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Nabawi: Journal of Hadith Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Nabawi Journal of Hadith Studies
Publisher : LP2M Ma'had Aly Hasyim Asy'ari Pesantren Tebuireng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (837.567 KB) | DOI: 10.55987/njhs.v1i1.2


Takhrij al-Hadith pada buku “Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dan Budi Pekerti” Kelas XI  belum ditemukan. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada pelacakan sumber hadis-hadis dari buku tersebut dan kualitasnya, sehingga hasil penelitian ini akan menjadi rujukan guru untuk menjelaskan kualitas hadis pada siswanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode takhrij melalui kata pertama atau lafadz pembuka pada matn hadis menggunakan kitab Al-Jami’ al-Saghir fi Ahadith al-Bashir al-Nadhir karya Imam al-Suyuti. Selain itu, dalam proses pengumpulan data, penelitian ini memanfaatkan 2 (dua) software, yaitu: موسوعة الحديث الشريف  versi 2,1 (Shirkat al-Sahr li al-Baramij al-Hāsib, 1991-1996) dan CD  المكتبة الألفية للسنة النبوية versi 1.5 (Markaz al-Turāth li Abhāth al-Hāsib, 1999). Telah ditemukan sebanyak 179 sumber hadis dari 30 hadis dari penelitian buku di atas. Sebanyak 176 sumber dari kitab-kitab hadis sumber pokok, yaitu 9 kitab hadis dan 3 selain kitab-kitab hadis sumber pokok. Dari 30 hadis buku di atas, terdapat hadis yang berkualitas Sahīh li Dhātih sebanyak 19 (63,33%), Sahīh li Ghayrih sebanyak 2 (6,67%), Hasan li Dhātih sebanyak 6 (20%), dan Da’īf dan mawdu' sebanyak 3 (10%).Kata kunci: Takhrīj al-Hadith, PAI dan Budi Pekerti SMA/SMKAbstractTakhrīj al-Hadith in the book "Islamic Religious Education (PAI) and Character" Class XI has not been found. This study focuses on tracing the sources of the hadiths from the book and their quality, so that the results of this study will become a reference for teachers to explain the quality of hadiths to their students. This study uses the takhrīj method through the first word or opening lafadz in the hadith matn using the book Al-Jami 'al-Saghir fi Ahadith al-Bashir al-Nadhir by Imam. al-Suyuti. In addition, in the data collection process, this study utilizes 2 (two) software, namely: موسوعة الحديث الشريف version 2.1 (Shirkat al-Sahr li al-Barīmij al-Hāsib, 1991-1996) and CD المكتبة الألفية للسنة النبوية version 1.5 (Markaz) al-Turāth li Abhāth al-Hāsib, 1999). It has been found that 179 sources of hadith from the 30 traditions from the above book research have been found. A total of 176 sources were from the main source hadith books, namely 9 hadith books and 3 other than the main source hadith books. Of the 30 hadith books above, there are 19 (63.33%) Sahīh li Dhātih qualities, 2 (6.67%) Sahīh li Ghayrih (6.67%), Hasan li Dhātih 6 (20%), and Da'īf and mawdu' as much as 3 (10%)Keywords: Takhrīj al-Hadith, PAI dan Budi Pekerti SMA/SMK
PENYEBUTAN DAN PENGGUNAAN H}ADI>>>N: Sudut Pandang Kajian H}adi>th Warga NU Desa Gadingmangu Kecamatan Perak Kabupaten Jombang Khamim Khamim
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v17i1.1657


Abstract: This article scrutinize the habits of '(Nahd}iyyi>n) people in Gadingmangu Village, Perak District, Jombang Regency, related to the meaning of h}adi>th. Besides the NU community, LDII people who have more or less different points of view in the study of h}adith in this area. Consequesntly, Nahd} iyyi> n community in this region has considerable responsibility in delivering hadith studies to their next generation. This studyindicsted that in the way to declare hadith, the people of Nahd}iyyi>n are accustomed to mention the first narrator / final sanad, the narrator of the h}adi>th (Rasu> l Alla> h), and matn of hadith in Arabic speaking or even only with translations from matn. They frequently refer to the statement "al-h}adi>th aw kama> qa>l". Furthermore, the declaration of hadith is often derived from the books of fiqh and it isn’t from the books of hadith. In terms of the understanding of h}adi>th, Nahd} iyyi> n people are accustomed to starting by explaining the meaning of vocabulary, followed by the meaning of short sentences. The translation of the matn of  hadith is mostly done by the tafsi tarjamat model> riyyah. The content of the hadith is briefly explained, then the related verses of the Qur'an and other h}adi>th are referred. The sharh} al-h} adi are rarely used> th in understanding the hadit, and i’s usage is directed as a reinforcement of ta'bi> r. It is occurred due to  the limited knowledge of the community regarding the hadith and their belief in the books of the ulama '.الملخص: يتناول هذا البحث عادات نهضة العلماء (النهضيين) في قرية Gadingmangu، Perak، Jombang Regency، في تفسير الحديث. بجانب مجتمع نهضة العلماء، توجد فرقة المجتمع LDII لديهم وجهات النظر المختلفة في دراسة الحديث. ولهذا السبب، للنهضيين عاتقها مسؤولية كبيرة في نقل دراسات الحديث إلى جيلهم القادم. تتضح هذه الدراسة أنه فيما يتعلق بذكر الحديث، اعتاد أهل النهضة أن يذكروا الراوي الأول/سند النهائي ، راوي الحديث (رسول الله) ، ومتن الحديث باللغة العربية أو ترجمة المتن. وهم يشيرون أيضًا إلى العبارة "الحديث أو كما قال". لا يكتفى إلى هذا الحد، فذكر الحديث في كثير من الأحيان لا يستمد على كتب الحديث بل من كتب الفقه. ومن حيث فهم الحديث، اعتاد النهضييون بشرح معنى المفردات ثم الجمل القصيرة. تتم ترجمة متن الحديث في الغالب بالترجمة التفسيرية. ويتم شرح محتوى الحديث باختصار، ثم ترتبط آيات القرآن والحديث الآخر. في فهم الحديث، يقل استخدام كتب شرح الحديث. من حيث استخدامه، يتم توجيه الحديث المدرسي كتعزيز للتعبير. وهذا بسبب معرفة لمجتمع المحدودة بالحديث واعتقادهم بكتب العلماء.Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji kebiasaan masyarakat Nahdlotul Ulama’ (Nahd}iyyi>n) Desa  Gadingmangu Kecamatan Perak Kabupaten Jombang, terkait dengan pemaknaan mereka terhadap h}adi>th . Disamping masyarakat NU, di daerah ini juga terdapat masyarakat LDII yang sedikit banyak memiliki perbedaan sudut pandang dalam kajian h}adi>th. Karena itu, Nahd}iyyi>n di wilayah ini memiliki tanggung jawab yang cukup besar dalam mewariskan kajian-kajian h}adi>th  kepada generasi penerus mereka. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal penyebutan h}adi>th , masyarakat Nahd}iyyi>n terbiasa menyebutkan periwayat pertama/sanad akhir, nara sumber h}adi>th (Rasu>l Alla>h), dan matn h}adi>th  yang berbahasa arab atau bahkan hanya dengan terjemahan dari matn. Biasanya mereka juga menyebut pernyataan “al-h}adi>th aw kama> qa>l”. tidak hanya itu, penyebutan h}adi>th tidak jarang bersumber dari kitab-kitab fiqh, bukan dari kitab h}adi>th . Dari segi penggunaannya, h}adi>th  yang dikaji diarahkan sebagai penguat terhadap ta’bi>r. Ini terjadi karena keterbatasan pengetahuan masyarakat terkait dengan h}adi>th  dan kepercayaan mereka terhadap buku-buku karya para ulama’.
The Urgency Of Improving Social Piety In The Perspective Of Tarbawi Hadith (Hermeneutic Analysis About Community Life) Khamim Khamim
Didaktika Religia Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kediri, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (32.794 KB) | DOI: 10.30762/didaktika.v6i1.1096


The issues of moral degradation are increasingly widespread. Developments have more or less given their influence on human personality, including Muslims. Tracing back, many hadith have told us about the importance of cultivating superior morals and personality. This article will examine the importance of fostering social piety in the perspective of tarbawi hadith. Hermeneutic analysis using a qualitative approach to literature study becomes a tool for a more comprehensive new synthesis. From the analysis, it can be concluded that moral education is indeed often alluded to in various hadiths of the Prophet. This is not surprising anymore considering the main mission of the Prophet Muhammad sent by Allah SWT to this world is to perfect morals. Moral education certainly comes from strong faith in humans. Strong faith will bring about noble character, which is then called individual piety. Individual piety can be seen from ritual piety and certainly will lead to social piety. Community life is not as easy as imagined, because it requires good interpersonal sensitivity and quality. That is why the Prophet often reminded Muslims to get used to social piety, starting from the ethics of visiting and being able to receive guests, or also the elegant ways of living. Of course social piety can start from small things such as answering greetings, visiting sick people, arranging bodies, fulfilling invitations, or also praying for our brothers who sneeze. Good social piety will certainly strengthen ukhuwah Islamiyah. All of this is expected to create a superior Islamic civilization. Therefore, in tarbawi hadith, social piety is indeed important to be cultivated in daily life.