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Benefit: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Volume 6 No 2 Desember 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/benefit.v6i2.16013


This study examines the effect of financial literacy, money ethics and time preference on financial behavior with time preference as a moderating effect. Financial literacy used in this research is financial attitude and financial knowledge. This study used 395 samples. We collected data using an online questionnaire. Data were examined using partial least square (PLS) technique. The results showed that financial attitudes, financial knowledge and money ethics have a positive effect on financial behavior, but time preference has a negative effect on financial behavior. the results in the sample group of low financial knowledge, financial knowledge and time preference have no effect. But the sample group in the advanced knowledge, only has no significant effect on financial knowledge.. We also find the effect of moderation in time preference to weakens the effect of financial attitudes on financial behavior.Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh financial literacy, money ethics dan time preferences terhadap financial behavior dengan time preferences sebagai variabel moderasi. Financial literacy yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah financial attitude dan financial knowledge. Penelitian ini menggunakan 395 sampel. Kami mengumpulkan data menggunakan kuesioner online. Data diperiksa dengan menggunakan teknik partial least square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa financial attitude, financial knowledge dan money ethics berpengaruh positif terhadap financial behavior, tetapi time preference berpengaruh negatif terhadap financial behavior. Hasil pada kelompok sampel pengetahuan keuangan rendah, financial knowledge dan time preferences tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap financial behavior. Namun kelompok sampel pada pengetahuan tinggi, hanya financial knowledge yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap financial behavior. Kami juga menemukan pengaruh moderasi time preferences untuk memperlemah pengaruh financial atttude terhadap financial behavior.
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi Islam (JAM-EKIS) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, Manajemen, dan Ekonomi Islam
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.315 KB) | DOI: 10.36085/jam-ekis.v5i1.2887


This study proves the effect of CEO Overconfindence on liquidity risk taking of commercial banks in Indonesia. The sample used was 53 banks with observations of 1007 banks in Indonesia from 2000-2018. The banks in Indonesia are divided into four classifications of BUKU (Commercial Banks Based on Business Classification). The findings of this study prove that CEO Overconfidence has a positive effect on liquidity risk in BUKU 1 and BUKU 2 banks and the smaller bank size in terms of total assets makes CEOs tend to be overconfident and bolder in taking bank liquidity risks. Our study is important for the development of a liquidity risk-taking model for Indonesian banks. Keywords: CEO Overconfidence, LDR, BUKU
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Bisnis Vol 24, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (479.727 KB) | DOI: 10.35760/eb.2019.v24i2.1907


Our study tries to explore the existence of mental accounting (MA) phenomenon among the investors at Investment Gallery FEB University of Bengkulu and the investors at Sharia Investment Gallery FEB IAIN Bengkulu, and to test its influences on the stock investment decision. We collect data using questioner. This study uses simple linear regression analysis to test the hypothesis. The results show that investors do have the MA. The average respondents' answers indicate that they treat monthly money with bonus money differently in investing while using monthly money as the capital, they averagely use a smaller portion of their monthly money for investment, but when the capital is their bonus money, then they use more portion of the money for the investment. For the respondents, their monthly money is more important than the bonus money, and they are also more afraid of the risks of investing the monthly money than investing the bonus money, and when there is a loss, the regret level of losses from investing monthly money is higher than regret level of losses from investing bonus money. The result shows the MA exists among the investors, and have a significant effect on the stock investment decisions.
The Manager Review Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/tmr.v4i2.25845


Abstract : The objectives of this research is the (1) To find out the company's strategic response in responding to the BRTI regulations number 01 of 2018, (2) To find out the response to the r strategy. This study uses qualitative methods, respondents research is the leadership of PT. Telkomsel Tbk, PT.Indosat Tbk, PT. TRI Tbk, PT.XL AxiataTbk and 25 Retail Outlets, each taken 5 from the city of Bengkulu, kab. Bengkulu Tengah, Kab. Kepahiang, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Kab. Lebong, with a population of 1362 retail outlets in Bengkulu province, then 25 retail outlets were taken to be used as samples, the sampling technique used the Non Probability Sampling method with purposive sampling technique, this study was conducted by interviewing 29 samples, data collection techniques using the interview method, while The data analysis used is descriptive data analysis. The results of this study are A. The Company's Strategic Response to the BRTI Policy No. 01 of 2018 1. The response of telecommunications service providers as a whole can be concluded positively that the BRTI policy Number 01 of 2018 can reduce crime through telecommunications services, but the impact felt by the implementation of this policy is the decline in sales of starter packs, this is due to registration restrictions starter packs and this makes selling starter packs difficult. 2. The company's strategies or efforts to increase sales of starter packs in the form of price discounts, rewards, sp bundling programs, CSO teams by picking up the ball and also launching new products with more bonuses for consumers, but the policies or strategies that have been issued have not had a significant impact on the increase in sales of starter packs, this is because customers are still complaining about the difficulty of registering a starter pack by having to submit a family card which is limited to 1 NIK which can only be registered for 3 numbers. B. Retail Outlet Strategy Response to BRTI Policy No. 01 Year 2018, (1) Retail outlets said that the BRTI policy No. 01 of 2018 concerning restrictions on registration of 1 Nik starter packs can only be 3. This number can reduce crime, but based on what is currently happening, criminal acts through telecommunications media are still happening even though the policy of limiting registration and being registered must be according to customer data, it has been implemented, sales of starter packs have decreased significantly and there are even cards that have expired so that respondents experience losses, (2) Retail outlet strategy as a whole they sell starter packs at low prices and there are also retail outlets that provide education to customers on how to register starter packs and there are also outlets that make regular offers related to starter pack products to consumers by explaining the advantages of the starter pack itself, however, in terms of sales of starter packs, there has not been an increase, there are even retail outlets who say that no matter what strategy they take while restrictions on registration of starter packs are still in effect, selling starter packs is still difficult. This research is inseparable from limitations and weaknesses, on the other hand the limitations and weaknesses found in this study can be used as a source of ideas for future research. The limitations found in this study were that the sample used in this study was only 4 companies providing telecommunications services in Prov. Bengkulu and 25 Retail Outlets taken each 5 retail outlets in Bengkulu City, Kab. Central Bengkulu, Kab. Kepahiang, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Kab. Lebong. Keywords: Response, Strategy, Company, Retail Outlet, BRTI Policy No. 01 Year 2018 Abstrak : Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui respon strategis perusahaan dalam menyikapi peraturan BRTI nomor 01 Tahun 2018, (2) Untuk mengetahui respon terhadap strategi r. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, responden penelitian adalah pimpinan PT. Telkomsel Tbk, PT.Indosat Tbk, PT. TRI Tbk, PT.XL AxiataTbk dan 25 Retail Outlet masing-masing diambil 5 dari kota Bengkulu, kab. Bengkulu Tengah, Kab. Kepahiang, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Kab. Lebong dengan populasi 1362 gerai di provinsi Bengkulu, maka diambil 25 gerai untuk dijadikan sampel, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Non Probability Sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mewawancarai 29 sampel, pengumpulan data tekniknya menggunakan metode wawancara, sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah A. Respon Strategis Perusahaan Terhadap Kebijakan BRTI No. 01 Tahun 2018 1. Respon penyelenggara jasa telekomunikasi secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan positif bahwa kebijakan BRTI No. 01 Tahun 2018 dapat menekan kejahatan melalui jasa telekomunikasi , namun dampak yang dirasakan dari pemberlakuan kebijakan tersebut adalah menurunnya penjualan kartu perdana, hal ini dikarenakan adanya pembatasan pendaftaran paket perdana dan hal ini membuat penjualan paket perdana menjadi sulit. 2. Strategi atau upaya perusahaan dalam meningkatkan penjualan starter pack berupa potongan harga, reward, program sp bundling, tim CSO dengan jemput bola dan juga launching produk baru dengan bonus yang lebih banyak untuk konsumen, namun kebijakan atau strategi yang telah dikeluarkan belum memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan penjualan kartu perdana, hal ini dikarenakan pelanggan masih mengeluhkan sulitnya pendaftaran kartu perdana dengan harus menyerahkan kartu keluarga yang dibatasi hanya 1 NIK yang hanya dapat terdaftar untuk 3 nomor. B. Strategi Gerai Ritel Menanggapi Kebijakan BRTI No. 01 Tahun 2018, (1) Gerai Ritel menyampaikan bahwa kebijakan BRTI No. 01 Tahun 2018 tentang pembatasan pendaftaran 1 paket perdana Nik hanya boleh 3. Jumlah ini dapat menekan angka kriminalitas, namun berdasarkan yang terjadi saat ini, tindak pidana melalui media telekomunikasi masih terjadi walaupun kebijakan pembatasan pendaftaran dan pendaftaran harus sesuai dengan data pelanggan, sudah diterapkan, penjualan kartu perdana mengalami penurunan yang signifikan bahkan ada kartu kadaluarsa sehingga responden mengalami kerugian, (2) Strategi gerai retail secara keseluruhan mereka menjual kartu perdana dengan harga murah dan ada juga gerai ritel yang memberikan edukasi kepada pelanggan cara pendaftaran paket perdana dan ada juga gerai yang melakukan penawaran berkala terkait produk paket perdana kepada konsumen dengan cara menjelaskan kelebihan dari kartu perdana itu sendiri, namun dari segi penjualan kartu perdana belum ada peningkatan, bahkan ada retailer yang mengatakan bahwa apapun strategi yang mereka ambil sementara pembatasan pendaftaran kartu perdana masih dalam efeknya, jualan starter pack masih susah. Penelitian ini tidak terlepas dari keterbatasan dan kelemahan, di sisi lain keterbatasan dan kelemahan yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber ide untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Keterbatasan yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini hanya 4 perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi di Prov. Bengkulu dan 25 Gerai Diambil masing-masing 5 Gerai di Kota Bengkulu Kab. Bengkulu Tengah, Kab. Kepahiang, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Kab. Lebong. Kata kunci: Respons, Strategi, Perusahaan, Gerai Ritel, Kebijakan BRTI No. 01 Tahun 2018
Herding Behavior in The Asean Stock Market During The Covid-19 Pandemic Dewi Rahmayanti; Fitri Santi; Darus Altin; Muhammad Qomaruddin Ridwan; Wan Mohd Nazdrol
Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023): Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/reaksi.v8i3.2691


This study aims to detect indications of herding behavior that occurred in the ASEAN capital market throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The research spanned from December 31, 2019, to June 30, 2021, encompassing the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research used panel regression and rolling window regression methods on the dependent variable of Cross-Sectional Absolute Deviation (CSAD) to detect indications of herding behavior. This research also employed daily stock return data for all companies on several stock exchanges in five ASEAN countries. The panel regression model was then utilized in the analysis. The panel regression results demonstrated the absence of herding behavior on the stock exchanges in ASEAN. This was evident as the Rm2 coefficient consistently revealed a significant positive sign throughout the entire observation period. However, upon rechecking through rolling window regression, it was uncovered that, at some times, herding did occur on the ASEAN stock exchange during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the government’s policy response by limiting short selling could reduce herding on the stock market. Simultaneously, the government’s policy response to the COVID-19 epidemic, proxied by the Stringency Index, apparently heightened investor anxiety and promoted herding behavior. Lastly, the heightened levels of anxiety and volatility experienced during the pandemic (variable IVI) led to a rise in herd behavior among the stock markets of ASEAN countries.
Pengaruh Overconfidence Managerial Terhadap Keputusan Lending dan Kinerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah Di Indonesia Neny Nopita Dewi; Fitri Santi; Trisna Murni
Student Journal of Business and Management Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/sjbm.4.1.63-91


The purpose of this study to discuss bias overconfidence behavior among top managers and examine its impact to lending decisions and performance Regional Development Banks (BPD) in Indonesia. The research method uses quantitative methods with descriptive and verification research approaches by looking at the effect of managerial overconfidence on lending decisions and performance BPD in Indonesia in the last 10 years (2009-2018). The results show that managerial overconfidence has no significant effect on lending decisions (NPL-to-loan and loan change) and performance (ROA and ROE) of BPD in Indonesia. However, managerial overconfidence has a positive effect on NPL-to-Equity The effects of lending nploan and loanchange decisions have no positive effect on the performance (ROA and ROE) of BPD in Indonesia.
Implementasi Digitalisasi Perbankan di Bank Bengkulu Rahmi Fitriandanty; Fitri Santi; Rina Suthia Hayu
Student Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

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Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the implementation of banking digitalization at Bank Bengkulu. Data collection through interviews with people involved in digitization policy makers at Bank Bengkulu, they are the Independent President Commissioner, President Director, Business Director, Compliance Director and Head of the Information Technology Division. Data analysis using descriptive analysis method and qualitative analysis. The results of the study revealed that the implementation of banking digitization at Bank Bengkulu seen from digital internet banking services, SMS Banking, Phone Banking, Mobile Banking and ATMs had not been fully implemented, due to constraints in OJK regulations. Bank Bengkulu digitization services that have been implemented are SMS Banking, Mobile Banking and ATM. For internet banking, the permit from OJK related to the core capital of banks must be above 1 trillion, while for phone banking it is not yet included in the development plan. ank Bengkulu is very ready to implement more advanced banking digitalization. Bank Bengkulu's banking digitalization development plan in the future is in accordance with the IT Blueprint which is focused on infrastructure transformation and digital transformation. Bank Bengkulu has gradually prepared an independent system, while for systems that cannot be prepared, they will be imported from outside or collaborate with vendors so that the transformation carried out is more effective and saves the digital investment budget. Bank Bengkulu has financial capacity constraints and IT human resource competencies. OJK as a regulator requires Bengkulu Bank to have a core capital of more than 1 trillion to be able to use internet banking services or be included in the book bank category II. Then the competence of human resources to develop the core system is still very limited. It still needs to be developed through training, workshops and internship programs and others. The limited competence of human resources owned by Bank Bengkulu makes the core system of Bank Bengkulu managed by a vendor from PT. Sigma is a subsidiary of Telkom based in Jakarta. However, in the future, it will gradually be managed independently in accordance with the existing human resource capacity Keywords: Implementation, Digitalization, Banking, Bengkulu Bank Abstrak Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui implementasi digitalisasi perbankan di Bank Bengkulu. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam pengambil kebijakan digitalisasi di Bank Bengkulu yaitu Komisaris Utama Independen, Direktur Utama, Direktur Bisnis, Direktur Kepatuhan dan Kepala Divisi Teknologi Informasi. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa implementasi digitalisasi perbankan di Bank Bengkulu dilihat dari layanan digital internet banking, SMS Banking, Phone Banking, Mobile Banking dan ATM belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan, karena terkendala peraturan OJK. Layanan digitalisasi Bank Bengkulu yang telah diterapkan adalah SMS Banking, Mobile Banking dan ATM. Untuk internet banking, izin dari OJK terkait modal inti perbankan harus di atas 1 triliun, sedangkan untuk phone banking belum masuk dalam rencana pengembangan. ank Bengkulu sangat siap menerapkan digitalisasi perbankan yang lebih maju. Rencana pengembangan digitalisasi perbankan Bank Bengkulu ke depan sesuai dengan IT Blueprint yang fokus pada transformasi infrastruktur dan transformasi digital. Bank Bengkulu secara bertahap menyiapkan sistem yang mandiri, sedangkan untuk sistem yang tidak dapat disiapkan akan didatangkan dari luar atau bekerjasama dengan vendor sehingga transformasi yang dilakukan lebih efektif dan menghemat anggaran investasi digital. Bank Bengkulu memiliki kendala kapasitas keuangan dan kompetensi SDM IT. OJK sebagai regulator mewajibkan Bank Bengkulu memiliki modal inti lebih dari 1 triliun untuk dapat menggunakan layanan internet banking atau termasuk dalam bank buku kategori II. Kemudian kompetensi SDM untuk mengembangkan core system masih sangat terbatas. Masih perlu dikembangkan melalui pelatihan, workshop dan program magang dan lain-lain. Keterbatasan kompetensi SDM yang dimiliki Bank Bengkulu menjadikan core system Bank Bengkulu dikelola oleh vendor dari PT. Sigma merupakan anak perusahaan Telkom yang berbasis di Jakarta. Namun ke depan secara bertahap akan dikelola secara mandiri sesuai dengan kapasitas SDM yang ada Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Digitalisasi, Perbankan, Bank Bengkulu
Student Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

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Abstract : The value of the company can be influenced by the dividend policy, because in essence the value of the company can be maximized by the dividend policy. However, until now, the business decisions taken by the Manager acting as an agent of the shareholders are inconsistent so that managers often have different goals from The value of the company can be influenced by the dividend policy, because in essence the value of the company can be maximized by the dividend policy. This study was conducted to obtain information about the moderating effect of managerial ownership on the effect of dividend policy on firm value. The method used is statistical descriptive analysis with panel data techniques (time series). Research results Based on the data and the reality that happened, in conventional and sharia in Indonesia from 2018 to 2021, bank ownership by management, both directors and commissioners, is less than 5%. However, until now, the business decisions taken by the manager acting as an agent of the shareholders have been inconsistent so that managers often have different goals from shareholders.Managerial ownership is a variable that can moderate the effect of dividend policy on the value of banking firms. This means that the managerial role of bank ownership has an effect on dividend policy making by management and of course has an impact on the value of the banking industry company.reholders. Key words : Dividen policy, Firm value, and Managerial ownership Abstrak: Nilai perusahaan dapat dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan dividen, karena pada hakekatnya nilai perusahaan dapat dimaksimalkan dengan kebijakan dividen. Namun hingga saat ini keputusan bisnis yang diambil oleh Manajer yang bertindak sebagai agen pemegang saham tidak konsisten sehingga seringkali manajer memiliki tujuan yang berbeda dari Nilai perusahaan dapat dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan dividen, karena pada hakikatnya nilai perusahaan dapat dimaksimalkan dengan kebijakan dividen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang efek moderasi kepemilikan manajerial terhadap pengaruh kebijakan dividen terhadap nilai perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif statistik dengan teknik data panel (time series). Hasil Penelitian Berdasarkan data dan realita yang terjadi, secara konvensional dan syariah di Indonesia dari Tahun 2018 hingga 2021, kepemilikan bank oleh manajemen baik direksi maupun komisaris kurang dari 5%. Namun hingga saat ini keputusan bisnis yang diambil oleh manajer yang bertindak sebagai agen pemegang saham tidak konsisten sehingga seringkali manajer memiliki tujuan yang berbeda dengan pemegang saham. Kepemilikan manajerial merupakan variabel yang dapat memoderasi pengaruh kebijakan dividen terhadap nilai perbankan. perusahaan. Artinya peran manajerial kepemilikan bank berpengaruh terhadap pengambilan kebijakan dividen oleh manajemen dan tentunya berdampak pada nilai pemegang saham perusahaan industri perbankan. Kata Kunci : Kebijakan Dividen, Nilai Perusahaan, dan Kepemilikan Manajerial
Student Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

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Abstract: The purpose of the study ware to analyze the effect of burnout and employee engagement on employee well-being of health workers at Argamakmur Hospital. This study uses a quantitative design with an explanatory research design. Respondents were 84 health workers in Argamakmur Hospital. Data collection use a questionnaire survey, while data analysis uses descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. The results showed that burnout had a negative effect on employee well-being. Employee engagement has a positive effect on employee well-being. The conclusion of this study is that burnout and employee engagement variables have an effect on employee well-being. These results indicate that these variables are able to affect employee well-being. Therefore, the implications that can be drawn from the results of this study are that in the future the hospital needs to provide opportunities for employees to be deeply involved in their work. When employees have found their strengths, the organization can provide space and opportunities for these employees to use their abilities in the process of solving problems or work. Then one cannot ignore the importance of recognition and rewards as an integral component of a reward system strategy. This indicator rarely gets the attention that employees deserve from hospital owners, employees want to know if they are good, bad or average, so it is important for the hospital to let them know. Keywords: Burnout, Employee Engagement, Employee Well-Being Ringkasan: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh burnout dan employee engagement terhadap kesejahteraan karyawan tenaga kesehatan di RSUD Argamakmur. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitatif dengan desain explanatory research. Responden berjumlah 84 tenaga kesehatan di RSUD Argamakmur. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner survei, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa burnout berpengaruh negatif terhadap kesejahteraan karyawan. Keterikatan karyawan memiliki efek positif pada kesejahteraan karyawan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah variabel burnout dan employee engagement berpengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan karyawan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel-variabel tersebut mampu mempengaruhi kesejahteraan karyawan. Oleh karena itu, implikasi yang dapat diambil dari hasil penelitian ini adalah ke depannya pihak rumah sakit perlu memberikan kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk terlibat secara mendalam dalam pekerjaannya. Ketika karyawan telah menemukan kekuatannya, organisasi dapat memberikan ruang dan kesempatan kepada karyawan tersebut untuk menggunakan kemampuannya dalam proses pemecahan masalah atau pekerjaan. Maka seseorang tidak dapat mengabaikan pentingnya pengakuan dan penghargaan sebagai komponen integral dari strategi sistem penghargaan. Indikator ini jarang mendapat perhatian yang layak dari karyawan pemilik rumah sakit, karyawan ingin tahu apakah mereka baik, buruk atau rata-rata, sehingga penting bagi rumah sakit untuk memberi tahu mereka. Kata Kunci: Burnout, Employee Engagement, Employee Well-Being
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Maret
Publisher : Yayasan Nuraini Ibrahim Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59407/jpmebd.v1i1.497


Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan agar pelaku usaha memahami dasar dan prosedur melakukan pencatatan dan pembukuan sederhana serta dapat membuat laporan keuangan. Talang Ulu adalah sebuah kelurahan di wilayah Curup Timur Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu. Talang Ulu merupakan sebuah desa yang terletak dalam (daerah) kecamatan Curup Timur, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu. Mayoritas penduduk daerah ini berusaha sebagai pekerja, namun sebagian lagi dari penduduk adalah membuka usaha kecil-kecilan dibidang kuliner. Namun bertambahnya pelaku usaha tidak diiringi dengan perkembangan aspek finansial. Ini dikarenakan, minimnya motivasi dari pelaku usaha dan kurangnya kemampuan pelaku usaha dalam mengelola keuangan usaha mereka. Maka berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, metode  yang  digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah observasi langsung, pengenalan, pembukuan, dan pendampingan sekaligus monitoring. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan adanya respon positif dari para pelaku usaha untuk mencapai kesadaran atas pentingnya pembukuan, sehingga pelaku usaha dapat membuat pencatatan pembukuan sederhana yang mudah diaplikasikan dalam mengembangkan  usaha agar  menjadi  lebih baik. Kata Kunci:  Pembukuan Sederhana, UMKM