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Construction and Material Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Construction and Material Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 Juli 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

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Jumlah sepeda motor yang ada di jalan mempengaruhi tingkat pelayanan serta karakteristik lalu lintas ruas jalan. Masalah perilaku pengendara sepeda motor yang cenderung tidak tertib membuat tingkat pelayanan jalan sangat terpengaruh. Salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan adalah dengan menyediakan lajur khusus sepeda motor. Studi ini diawali dengan pengumpulan data sesuai dengan parameter yang diperlukan sebagai dasar penentuan perlunya lajur khusus sepeda motor dan analisis antara lain analisis kinerja jalan yaitu kapasitas, derajat kejenuhan, tingkat pelayanan, serta kecepatan. Kriteria penting untuk kebutuhan lajur sepeda motor adalah proporsi sepeda motor besar dari 34,5% dalam smp/jam. Berdasarkan hasil analisis volume motor memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap derajat kejenuhan serta tingkat pelayanan. Secara keseluruhan,dampak penerapan lajur khusus sepeda motor sangat efektif untuk menaikkan kinerja jalan karena tingkat pelayanan naik dari F menjadi C. Sementara untuk lajur non sepeda motor mengalami sedikit penurunan tingkat pelayanan dari B menjadi C. Proyeksi kejenuhan jalan dengan melihat pertumbuhan kendaraan 5 tahun ke depan, didapatkan hasil yang tidak relevan antara kejenuhan yang sangat tinggi pada lajur khusus motor sebesar 1,44 dengan kecepatan lajur hasil simulasi vissim yang masih normal yaitu 38 km/jam. Dilakukan solusi dengan merubah nilai EMP motor dari 0,25 menjadi 0,13. Hasil analisis menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan pada kejenuhan sepeda motor yaitu sebesar 0,75 sehingga hasil kejenuhan menjadi relevan dengan kecepatan lajur khusus hasil simulasi.Kata kunci: analisis kinerja jalan, lajur khusus sepeda motor, sepeda motor, tingkat pelayanan
Risk Analysis of Toll Road Accident Using Fmea and Ahp Methods Haryanto, Edelweis Gent; Latifa, Eva Azhra
Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment (ARCEE) Vol 1, No 02 (2020): Urban Building and Infrastructure

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/arcee.v1i02.2676


Road accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the world. It is not only the victims that killed or seriously injured, but accidents significantly affected the quality of life of the people as well as economic and social development in the country. However, the threat of road accidents has not been fully recognized, and has not been well studied even though it is one of the most frequent causes of human death and loss of property. This research was conducted to determine the causes of accidents on the toll road with the FMEA method (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) which is divided into 3 factors: human factors, vehicle factors, and road factors. After that, determining the alternative solutions for dealing with accidents on toll roads using the Analytical Hierarchy Process based on 3 criteria: cost, time and impact. The results showed that based on FMEA analysis, the highest risk factors were found to be human factors caused by negligence. Based on risk factors due to negligence, the results of AHP analysis are: the impact criteria as the main criteria with a weight value of 0.77, and the chosen alternative solution is the fulfillment of functional feasibility with global weight 0.42. Fulfillment of functional feasibility can be done by adding road equipment such as traffic signs and rumble stripe markers.
Analisis Perkerasan Kaku Metode AASHTO 1993 Dan Metode AUSTROADS 2012 Terhadap Keekonomisan Biaya Muhammad Abi Hartono; Eva Azhra Latifa
MoDuluS: Media Komunikasi Dunia Ilmu Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/modulus.v2i2.1473


Terdapat banyak metode dalam mendesain tebal perkerasan kaku, diantaranya metode AASHTO 1993 dan metode AUSTROADS 2012. Pemilihan metode perencanaan yang tepat untuk suatu pekerjaan mempunyai peranan penting terkait dengan indikator keberhasilan suatu proyek dalam hal ini konstruksi perkerasan kaku yang memenuhi syarat teknis dan biaya yang ekonomis. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk membandingkan tebal pelat beton dan biaya yang diperlukan konstruksi perkerasan kaku dengan lapisan tanah dasar yang diberi perkuatan dengan penambahan semen dibandingkan dengan lapisan tanah dasar yang diberi lapisan geotekstil. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : menetukan tebal perkerasan kaku dan memilih biaya yang lebih ekonomis. Tebal pelat beton menggunakan metode AASHTO 1993 dan Austroad 2012 dihitung serta dianalisis biaya yang paling ekonomis dari kombinasi tanah dasar, pondasi atas, serta struktur plat beton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa apabila menggunakan metode AASHTO 1993 menghasilkan tebal lean concrete 10 cm dan ketebalan pelat beton 27 cm. Sedangkan untuk metode AUSTROADS 2012 menghasilkan tebal lean concrete 10 cm dan ketebalan pelat beton 21 cm. Biaya yang paling murah didapatkan dari kombinasi (Perkerasan AUSTROAD, Tanah Stabilisasi, dan Pondasi Bawah) memerlukan biaya sebesar  Rp.71,394,879,243
River Transport Planning Strategy Analysis Using SWOT and AHP Methods Yega Mardiansyah; Eva Azhra Latifa
Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol 21 No 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31940/logic.v21i1.2255


Tangerang City is the largest city in Banten Province and the third largest city in Greater Jakarta area which is split by one of the major rivers on the island of Java, namely the Cisadane River. With the increasing number of population and vehicle ownership, it is necessary to develop a public transportation network to reduce traffic volume and meet the needs of urban public transportation that is fast, easy, safe and comfortable for the citizen. The existence of the Cisadane River in Tangerang City has the potential to be developed into a public transportation route in the form of a waterway. Therefore, the right strategy is needed in the planning of river transportation. This study aims to analyze the influencing factors and strategic priorities in planning river transportation as urban public transportation using the Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. In this study, a questionnaire was given to eight expert respondents related to river transportation. The respondents' answers were tested for consistency with AHP to ensure the accuracy of the answers. From the results of the SWOT analysis, it was obtained the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in river transportation planning, as well as the ST (Strength-Threat) strategy with the largest weight of 3.99 as the strategy to be used in planning river transportation. Then from the AHP analysis, the strategic priority results in planning river transportation were obtained, namely the safety criteria with a weight of 0.29 and alternative strategy for life jackets with a weight of 0.117853325 as the main priority in carrying out the chosen strategy. Respondents' answers are fairly accurate with a consistency ratio of 2.58% ≤ 10%.
Construction and Material Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Construction and Material Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 Juli 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/cmj.v1i2.1473


Jumlah sepeda motor yang ada di jalan mempengaruhi tingkat pelayanan serta karakteristik lalu lintas ruas jalan. Masalah perilaku pengendara sepeda motor yang cenderung tidak tertib membuat tingkat pelayanan jalan sangat terpengaruh. Salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan adalah dengan menyediakan lajur khusus sepeda motor. Studi ini diawali dengan pengumpulan data sesuai dengan parameter yang diperlukan sebagai dasar penentuan perlunya lajur khusus sepeda motor dan analisis antara lain analisis kinerja jalan yaitu kapasitas, derajat kejenuhan, tingkat pelayanan, serta kecepatan. Kriteria penting untuk kebutuhan lajur sepeda motor adalah proporsi sepeda motor besar dari 34,5% dalam smp/jam. Berdasarkan hasil analisis volume motor memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap derajat kejenuhan serta tingkat pelayanan. Secara keseluruhan,dampak penerapan lajur khusus sepeda motor sangat efektif untuk menaikkan kinerja jalan karena tingkat pelayanan naik dari F menjadi C. Sementara untuk lajur non sepeda motor mengalami sedikit penurunan tingkat pelayanan dari B menjadi C. Proyeksi kejenuhan jalan dengan melihat pertumbuhan kendaraan 5 tahun ke depan, didapatkan hasil yang tidak relevan antara kejenuhan yang sangat tinggi pada lajur khusus motor sebesar 1,44 dengan kecepatan lajur hasil simulasi vissim yang masih normal yaitu 38 km/jam. Dilakukan solusi dengan merubah nilai EMP motor dari 0,25 menjadi 0,13. Hasil analisis menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan pada kejenuhan sepeda motor yaitu sebesar 0,75 sehingga hasil kejenuhan menjadi relevan dengan kecepatan lajur khusus hasil simulasi.Kata kunci: analisis kinerja jalan, lajur khusus sepeda motor, sepeda motor, tingkat pelayanan
Risk Analysis of Toll Road Accident Using Fmea and Ahp Methods Edelweis Gent Haryanto; Eva Azhra Latifa
Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment (ARCEE) Vol. 1 No. 02 (2020): Urban Building and Infrastructure

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/arcee.v1i02.2676


Road accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the world. It is not only the victims that killed or seriously injured, but accidents significantly affected the quality of life of the people as well as economic and social development in the country. However, the threat of road accidents has not been fully recognized, and has not been well studied even though it is one of the most frequent causes of human death and loss of property. This research was conducted to determine the causes of accidents on the toll road with the FMEA method (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) which is divided into 3 factors: human factors, vehicle factors, and road factors. After that, determining the alternative solutions for dealing with accidents on toll roads using the Analytical Hierarchy Process based on 3 criteria: cost, time and impact. The results showed that based on FMEA analysis, the highest risk factors were found to be human factors caused by negligence. Based on risk factors due to negligence, the results of AHP analysis are: the impact criteria as the main criteria with a weight value of 0.77, and the chosen alternative solution is the fulfillment of functional feasibility with global weight 0.42. Fulfillment of functional feasibility can be done by adding road equipment such as traffic signs and rumble stripe markers.
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 10 No. 1 (2011)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (42.938 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v10i1.438


Abstract This research meant to observe impact of aggregate gradation with two kind of asphalt towards asphaltic concrete properties. Asphalt Cement Wearing Course research which is applied to aggregate gradation above and below Restriction zone according to Bina Marga December 2005 specification. Both of asphalt has same viscosity but come from different resources suggest different behavior at temperature impact. Laboratory test do to determine void in mineral aggregate, void in mixture and void filled with asphalt, stability and flow occurred. The conclusions are: (1) For two kind of asphalt Pertamina and Shell, aggregate gradation above restriction zone better than below, however some result does not show any patron. (2) Two kind of asphalt with same penetration have same asphalt optimum percentages, 6 - 6,5%. (3) Aggregate gradation above restriction zone has 1312 kg -812 kg stability with 3,97% - 3,93% void in mixture with 10% filler. (4) Refusal test for two kind of asphalt’s result shows that smallest void in mixture and biggest void filled with asphalt occur at above restriction zone. Keywords: aggregate gradation, restricition zone, void, stability, flow.
Mode Choice Probability Between Bus and Railway Cianjur-Padalarang Route Diah Eka Rahmawati; Eva Azhra Latifa
Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol. 22 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Unit Publikasi Ilmiah, P3M, Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (864.397 KB) | DOI: 10.31940/logic.v22i2.81-88


Travel between cities in the Bogor, Sukabumi, and Cianjur areas is only accommodated by road-based public transportation that is interstate bus. The government issued a policy to reactivate railroads from Bogor to Padalarang, so that the southern region of West Java are connected to the rail network. This research intention to analyze characteristics of socio-economic users, characteristics of trip users, and analyze how much passengers move from the current bus to the Cianjur-Padalarang train. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires using stated preference techniques and analyzed using binary logit difference model with linear regression. The attributes to be analyzed are the difference between travel costs, travel time, and frequency of departure. The characteristic of users were analyzed with descriptive statictic method. The socio-economic characteristics of the passengers obtained were majority is male, aged 21-30 years old, education level senior high school, worked as entrepreneurship, income Rp2.000.001-Rp3.000.000, transportation costs for a month Rp100.001-Rp300.000. The characteristics of trip users are dominated by origin from Cianjur destination to Padalarang to work (economy), the frequency of trips is 1-2 times per week, the reason choosing the bus because of the bus have more easier mobility, the main travel time is 121-150 minutes. The results of the calculation of model sensitivity, the potential for passenger transfer from bus to train will increase if the difference in cost and travel time between trains and buses is getting smaller, and the difference in frequency is getting bigger.
Performance Analysis of Signalized Intersection Due to Opening of Jatikarya Exit Access to Cimanggis – Cibitung Toll Segment Using PTV Vissim Software Reyhan Febrian Putra; Eva Azhra Latifa
Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol. 22 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Unit Publikasi Ilmiah, P3M, Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (645.346 KB) | DOI: 10.31940/logic.v22i1.1-8


The development of infrastructure, especially road construction, also has an impact on changes in various urban systems in an area. Developments in the transportation system, including the opening of toll road access, will certainly affect increasing traffic flow. With the opening of toll road access, it creates new intersections so that the Cibubur Alternative Road experiences a high increase, especially during peak hours. This study aims to determine the effect of access to the Cimanggis-Cibitung toll road on the performance of the Cibubur Alternative Road. The study begins with collecting data according to the parameters needed as the basis for analyzing road performance, namely the degree of saturation and the level of service based on the 2014 PKJI by comparing the conditions and assumptions of normal conditions (by dividing 75% of the existing conditions). The results of the analysis show that the highest degree of saturation is on Alternative Cibubur Road 0.74 and if it is assumed under normal conditions it is 0.99 (the lowest service level is E with the lowest speed reaching 30.0 km/hour), queue length 194.47 meters and delays time. Reaching 109.87 seconds indicates a conflict at the signalized intersection because the queue length affects the performance of the Cibubur alternative road. After doing the simulation and getting an effective intersection optimization, namely resetting the green time with VISSIM software modeling, it gives better results during peak hours and reduces the highest queue length by 56,58% and delays by 80,16%.
Analisis Dampak Derajat Kejenuhan dan Kondisi Jalan Terhadap Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Hemas Amanatun Nisa; Eva Azhra Latifa
TEKNIKA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2022): Teknika Juli - Desember 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

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Beberapa ruas jalan di Kota Bekasi memiliki angka kecelakaan yang cukup tinggi dengan faktor penyebab kecelakaan yang beragam. Salah satunya yaitu Jl. Raya Ir. H. Juanda, Jl. Raya Siliwangi, Jl. Raya A. Yani dan Jl. Perjuangan yang paling banyak terjadi kecelakaan lalu lintas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan daerah rawan kecelakaan menggunakan metode Angka Ekuivalen Kecelakaan, Batas Kontrol Atas dan Upper Control Limit serta titik rawan kecelakaan, menganalisis hubungan derajat kejenuhan dan kondisi jalan terhadap kecelakaan lalu lintas, menentukan biaya kecelakaan lalu lintas dengan metode The Gross Output, dan menentukan alternatif solusi untuk mengurangi kecelakaan. Daerah rawan kecelakaan Jl. Raya Ir. H. Juanda yaitu di segmen 1, Jl. Raya Siliwangi di segmen 1, 2, 6, dan 7. Jl. Raya A. Yani daerah rawan kecelakaannya di segmen 1, serta Jl. Perjuangan terdapat di segmen 4. Hasil analisis korelasi dan regresi menunjukan adanya pengaruh antara derajat kejenuhan dan kondisi jalan terhadap kecelakaan lalu lintas namun tidak signifikan. Perhitungan biaya kecelakaan mendapatkan hasil yang berbeda tren tiap tahunnya di setiap ruas jalan, dan biaya akibat kehilangan produktivitas di Kota Bekasi naik setiap tahunnya. Alternatif solusi yang diajukan, memperjelas rambu dan marka jalan, pengaturan lalu lintas, serta pemeliharaan jalan sesuai nilai kondisi kerusakan jalan.