Aine Kusumawati
Kelompok Keahlian Rekayasa Transportasi, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesa No.10 Bandung.

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Jurnal Transportasi Vol 12, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Safety is one of the main considerations in designing toll roads. Vehicle running at speed higher than the speed limit contribute to such a high number of traffic accident. PT Jasa Marga, the operator of Cipularang toll road, has taken preventive actions to reduce the number of accidents by installing transverse rumble strips. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of installing transverse rumble strips at Cipularang toll road in reducing the speed of light vehicles and the number of accidents. Using parametric and non-parametric tests, this study showed that the transverse rumble strips do not affect the speed of light vehicles. In addition, the transverse rumble strips has no significant effect in reducing the number of accidents either.Keywords: traffic safety, toll roads, transverse rumble strips, traffic accidents.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 14, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.792 KB)


Abstract In a complex system, such as in the field of transportation safety, the problem is actually present in the basic structure of the system. Therefore, an analysis of the system is needed to solve the problems in a comprehensive manner. For this reason, a systems approach is highly demanded. The systems approach is not just a matter of theory but also the practical way of thinking and philosophy in solving a problem. System dynamics model presents a set of cohesive steps to be followed systematically by understanding the root or basic cause of any problems under consideration. By providing insight into the feedback process, system dynamics models provide a better understanding of the users of the system to understand the dynamic behavior of a system. Keywords: system dynamics, systems approach, model, transport safety  Abstrak Dalam suatu sistem yang kompleks, seperti dalam bidang keselamatan transportasi, permasalahan sebenarnya terdapat pada struktur dasar sistem tersebut. Oleh karena itu, analisis terhadap sistem dibutuhkan untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan secara komprehensif atau diperlukan suatu bentuk penyelesaian yang menggunakan pendekatan sistem. Pendekatan sistem bukan hanya menyangkut masalah teori tetapi juga mengenai cara berpikir dan filsafat praktis dalam memecahkan suatu masalah. Model dinamika sistem menyajikan seperangkat langkah-langkah penyelesaian kohesif yang harus diikuti secara sistematis dengan memahami akar atau penyebab dasar setiap permasalahan yang dipertimbangkan. Dengan memberikan wawasan dalam proses umpan balik, model dinamika sistem memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada pengguna sistem untuk memahami perilaku dinamis suatu sistem. Kata-kata kunci: dinamika sistem, pendekatan sistem, model, keselamatan transportasi
Pengembangan Model Prediksi Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas pada Jalan Tol Purbaleunyi Rakhmat, Lucky Aquita; Kusumawati, Aine; Frazila, Russ Bona; Hendarto, Sri
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 19, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Kondisi keselamatan lalu lintas jalan di Indonesia masih belum baik, kecelakaan lalu lintas masih sering terjadi dan memakan banyak korban jiwa. Salah satu upaya mendasar yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kondisi keselamatan lalu lintas jalan adalah dengan cara mengembangkan model prediksi kecelakaan. Model ini menghubungkan frekuensi kecelakaan yang terjadi pada suatu entitas jalan dengan arus lalu lintas dan berbagai faktor lingkungan jalan yang berkontribusi pada terjadinya kecelakaan. Kegunaan model ini adalah untuk mengestimasi dan memprediksi keselamatan suatu entitas jalan, mengidentifikasi lokasi-lokasi jalan berbahaya, dan juga untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan penerapan program penanganan lokasi berbahaya. Makalah ini menyajikan model prediksi kecelakaan pada ruas jalan tol Purwakarta-Bandung-Cileunyi (Purbaleunyi) yang dibangun dengan membandingkan kinerja statistik dari model regresi Poisson, Negatif Binomial (NB), Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP), dan Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB). Hasil pemodelan mengindikasikan model regresi NB adalah model yang terbaik. Berdasarkan model yang dibangun, frekuensi kecelakaan berkorelasi positif dengan lintas harian rata-rata tahunan, derajat kelengkungan, dan keberadaan median yang tingginya kurang dari 1,75 m dan lebarnya kurang dari 2,5 m. Model yang dibangun kemudian diaplikasikan untuk melakukan identifikasi dan pemeringkatan segmen jalan berbahaya. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa KM 92-93 (arah Cileunyi) merupakan segmen yang paling berbahaya pada jalan tol Purbaleunyi. Abstract. Road traffic safety condition in Indonesia still needs improvement that road traffic accidents occur frequently and cause many people died. One way to improve road safety is by developing accident prediction model. The model relates accident frequencies with traffic flow and various roadway geometric/environment characteristics contributing to accident occurrences. The model is useful to estimate and predict safety of a road entity, identify hazardous road locations, and also to evaluate treatment effectiveness applied on hazardous road locations. This paper presents the accident prediction model for Purwakarta-Bandung-Cileunyi (Purbaleunyi) toll road. The model was developed by comparing statistical performances of Poisson, Negatif Binomial (NB), Zero- Inflated Poisson (ZIP), dan Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB) regression models. The modeling result indicates that the model which is developed using the NB regression model is the best. Based on the developed model, the accident frequency has positivie correlations with annual average daily traffic, degree of curvature, and presence of median with height less than 1.75 m and width less than 2.5 m. The developed model was subsequently applied to identify and rank hazardous road segments. The result shows that KM 92-93 (direction to Cileunyi) is the most hazardous segment at Purbaleunyi toll road.
Evaluasi Kondisi Struktural Perkerasan Lentur Menggunakan Metoda AASHTO 1993 Studi Kasus: Ruas Ciasem-Pamanukan (Pantura) Care, Frisky Ridwan A.Melania; Subagio, Bambang Sugeng; Rahman, Harmein; Kusumawati, Aine
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 19, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kinerja struktural dari perkerasan lentur yang terletak di Jalan Nasional PANTURA ruas Ciasem-Pamanukan. Dalam analisis kondisi struktural data lendutan FWD (Falling Weight Deflectometer) digunakan untuk menghitung beberapa variabel dalam metoda AASHTO 1993, yaitu: nilai Modulus Resilien dari Subgrade (MR), nilai Modulus Efektif di atas tanah dasar (Ep). Kemudian perhitungan dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan data tebal perkerasan dan nilai PSI untuk mendapatkan Structural Number Original (SNO), kumulatif ESAL aktual, Structural Number Effective (SNeff), Umur Sisa Perkerasan dan Structural Number in Future (SNf). Hasil Analisis Struktural memberikan nilai Umur Sisauntuk tiap segmen dan juga rekomendasi penanganan yang diperlukan dengan menggunakan kriteria penanganan menurut Bina Marga,yaitu SNeff/SNf> 0,70. Perhitungan beban sumbu untuk kendaraan berat yang menggunakan WIM (Weight -in-Motion) data menunjukkan nilai Truck Factor yang sangat besar, contohnya : 91,54 untuk Gol.7C-3. Analisis beban sumbu secara umum juga menunjukkan bahwa kendaraan berat lebih suka menggunakan jalur cepat untuk setiap arah. Secara umum penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Jalan Nasional PANTURA membutuhkan program pemeliharaan yang sangat intensif setiap tahun karena volume lalu lintas yang tinggi dan nilai Truck Factor yang sangat besar pada beberapa kendaraan berat.Abstract. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the structural performance of flexible pavement, located in the North Java’s National Road, i.e. Ciasem-Pamanukan Section. In the analysis of structural condition, the deflection data resulted from FWD (Falling Weight Deflectometer) was used to calculate some variables in the AASHTO-93 method, those are : the Subgrade Resilient Modulus (MR), the Effective Modulus above the Subgrade (Ep). Then the calculation was continued using the pavement thickness data and PSI value, to obtain the Original Structural Number (SNO), the actual cumulative ESAL, the Effective Structural Number (SNeff), the Remaining Life of pavement, and the Future Structural Number (SNf). The result of Structural Analysis using the AASHTO-93 method gave the Remaining Life for each section, and also recommend the treatment level needed for the same section, using the Bina Marga’s Treatment Level criteria i.e. the ratio of SNeff to SNf equal to 0.70. The calculation of axle loading for heavy vehicles, using WIM’s (Weight-in-Motion) data showed that a huge number of Truck Factor was obtained, for example : 91,54 for 7C-3 class. The axle-loading analysis showed also that is general, the heavy vehicles prefer to use the fast lane for each direction. In general, this research could justify that the National Road in North Java’s corridor always need a very intensive maintenance program every year, due to high volume of traffic, and especially a very high number of Truck Factor for some Heavy Trucks.
Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 2 No 2 (2015): Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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In a complex system, such as in the field of transportation safety, the problem is actually present in the basic structure of the system. Therefore, an analysis of the system needed to be able to solve problems in a comprehensive manner, so we need a form of settlement by using a systems approach. A systems approach is not only in regards to theory, but also the way of thinking and practical philosophy in solving a problem. System dynamics model under system approach methodology set completion cohesive steps to be followed systematically by understanding basic cause of every problem under consideration. By providing insight into the feedback process, system dynamics models provide a better understanding of the users of the system to understand the dynamic behavior of a system.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 12, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (577.789 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v12i3.492.%p


Safety is one of the main considerations in designing toll roads. Vehicle running at speed higher than the speed limit contribute to such a high number of traffic accident. PT Jasa Marga, the operator of Cipularang toll road, has taken preventive actions to reduce the number of accidents by installing transverse rumble strips. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of installing transverse rumble strips at Cipularang toll road in reducing the speed of light vehicles and the number of accidents. Using parametric and non-parametric tests, this study showed that the transverse rumble strips do not affect the speed of light vehicles. In addition, the transverse rumble strips has no significant effect in reducing the number of accidents either.Keywords: traffic safety, toll roads, transverse rumble strips, traffic accidents.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 14, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.792 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v14i3.1516.%p


Abstract In a complex system, such as in the field of transportation safety, the problem is actually present in the basic structure of the system. Therefore, an analysis of the system is needed to solve the problems in a comprehensive manner. For this reason, a systems approach is highly demanded. The systems approach is not just a matter of theory but also the practical way of thinking and philosophy in solving a problem. System dynamics model presents a set of cohesive steps to be followed systematically by understanding the root or basic cause of any problems under consideration. By providing insight into the feedback process, system dynamics models provide a better understanding of the users of the system to understand the dynamic behavior of a system. Keywords: system dynamics, systems approach, model, transport safety  Abstrak Dalam suatu sistem yang kompleks, seperti dalam bidang keselamatan transportasi, permasalahan sebenarnya terdapat pada struktur dasar sistem tersebut. Oleh karena itu, analisis terhadap sistem dibutuhkan untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan secara komprehensif atau diperlukan suatu bentuk penyelesaian yang menggunakan pendekatan sistem. Pendekatan sistem bukan hanya menyangkut masalah teori tetapi juga mengenai cara berpikir dan filsafat praktis dalam memecahkan suatu masalah. Model dinamika sistem menyajikan seperangkat langkah-langkah penyelesaian kohesif yang harus diikuti secara sistematis dengan memahami akar atau penyebab dasar setiap permasalahan yang dipertimbangkan. Dengan memberikan wawasan dalam proses umpan balik, model dinamika sistem memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada pengguna sistem untuk memahami perilaku dinamis suatu sistem. Kata-kata kunci: dinamika sistem, pendekatan sistem, model, keselamatan transportasi