be understood that the family is two or more individuals who live in one household because of the relationship of blood, marriage and interacting with one another, having their respective roles by creating and maintaining a culture. The environment that is first encountered by children is the family environment. In the family of course there are religious values born from generation to generation and carried by the family. Whereas religious experience is an element of feeling in religious consciousness, namely the feeling that leads to beliefs generated by actions or amaliyah. Suka Julu Village Hamlet III Jumpa is one of the villages located in Karo land with diverse religious communities although it is dominated by Karo tribes in the area around Berastagi city. In customs, girls are not allowed to talk with their father. In addition, there is still a lack of planting of religious values. There are still those who do not have strong religious beliefs, so that on Christmas day, there are still Muslims who follow Christian activities and vice versa. This is certainly confusing for children. So that it will give birth to children who lack confidence. Personality dynamics actively influence human activities. Spiritual energy functions to regulate spiritual activities such as thinking, remembering, observing and so on. The instinct function regulates primary needs: eating, drinking and sexual. The ego has the function of adjusting impulse adjustment with objective reality. While Super Ego functions as a giver of inner rewards (satisfied, happy, successful) and punishment (guilt, sin, regret). The reward is played by the ideal ego, and inner punishment is carried out by the conscience. This activity was carried out to foster democratic upbringing and religious values in families in various religious environments in a tribe.