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Agriekonomika Vol 3, No 1: April 2014
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

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ABSTRAKSebagian penduduk mengkonsumsi buah-buahan dan sayuran lebih rendah dari yang direkomendasikan oleh Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian (FAO). Pada tahun 2005, tingkat konsumsi sayur di Indonesia hanya 35.30 kg/kapita/tahun. Kemudian pada tahun 2006, konsumsi sayuran sedikit menurun menjadi 34.06 kg/kapita/tahun. Berdasarkan hasil kajian Badan Litbang  Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian pada Maret 2013 lalu, tingkat konsumsi buah per kapita hanya 34,55 kg/tahun, sedangkan tingkat konsumsi sayuran per kapita 40,35 kg/tahun. Jika dibandingkan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur per kapita warga Singapura dan Vietnam melebihi 100 kg/tahun. Konsumsi sayuran perlu ditingkatkan untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap beras. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka mempromosikan peningkatan konsumsi sayur bagi siswa melalui model kebun sayur sekolah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Negeri Plosoklaten selama 2012. Sepuluh jenis sayuran ditanam di lahan seluas  36 m2. Pola tanam diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga sayuran dapat dipanen hampir setiap hari. Siswa terlibat dalam pemeliharaan tanaman sayuran sebagai latihan bercocok tanam sayur. Setiap panen sayuran direkap dan kandungan gizinya dihitung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total panen berbagai macam sayuran ialah 249.6 kg, yang setara dengan 683.8 gram per hari. Jika sebuah keluarga memiliki empat anggota, masing-masing orang akan mengkonsumsi sayur 171g per hari. Hal ini memenuhi 43% dari rekomendasi WHO untuk konsumsi buah-buahan dan sayuran. Dengan kata lain, konsumsi sayuran telah mencapai 85%. Dengan demikian, sayuran di lahan seluas 36 m2 telah mampu memenuhi konsumsi sayur sehari-hari. Hal ini menunjukkan pemenuhan asupan gizi harian untuk beberapa vitamin dan mikro-nutrisi.Kata kunci: diversifikasi konsumsi, kebun sayur sekolah, kandungan giziABSTRACTAccording to Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesian people consume horticultural products especially fruits and vegetables, are still lower than that of recommended by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Vegetable consumption level in Indonesia 2005 was 35.30 kg/capita/year. In 2006, the consumption of vegetables slightly declined to 34.06 kg/capita/year. Based on the results of the study in March 2013 conducted by IAARD, The Ministry of Agriculture known that level of fruit consumption per capita is only 34.55 kg/year, while consumption of vegetables the per capita is 40.35 kg/year. It is lower compared to fruit and vegetable consumption per capita for the citizens of Singapore and Vietnam that are exceeded 100 kg/year. Vegetable consumption has to be increased  and rice consumption has to reduce. This study is aimed to make an effort to increase vegetable consumption via school garden model. The research was conducted at SMK Ploso Klaten during 2012. Ten kinds of vegetables were sequentially grown in about a space of 36 m2land. The cropping pattern was arranged in such away so that the vegetables can be harvested almost every day. Students were involved in maintenance of vegetable crops in order to familiarize them with the crops. Every harvest of vegetables, the nutritional contents of the vegetable were calculated and recorded. The results showed that every day  the students can harvest about 249.6 kg of mixed vegetables, which is equivalent to 683.8 g/day. If a family has 4 members, each person will consume vegetable about 171 g/day. This fulfills 43% of WHO recommendation for consumption of fruits and vegetables. In other words, it has been fulfilled 85% of vegetable intake recommendation. Thus, vegetables garden on a piece of 36 m2land is able to meet daily consumption. This also has meet daily nutritional intake for several essential vitamins and micro-nutrients.Keywords: consumption diversification, vegetables, school garden, nutritional intake
Farming Practices of Vegetables: A Comparative Study in Four Regions of East Java and Bali Provinces Mariyono, Joko; Dewi, Hanik A.; Daroini, Putu B.; Latifah, Evy; Zakariya, Abu Z.; Hakim, Arief L.; Afari-Sefa, Victor
AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research Vol 4, No 2: July-December 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Agronomic and ecological aspects play important roles in vegetable production, because the aspects will be used for determining suitable interventions.  This study aims to provide current farmers’ practices of vegetable production, particularly for agronomic and ecological aspects of chilli and tomato in four regions of East Java and Bali.  This study uses of analytical tool of descriptive approach by comparing and contrasting each production practices across regions. Data were compiled from a field survey of 360 farmers during 2013-2014. Results of analysis were presented in graphical and tabular forms. Farmers mostly selected hybrid varieties of vegetables because of economic reasons, such as high yield, good appearance and high number of fruits. Anthracnose and late blight were perceived as the most important disease in chilli and tomato respectively. Farmers controlled pests and diseases using pesticides. In general, farmers perceived that irrigation was one of limiting factors of vegetable farming. Poor drainage was one of the crucial issues in Bali. Farmers mostly sold vegetable once harvested. Post-harvest handling was still traditional, where farmers still less pay attention on post-harvest, even though they observed the economic advantage of post-harvest. Based on the existing practices, a special extension on vegetable production needs to be formulated appropriately, based on the specific characteristics of each region.
Jurnal Riset Kajian Teknologi dan Lingkungan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Riset Kajian Teknologi & Lingkungan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Samawa

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Budidaya tanaman tomat dengan menambahkan mikoriza dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit tomat, hasilbuah dan serapan hara pada tingkat pemupukan rendah. EM4 juga bermanfaat dalam proses penyerapan ataupersediaan unsur hara di dalam tanah, sehingga mikoriza dan EM 4 sangat membantu ketersediaan unsur harabagi tanaman. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pupuk hayati mikoriza danEM4 terhadap hasil produksi dan nilai usaha tani tomat Ceri. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acakkelompok (RAK) satu faktor dengan empat perlakuan dan sepuluh kali ulangan, sehingga dihasilkan 40 satuanpercobaan. Perlakuan yang diuji antara lain : M0 = Kontrol (tanpa perlakuan), M5 = Mikoriza 5 g /tanamandan EM4, M10 = Mikoriza 10 g/tanaman dan EM 4, M15 = Mikoriza 15 g/tanaman dan EM4. Hasil penelitianditemukan bahwa perlakuan penambahan mikoriza 15 g/tanaman + EM4 mampu menghasilkan jumlah buah,berat buah dan secara finansial mampu mendapatkan penerimaan marjinal yang lebih tinggi.
Farming Practices of Vegetables: A Comparative Study in Four Regions of East Java and Bali Provinces Mariyono, Joko; Dewi, Hanik A.; Daroini, Putu B.; Latifah, Evy; Zakariya, Abu Z.; Hakim, Arief L.; Afari-Sefa, Victor
AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research Vol 4, No 2: July-December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (79.78 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/agr.4263


Agronomic and ecological aspects play important roles in vegetable production, because the aspects will be used for determining suitable interventions.  This study aims to provide current farmers’ practices of vegetable production, particularly for agronomic and ecological aspects of chilli and tomato in four regions of East Java and Bali.  This study uses of analytical tool of descriptive approach by comparing and contrasting each production practices across regions. Data were compiled from a field survey of 360 farmers during 2013-2014. Results of analysis were presented in graphical and tabular forms. Farmers mostly selected hybrid varieties of vegetables because of economic reasons, such as high yield, good appearance and high number of fruits. Anthracnose and late blight were perceived as the most important disease in chilli and tomato respectively. Farmers controlled pests and diseases using pesticides. In general, farmers perceived that irrigation was one of limiting factors of vegetable farming. Poor drainage was one of the crucial issues in Bali. Farmers mostly sold vegetable once harvested. Post-harvest handling was still traditional, where farmers still less pay attention on post-harvest, even though they observed the economic advantage of post-harvest. Based on the existing practices, a special extension on vegetable production needs to be formulated appropriately, based on the specific characteristics of each region.