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Reposisi Teologi Zakat dalam Praksis Pengentasan Kemiskinan Suripto
EKSYAR : Jurnal Ekonomi Syari'ah & Bisnis Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2015): EKSYAR : Jurnal Ekonomi Syari'ah & Bisnis Islam
Publisher : Study Program Ekonomi Syari'ah, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Tulungagung

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Praxis of zakat in Islam as the implementation of the three pillars need to be repositioned in order to be useful in establishing the benefit of the individual and social well-being. Since orders are mandatory zakat in Islam is essentially a form of distribution for economic justice among fellow Muslims in order to avoid a gap between the rich and the poor. Model distribution of zakat which has been traditionally managed should be immediately changed by using modern management so that the right target and can actually help alleviate poverty (recipients) of poverty, so that they can be turned into tax payers. Although the charity is an individual responsibility, but the state also has a responsible management. Then the State should establish a special agency to manage zakat trustful and professional and must be administered separately from the government budget.
Rekonstruksi Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Suripto
EDUKASI : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (e-Journal) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Tarbiyah Departement collaboration with AMCA

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Islam as a source of reference values have been offered a grand design for the development of all areas of science including the science of Islamic education. However, in the plains of praxis, the grand design of science is actually eliminated by a scientific ideology of the Muslim community itself which is used to maintain the semantic falsehood epistimologi in the development of Islamic scholarship. So the building of knowledge in Islamic educational thought often prepared on the basis of the less obvious and less functional. Through a philosophical approach to the author asserts that the reconstruction of an ideal Islamic educational thought should put philosophy as the entry point and the basic paradigm for the entire building science.
Refleksi Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Filsafat Idealisme Suripto
EDUKASI : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (e-Journal) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2016): Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Tarbiyah Departement collaboration with AMCA

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Philosophy as the mother of knowledge has large contributed to develop of education. Through a profound point of view, the philosophy of trying to parse its education up to its roots in order to obtain a comprehensive view. The philosophy of Plato's Idealism that further emphasizes the importance of the superiority of the mind, the spirit or the soul of the things that is material. Leaves from the trees thoughts of philosophy of idealism which consists of view of metaphysics, epistimologi and gives its own perspective of axiology in philosophical analysis of the world education is again reflected in his views about the human being, the formulation of the purpose of education, curriculum, methods, pupils and teachers.
Teologi Pendidikan Multikultural Suripto
EDUKASI : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (e-Journal) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2017): Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Tarbiyah Departement collaboration with AMCA

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The declining awareness of the diversity of values and the strengthening of the recent egocentrism of the group has disturbed the attention of many and worried about the joints of the life of society, nation and state. To be presented a religion is essentially a multicultural paradigmatic answer to all universal human problems regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, culture, language, and so on. What is the formulation of cooperation between religious and inter-religious people in an effort to achieve a peaceful, tolerant, co-operative, peaceful, coexistent, and exemplary society? To answer that question seems to require a religious understanding based on inclusive, humanist and multicultural theology. The presence of multicultural education theology is expected to contribute to solving the above problems.
Revitalization of Islamic Education Epistemology Suripto
EDUKASI : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (e-Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018): Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Tarbiyah Departement collaboration with AMCA

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Islamic education is faced with a very complex problem, on the one hand it must be able to transfer knowledge and on the other hand that is not less important is to transfer the value of Islamic teachings. Epistemological criticism of the concept of Islamic education actually lies in the conceptual-philosophical building of Islamic education that does not have a clear and functional concept in dealing with the development of science and technology. Islamic education experiences lethargy and does not have the power of vitality that is not capable of giving birth to the concept of science that is able to solve the problem of universal humanity because it is trapped in the confines of the dogma of theology and fiqh of medieval scholars.
Interkoneksi Madzhab Filsafat Pendidikan dengan Madzhab Filsafat Pendidikan Islam Suripto
DIMAR: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): DIMAR: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Al Mubarok Bandar Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58577/dimar.v4i1.68


The birth of the scientific discipline of Islamic education stems from a meeting between educational philosophy and Islamic thought. kindly genealogy, the scientific discipline has a point of intersection of paradigms which, if traced to its scientific roots, leads to the study of philosophy as the mother of sciences. Philosophical studies with various variants of madhhab he opened the veils of the scientific spider web (scientific cobwebs) that are interrelated and cannot be separated. The interconnection of thought paradigms between philosophy, educational philosophy, and Islamic thought contributed to the birth of Islamic educational philosophy and thought of the madhhabs. madhhabIslamic educational philosophy of thought perennial-essentialist salafi, perennial-essentialist school of thought, modernist, and perennial-essentialist falsification contextual, and the social reconstruction based on monotheism in this study is the result of a marriage between madhab educational philosophy withmadhhabIslamic thought.
IMTIYAZ: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/imtiyaz.v7i2.1087


Muhammad Iqbal is a modern Muslim philosopher-poet who, conceptually and philosophically, does not have a detailed formulation of Islamic educational concepts. However, implicitly, based on his fundamental views on humanity, particularly his philosophical thoughts on the ego, a dynamic, innovative, and vitalistic concept of Islamic educational thought can be reconstructed. The genealogy of Islamic educational values in Iqbal's philosophical thought is rooted in his ideas about humanity, especially his perspective on the story of Adam, the concept of ego, and the perfect human (insan kamil). Based on this, fundamental issues in humanities studies related to education can be identified: innate potential, freedom, and the essence of humanity. The construction of Islamic educational values in Muhammad Iqbal's philosophical thought includes: values of monotheistic education, values of moral education, values of rational education (intelligence), and values of social education. All of these educational values also originate from Iqbal's view of the liberated ego, constantly progressing towards perfection, which is Allah SWT. Keywords:  Values; Islamic Education; Philosophical Thought; Iqbal.