Nehemia Paul Munthe
Program Studi Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan Fakultas Pertanian USU

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PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN TEMPE TEPUNG KACANG HIJAU DENGAN TAPIOKA SERTAPERSENTASE GUM ARAB TERHADAP MUTU PATTY WORTEL (The Effect of Ratio of Mung Bean Flour Tempe With Tapioca and Percentage of Arabic Gumon The Quality of Carrot Patty) Nehemia Paul Munthe; Herla Rusmarilin; Era Yusraini
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to find the effect of ratio of mung bean flour tempe with tapioca and percentage of arabic gum on the quality of carrot patty. This research was conducted at Laboratory of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, using completely randomized design with two factors, i.e ratio of mung bean flour tempe with tapioca (T) : (82%:18%; 84%:16%; 86%:14%; 88%:12%) and percentage of arabic gum (G) : (0,5% ; 1,0% ; 1,5% ; 2,0%). The parameters analyzed were water content, ash content, fat content,protein content,crude fiber content,texture, colour, lightness, the hedonic value of taste, the score value of texture and the score value of flavor. The results showed that the ratio of mung bean flour tempe with tapioca had highly significant effect on value of ash content, fat content, crude fiber content,texture, the score value of texture and the score value of flavor, and had significant effect on protein content and did not affect significantly the water content, colour, lightness and the hedonic value of taste.Percentage of arabic gumhad highly significant effect on ash content, fat content, crude fiber content, texture and the score value of texture, and had significant effect on water content and protein content, and did not affect significantly the colour, lightness, the hedonic value of taste and the score value of flavor. The interaction between the two factors had differ significant effect on fat content and the score value of texture, and did not affect significantly the water content, ash content, protein content, crude fiber content, texture, colour, lightness, the hedonic value of taste and the score value of flavor.Carrot patty that had the best quality was at ratio of mung bean flour tempe with tapioca of 82%:18% and percentage of arabic gum of 2%. β-karoten of carrot patty with the best quality is 45,8726mg/100g. Keywords :arabic gum, carrot, mung bean flour tempe, patty, tapioca. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan tempe tepung kacang hijau dengan tapioka serta persentase gum arab terhadap mutu patty wortel. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara, menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial 2 faktor, yaitu perbandingan tempe tepung kacang hijau dengan tapioka (T) (82%:18%; 84%:16%; 86%:14%; 88%:12%) dan persentase gum arab (G) (0,5%, 1,0%, 1,5%, 2,0%). Parameter yang dianalisis adalah kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar serat kasar, tekstur, warna, kecerahan, nilai hedonik rasa, nilai skor tekstur dan nilai skor aroma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan tempe tepung kacang hijau dengan tapioka memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar serat kasar, tekstur, nilai skor tekstur dan nilai skor aroma, namun memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar protein dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata terhadap kadar air, warna, kecerahan dan hedonik rasa. Persentase gum arab memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar serat kasar, tekstur dan skor tekstur, namun memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar air dan kadar protein serta memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata terhadap warna, kecerahan, nilai hedonik rasa dan nilai skor aroma. Interaksi keduanya  memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar lemak dan nilai skor tekstur, namun memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar serat kasar, tekstur, warna, kecerahan, nilai hedonik rasa dan nilai skor aroma. Perlakuan patty wortel terbaik terdapat pada perbandingan tempe tepung kacang hijau dengan tapioka 82%:18% dan persentase gum arab 2%. Kadar β-karoten patty wortel perlakuan terbaik yaitu sebesar 45,8726 mg/100g.   Kata Kunci : gum arab, tapioka, tempe tepung kacang hijau, patty, wortel.