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Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Materials on Radar Frequency Range Yana Taryana; Azwar Manaf; Nanang Sudrajat; Yuyu Wahyu
Jurnal Keramik dan Gelas Indonesia Vol 28, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Keramik dan Gelas Indonesia
Publisher : Balai Besar Keramik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1300.691 KB) | DOI: 10.32537/jkgi.v28i1.5197


Radar absorbing material (RAM) is a material that which can absorb and reduce energy of electromagnetic wave. Recently, RAMs are widely used as an isolator to protect electromagnetic wave interference (EMI) caused by external electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves generated by radio frequency (RF) components that disturb the performance of a radio system. Whilest, the most strategic function is as anti-radar coating material to supply the needs of military systems such as aircraft, combat ships and other equipments. Generally, RAM must be resistive, magnetic and dielectric. Absorption at the resonant frequency region is indicated by the permitability and permeability values of the material. The Most literature has reported that the basic material which has the potential to absorb electromagnetic waves is ferrite-based magnetic material, namely barium hexaferrite and strontium hexaferrite. Therefore, the current development of research leads to modification and engineering of the material structure so that it is expected to obtain the right parameters with a maximum absorption rate. Generally, RAMs construction design are grouped on the impedance matching and resonant absorber types.
Antena Slot Waveguide Segi Empat Segala Arah pada Frekuensi 2.4 GHz Sri Hardiati; Yuyu Wahyu; Hanindya Permatasari; Budi Prasetya R.
Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Vol 16, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : LIPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jet.v16.46-51


Antena diharapkan memiliki desain dengan konstruksi yang lebih mudah, murah dan efisien. Antena slot waveguide adalah antena gelombang mikro. Antena ini berupa suatu waveguide yang mempunyai slot–slot membentuk array dan terletak pada dinding waveguide untuk memperoleh gain tinggi. Dalam paper ini dibahas mengenai eksperimen antena slot waveguide segi empat (rectangular) dengan enam slot yang tersusun secara paralel sepanjang waveguide dan beroperasi pada frekuensi 2.4 GHz. Hasil pengukuran dari antena slot waveguide ini diperoleh karakteristik antena dengan spesifikasi bandwidth sebesar 33 MHz pada batas nilai VSWR ≤ 1.5. Antena slot waveguide ini menghasilkan pola radiasi omnidireksional dengan gain sebesar 4.121 dBi pada frekuensi operasi 2.4 GHz. Sehingga antena tersebut dapat diestimasikan layak untuk diimplementasikan pada sistem Wi-Fi dan system komunikasi lain dengan frekuensi operasi 2.4 GHz.
Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Materials on Radar Frequency Range Yana Taryana; Azwar Manaf; Nanang Sudrajat; Yuyu Wahyu
Jurnal Keramik dan Gelas Indonesia Vol 28, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Keramik dan Gelas Indonesia
Publisher : Balai Besar Keramik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32537/jkgi.v28i1.5197


Radar absorbing material (RAM) is a material that which can absorb and reduce energy of electromagnetic wave. Recently, RAMs are widely used as an isolator to protect electromagnetic wave interference (EMI) caused by external electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves generated by radio frequency (RF) components that disturb the performance of a radio system. Whilest, the most strategic function is as anti-radar coating material to supply the needs of military systems such as aircraft, combat ships and other equipments. Generally, RAM must be resistive, magnetic and dielectric. Absorption at the resonant frequency region is indicated by the permitability and permeability values of the material. The Most literature has reported that the basic material which has the potential to absorb electromagnetic waves is ferrite-based magnetic material, namely barium hexaferrite and strontium hexaferrite. Therefore, the current development of research leads to modification and engineering of the material structure so that it is expected to obtain the right parameters with a maximum absorption rate. Generally, RAMs construction design are grouped on the impedance matching and resonant absorber types.
Rectifying Antenna (rectenna) Untuk Sinyal Tv Uhf 470 - 806 Mhz Fadhli Iwanda; Zulfi Zulfi; Yuyu Wahyu
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 5, No 3 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak Energy harvesting sedikit banyaknya telah membantu permasalahan krisis energi yang memiliki sumber daya terbatas. Teknik ini mengambil sumber energi eksternal dari suatu sistem yang ketersediaannya cukup berlimpah seperti sinar matahari, angin, dan gelombang radio. Selain sinar matahari, saat ini gelombang radio merupakan sumber energi yang bisa dibilang tidak terbatas karena ketersediaan sumber pancar yang banyak baik dari BTS, akses poin WLAN, maupun stasiun televisi. Salah satu aplikasi energy harvesting yang memanfaatkan gelombang radio sebagai sumber adalah rectifying antenna (rectenna). Gelombang radio yang ada di udara bebas diterima oleh antena dan kemudian diubah menjadi tegangan DC. Penelitian tugas akhir ini merancang sistem rectenna sederhana yang terdiri dari antena dan rectifier. Antena yang dirancang merupakan antena mikrostrip vivaldi berjenis tapered slot dan bisa beroperasi pada sinyal TV UHF frekuensi 470 – 806 MHz. Rangkaian rectifier yang dirancang berjenis voltage multiplier dengan menggunakan kombinasi dioda dan kapasitor sebagai penyusunnya. Dioda yang digunakan yaitu dioda Schottky tipe BAT 17. Dioda ini mampu beroperasi pada rentang frekuensi UHF (300 – 3000 MHz). Antena vivaldi hasil realisasi berbahan substrat FR-4 epoxy dengan dimensi 200 mm x 250 mm. Hasil realisasi antena vivaldi memiliki gain yang paling tinggi pada rentang frekuensi 470 – 806 MHz sebesar 2,4 dB. VSWR antena ini memiliki nilai paling tinggi sebesar 1,86 dan bandwidth lebih dari 400 MHz. Sistem rectenna berhasil mengkonversi gelombang radio menjadi tegangan DC senilai 20,2 mV dengan daya kirim 19 dBm dari antena pancar dengan jarak 60 cm pada frekuensi 806 MHz. Tegangan DC yang paling rendah dihasilkan pada frekuensi 470 MHz sebesar 0,4 mV dengan daya kirim 19 dBm dari antena pancar dengan jarak 60 cm. Kata Kunci: Antena Vivaldi, Energy Harvesting, Rectenna, Rectifier, Voltage Multiplier Abstract Energy harvesting more or less has helped energy crisis problems about limited resources. This technique takes an external source of energy from a system with abundant availability such as sunlight, wind and radio waves. In addition to sunlight, today radio waves are an almost unlimited source of energy due to the availability of many transmit sources such as BTS, WLAN access points, and television stations. One application of energy harvesting that utilizes radio waves as a source is rectifying antenna (rectenna). Radio waves in the free air are received by the antenna and then converted to DC voltage. This final project research designs a simple rectenna system consisting of antennas and rectifiers. The designed antenna is a tapered slot vivaldi microstrip antenna and can operate on 470 - 806 MHz UHF TV signals. The rectifier circuit is designed to be a voltage multiplier by using a combination of diodes and capacitors as their constituents. The diode used is the BAT 17 type Schottky diode. The diode is capable of operating in the UHF frequency range (300 - 3000 MHz). Realization of Vivaldi antenna consists of FR-4 epoxy as a substrate with dimension 200 mm x 250 mm. The results of Vivaldi antenna realization have the highest gain in the 470 - 806 MHz frequency range of 2.4 dB. VSWR of this antenna has the highest value of 1.86 and bandwidth over 400 MHz. The rectenna system successfully converts radio waves into DC voltages worth 20.2 mV with 19 dBm of radiated power from transmit antennas with a distance of 60 cm at 806 MHz frequency. The lowest DC voltage is generated at 470 MHz frequency of 0.4 mV with 19 dBm of radiated power from the transmit antenna 60 cm apart. Keywords: Energy Harvesting, Rectenna, Rectifier, Vivaldi Antenna, Voltage Multiplier