Sumono Sumono
Prog Studi Keteknikan Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian USU Jl. Prof. Dr. A. Sofyan No. 3 Kampus USU Medan 20155

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KAJIAN PENENTUAN NILAI KOEFISIEN TANAMAN DAN LAJU PERKOLASI SERTA PRODUKSI TANAMAN PADI VARIETAS CIHERANG PADA BEBERAPA UKURAN LUAS TANAH (Study of Determination Plant Coefficient Value and Deep Percolation Rate, and Production Ciherang Rice Variety On Se Sofran Restu Enanda; Sumono Sumono; Achwil Putra Munir
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Planting density for a given area of ​​land will affect the productivity of rice plants. This study was aimed to determine the value of crop coefficient and rate of percolation and the production of Ciherang rice variety. Research was using non factorial completely randomized design, consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replicates, i.e  A1= 314 cm2, A2= 490,6 cm2, A3= 706,5 cm2, and A4= 1256 cm2. Thes parameters observed were soil organic matter, number of tillers plant, crop evapotranspiration, crop coefficients, percolation, plant dry weight, and weight of rice grain. The results showed that  the highest value of soil organic matter was at A1=13,41% and the lowest was at  A4=1,74%, the highest porosity was at  A1=59,23% and the lowest was at A2=56,22%, the highest number of pups of plants was at  A1=21,6 and the lowest was at  A4=10,6, the highest crop evapotranspiration was at A1=2,24 mm/ day, 2,64 mm/ day, 2,47 mm/ day, 2,78 mm/ day, 2,24 mm/ day, 2,11 mm/ day, 1,75 mm/ day, 1,42 mm/hari and the lowest was at  A4=1,87 mm/ day, 1,89 mm/ day, 1,84 mm/ day, 1,98 mm/ day, 1,69 mm/ day, 1,59 mm/ day, 1,43 mm/ day, 1,23 mm/day and the highest crop coefficients was at  A1=1,12; 1,39; 1,54; 1,46; 1,28; 1,24; 0,99; 0,9, and the lowest was at  A4=0,93; 1,00; 1,15; 1,04; 0,96; 0,93; 0,82; 0,82, the highest percolation was at A1=36,6 mm/day and the lowest was at  A4=14,6 mm/day, the highest dry weight of plants was at  A1=151,38 g and the lowest was at  A4=137,58 g, the highest weight of rice grains was at A4=11,14 g and the lowest was at  A1=8,09 g.   Keywords: Crop coefficient, Percolation, Crop Production, Land Area, Ciherang ABSTRAK Kerapatan tanam untuk suatu luasan tanah tertentu akan mempengaruhi produktivitas tanaman padi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai koefisien tanaman dan laju perkolasi serta produksi padi varietas Ciherang. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap non faktorial, terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan, yaitu A1= 314 cm2, A2= 490,6 cm2, A3= 706,5 cm2, dan A4= 1256 cm2. Parameter yang diamati meliputi bahan organik tanah, porositas, jumlah anakan tanaman, evapotranspirasi tanaman, koefisien tanaman, perkolasi, berat kering tanaman, berat bulir padi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai bahan organik tanah tertinggi pada A1=13,41% dan terendah pada A4=1,74%, porositas tertinggi pada A1=59,23% dan terendah pada A4=56,22%, jumlah anakan tanaman tertinggi pada A1=21,6 dan terendah pada A4=10,6, evapotranspirasi tanaman tertinggi pada A1=2,24 mm/hari, 2,64 mm/hari, 2,47 mm/hari, 2,78 mm/hari, 2,24 mm/hari, 2,11 mm/hari, 1,75 mm/hari, 1,42 mm/hari dan terendah pada A4= 1,87 mm/hari, 1,89 mm/hari, 1,84 mm/hari, 1,98 mm/hari, 1,69 mm/hari, 1,59 mm/hari, 1,43 mm/hari, 1,23 mm/hari, koefisien tanaman tertinggi pada A1=1,12; 1,39; 1,54; 1,46; 1,28; 1,24; 0,99; 0,94 dan terendah pada A4= 0,93; 1,00; 1,15; 1,04; 0,96; 0,93; 0,82; 0,82, perkolasi tertinggi pada A1= 36,6 mm/hari dan terendah pada A4=14,6 mm/hari, berat kering tanaman tertinggi pada A1=151,38 g dan terendah pada A4=137,58 g, dan berat bulir padi tertinggi pada A4=11,14 g dan terendah pada A1=8,09 g.   Kata Kunci: Koefisien Tanaman, Perkolasi, Produksi Tanaman, Luas Tanah, Ciherang