Sulastri Panggabean
Program Studi Keteknikan Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian USU Jl. Prof. Dr. A. Sofyan No. 3 Kampus USU Medan 20155

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Journal : Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian

UJI PENGARUH JUMLAH LUBANG SALURAN PENGELUARAN MINYAK ALAT PENGEPRES MINYAK KACANG TANAH (Arachis hypogeae L.) SEMI MEKANIS (Test of Effect of Number of oil expel holes channel of Peanut oil Pressing Semi Mechanical Equipment (Arachis hypogea L.)) Riki Rikardo Sinaga; Saipul Bahri Daulay; Sulastri Panggabean
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Compression process is one step of getting oil from plant seeds such as peanut. The postharvest processing’s purpose is to make the agricultural product have a higher economic value compared to the product without processed. This study was aimed to examine the effect of number of oil expel duct hole of peanut oil presses equipment. The parameters observed were yield, processing capacity, and production capacity. The result showed that the yield of the number of oil duct hole were (L1 was 24.6%; L2 was 21%, and L3 was 12%). The processing capacity were (L1 was 1.404 kg/hour, L2 was 2.088 kg/hour, and L3 was 3.108 kg/hour) and the capacity were  (L1 was 0.324 kg/hour, L2 was 0.420 kg/hour, and L3 was 0.360 kg/hour. Keywords: number of holes, pressing equipment, peanut oil ABSTRAK   Pengepresan merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengambil minyak yang terdapat pada tumbuhan, salah satu contohnya kacang tanah. Proses pengolahan pascapanen bertujuan agar hasil pertanian memiliki nilai ekonomis yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan sebelum dilakukan pengolahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh jumlah lubang saluran pengeluaran minyak kacang tanah semi mekanis. Parameter yang diamati yaitu rendemen, kapasitas olah, dan kapasitas hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen dengan perlakuan jumlah lubang saluran pengeluaran minyak (L1 sebesar 24,6%, L2 sebesar 21%, dan L3 sebesar 12%). Kapasitas olah dengan perlakuan jumlah lubang saluran pengeluaran minyak (L1 sebesar 1,404 kg/jam, L2 sebesar 2,008 kg/jam, dan L3 sebesar 3,108 kg/jam). Kapasitas hasil dengan perlakuan jumlah lubang saluran pengeluaran minyak (L1 sebesar 0,324 kg/jam, L2 sebesar 0,420 kg/jam, dan L3 sebesar 0,360 kg/jam).   Kata Kunci: Jumlah lubang, alat pengepres,minyak kacang tanah
KINERJA SUB DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI PALUH BESAR BERDASARKAN ASPEK KELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN ( Performance of Paluh Besar Sub Watershed Based on Aspects of the Environmental Sustainability) Maroloan Sitanggang; Sumono Sumono; Sulastri Panggabean
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Paluh Besar Sub Watershed is one of the Sub Watershed of the Watershed Deli located at the downstream and has an area of 10880 hectares. Paluh Besar Sub Watershed is highly vulnerable to flooding because it is an utilization area with a slope of less than 8%. This study was aimed to determine the performance of the subzone Paluh based on aspects of environmental sustainability. The parameters analyzed were the percentage of critical land, the percentage of vegetation cover, erosion index, the coefficient of the flow regime, the annual flow coefficient, sediment load, flood frequency, water usage index, protected areas and cultivation area. From this study, the percentage values obtained were: critical land was 20.63% (very high grade), the percentage of vegetation cover was 53.81% (medium grade), the erosion index was 0.089 (very low grade), the flow regime coefficient was 2.46 (low grade), the annual flow coefficient was 0.39 (medium grade), sediment load was 0.25 (very low grade), frequency of floods was more than once a year (very high grade), water usage index was 5.23  (medium grade), protected areas was 0 (very poor grade), cultivated area was 100% (very low grade). Based on these results the carrying capacity of the river basin of subzone Paluh Besar was classified (based on aspects of environmental sustainability) in the medium class with a total score of 71.5. Keywords: Paluh    Besar    Sub    Watershed,    performance,    aspects   of   environmental sustainability. ABSTRAK Sub DAS Paluh Besar adalah salah satu Sub DAS dari DAS Deli yang terletak dibagian hilir dan mempunyai luas sebesar 10.880 Ha. Sub DAS Paluh Besar sangat rentan terhadap masalah banjir karena merupakan daerah pemanfaatan dengan kemiringan lereng kurang dari 8%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja Sub DAS Paluh Besar berdasarkan aspek kelestarian lingkungan. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah persentase lahan kritis, persentase penutupan vegetasi, indeks erosi, koefisien regim aliran, koefisien aliran tahunan, muatan sedimen, frekuensi banjir, indeks penggunaan air, kawasan lindung dan kawasan budidaya. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh nilai persentase lahan kritis sebesar 20,63% termasuk kelas sangat tinggi, persentase penutupan vegetasi sebesar 53,81% termasuk kelas sedang, indeks erosi sebesar 0,089 termasuk kelas sangat rendah, koefisien regim aliran sebesar 2,46 termasuk kelas rendah, koefisien aliran tahunan sebesar 0,39 termasuk kelas sedang, muatan sedimen sebesar 0,25 termasuk kelas sangat rendah, frekuensi banjir lebih dari sekali dalam setahun termasuk kedalam kelas sangat tinggi, indeks penggunaan air sebesar 5,23 termasuk kedalam kelas sedang, kawasan lindung sebesar 0 termasuk kedalam kelas sangat buruk, kawasan budidaya sebesar 100% termasuk kedalam kelas sangat rendah. Berdasarkan hasil ini daya dukung DAS Sub DAS Paluh Besar berdasarkan aspek kelestarian lingkungan diklasifikasikan dalam kelas sedang dengan total skor sebesar 71,5. Kata kunci : Sub DAS Paluh Besar, kinerja, aspek kelestarian lingkungan.
PENGARUH BEBERAPA UKURAN DIAMETER PULLEY PADA PEMERAS SANTAN SISTEM SCREW PRESS (The Effect of Some Diameter Size Pulley of Screw Press Coconut Milk Extractor) Chesya Ritonga; Achwil Putra Munir; Sulastri Panggabean
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.383 KB)


ABSTRACT The coconut milk extractor that had been designed previously was not effective in process, so the author suspect that the performance of the machine will be better if pulley with right diameters is used. The research’s purpose is to examine the effect of various pulley diameter on the effective capacity, yield, and the percentage of left material of the coconut milk extractor. This research was conducted in March 2017 to July 2017 in the Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra, using factorial randomized block design with one factor (2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). The parameters observed were effective capacity, yield and the percentage of left material on The coconut milk extractor. The result shows that the highest effective capacity was 34,75 kg/hour at treatment R5 with 6 inch pulley diameter, the highest yield was treatment R5 with 6 inch pulley diameter (77,75%), and the percentage of material left behind was the lowest at treatment of R5 with 6 inch pulley diameter (12%). From Duncan Multiple Range Tests it was found that the pulley diameter had highly significant effect on the effective capacity and had significant effect on percentage of material left behind and had no effect on yield.  Keyword: coconut milk, effective capacity, yield and the percentage of left material, The coconut milk extractor ABSTRAK   Alat pemeras santan sistem screw press yang telah dirancang sebelumnya dinilai kurang efektif dalam pengolahannya, sehingga penulis menduga akan terjadi perubahan kinerja alat apabila digunakan puli dengan diameter yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh berbagai diameter puli terhadap kapasitas efektif alat, rendemen, dan persentase bahan tertinggal pada alat pemeras santan sistem screw pres. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2017 hingga Juli 2017 di Laboratorium Keteknikan Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap non faktorial yaitu diameter puli (2, 3, 4, 5 dan 6). Parameter yang diamati yaitu kapasitas efektif alat, rendemen dan persentase bahan tertinggal. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kapasitas efektif alat tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan R5 yaitu dengan diameter puli 6 inci sebesar 34,75 kg/jam, rendemen tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan R5 yaitu dengan diameter puli 6 inci sebesar 77,75%, dan persentase bahan tertinggal yang terendah terdapat pada perlakuan R5 yaitu dengan diameter puli 6 inci sebesar 12%. Dari pengujian DMRT diperoleh bahwa diameter puli pada alat pemeras santan sistem screw press memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kapasitas efektif alat dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap persentase bahan tertinggal dialat dan memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata terhadap rendemen alat. Kata Kunci: santan kelapa, kapasitas efektif, rendemen dan persentase bahan tertinggal dialat, alat pemeras santan sistem screw press