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Peran pemerintah daerah dalam mendukung potensi indikiasi geografis produk pertanian Ranitya Ganindha; Sukarmi Sukarmi
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum Vol 11, No 2 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/idjch.v11i2.3970


The recording of Geographical Indications itself has benefits that can increase the economic benefits of the product. Registration of Geographical Indication Certification can increase the potential of a product of biological wealth. The advantage that is obtained if a product is protected by Geographical Indications is that the product will be superior and have higher competitiveness compared to similar products. The local government of Malang Regency and local farming communities in Malang Regency have awareness regarding the protection of Geographical Indications. One of the programs launched by the government through the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is the Increase in the Number of Geographical Indications. Registration of Geographical Indications not only gives an economic increase, but also has a long impact on the progress of the tourism sector as one of the superior programs that the Malang Regency Government wants to achieve. This research is a juridical empirical research with a qualitative interpretation. Research using the empirical method means that the research is carried out directly in the field to identify problems and find solutions to problems that occur. The outputs produced through this research are studies, draft regional regulations, and journals that can be used as reference material for the Malang Regency Government.How to cite item: Ganindha, R., Sukarmi, S. (2020). Peran pemerintah daerah dalam mendukung potensi indikiasi geografis produk pertanian. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 11(2), 211-221. doi:
Direksi Sebagai Penjamin Perorangan Dalam Hal Kepailitan Pada Perseroan Terbatas Ranitya Ganindha
Widya Yuridika Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Widya Yuridika: Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Widya Gama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/wy.v3i2.1673


The commitment of individual maintenance or personnel guaranntor often leads to rights removal of the personal guarantor so that an offense from the personal guarantor leads to bankruptcy. In some cases, for example in the case that happened to PT Hardy, the position of the personal guarantee which was initially intended as a guarantor that the debtor would pay off all his debts to the creditor, then his position could change to become like the main debtor who could be sued to be responsible for debt repayment without having to do confiscated in advance of the bankruptcy assets owned by the main debtor. The main problem to be examined is how the position of the board of directors who act as a personal guarantee issue in the bankruptcy of a limited company. The purpose of writing this journal is to analyze the legal position of the directors who act as personal guarantees in the event of bankruptcy. This journal is a normative juridical research, with a statute approach and a case approach. This journal analyzes that it has not been specifically regulated in the Indonesian Bankruptcy Law, the position of the Personal Guarantor or individual guarantor in the event of bankruptcy. This journal also finds that Personal Guarantor can turn into a debtor and be bankrupt when the guarantee agreement states explicitly that the guarantor  has given up his privileges while the main debtor cannot fulfill his agreement which can make the guarantor a debtor and can be filed for bankruptcy against him. In a Limited Company, the Board of Directors as a personnel officer who has been declared to have lost the right to dominate and take care of his wealth which is included in bankruptcy property and it can be confiscated if it has been decided by the commercial Court.
Cartel Indications on Determination of Loan Interest Rate in Fintech Lending Sukarmi Sukarmi; Ranitya Ganindha; Reka Dewantara
Yustisia Vol 11, No 3: December 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v11i3.56339


The application of information technology platforms that appear in business transactions in Indonesia is a pattern of business models that cannot be avoided. One of the rapidly growing technology companies is an online loan service.The ease of borrowing funds through these services supports business growth. In contrast to the banking sector, which is regulated by a series of strict government regulations and the determination of interest rates that have been determined by looking at economic conditions. The absence of regulation in the legislation makes AFPI set the limit for determining the maximum interest rate, but the determination of interest rates by AFPI is suspected to lead to cartel actions. There is a close relationship between fair business competition and consumer protection. This research is a normative juridical research with a statutory approach and a comparative approach. In this case, the setting of interest rate limits will reduce consumers’ rights to get competitive prices. The existence of conscious parallelism by the AFPI on the LPMUBTI services can be categorized as a price fixing agreement. It is because the determination of the maximum interest rate limit is not regulated through direct government regulations.
Coastal Ulama Ijtihād and Destructive Fishing Prevention in Indonesia Thohir Luth; Siti Rohmah; Nur Chanifah; Moh. Anas Kholish; Ranitya Ganindha
AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Vol 22, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v22i2.28077


Indonesia has large fisheries and marine resources. However, most of Indonesia's marine ecosystems are still under threat. One of them is the coast of Lamongan. The damage is caused by destructive fishing using destructive gears such as tiger trawls, cantrang (a modified Danish seine), explosives, and others. Government  regulations  to  prevent  those  activities  have  not  been  effective. Therefore, alternative approaches are needed. One approach to be chosen is the Islamic law approach. Because the Lamongan coastal community has a strong Islamic  culture,  the  Islamic  view  of  destructive  fishing  is  expected  to  offer  a better alternative solution. Therefore, this article examines the ecological ijtihād of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah ulama in Lamongan. This is empirical legal research, with data from focused-group discussions and in-depth interviews.  The  study  finds  that  the  NU  Ulama  had  issued  a  fatwa  through Bahtsul Masail, stating that preserving marine ecology is the obligation of every Muslim  and  destructive  fishing  is  prohibited.  Meanwhile,  Muhammadiyah ulama have not issued fatwas institutionally. Nonetheless, the fatwa of the two communities has become a reinforcement for government policies in preventing marine ecosystems damage through eco-fishing.Keywords: destructive fishing; ecological ijtihād; NU; Muhammadiyah AbstrakIndonesia memiliki sumber daya perikanan dan kelautan yang besar. Namun, sebagian besar ekosistem laut Indonesia masih terancam di antaranya di  pesisir  Lamongan.  Kerusakan  ini  disebabkan  oleh  penangkapan  ikan  yang merusak dengan menggunakan alat tangkap yang merusak seperti pukat harimau,  cantrang,  bahan  peledak  dan  lainya.  Pencegahan  aktivitas  tersebut dengan peraturan pemerintah tidak berjalan efektif. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pendekatan alternatif yang lebih efektif. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat dipilih adalah pendekatan hukum Islam karena masyarakat pesisir Lamongan mempunyai kultur keislaman yang kuat. Artikel ini mengkaji ijtihād ekologis ulama pesisir Lamongan yang berafiliasi NU dan Muhammadiyah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan yuridis-empiris, dengan data didapatkan dari diskusi kelompok dan wawancara mendalam. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Ulama NU di Paciran Lamongan telah mengeluarkan fatwa melalui Bahtsul Masail yang menyatakan bahwa  menjaga  kelestarian  ekologi  laut  adalah  kewajiban  setiap  umat  Islam sehingga  destructive  fishing  dilarang.  Sementara  ulama  Muhammadiyah  belum mengeluarkan  fatwa  secara  kelembagaan,  namun  mayoritas  secara  pribadi menyatakan bahwa kegiatan tersebut juga dilarang. Meskipun demikian, fatwa kedua  komunitas  tersebut  menjadi  penguat  bagi  kebijakan  pemerintah  dalam mencegah kerusakan ekosistem laut melalui eco-fishing.Kata Kunci: destructive fishing; ijtihād ekologi; NU; Muhammadiya
Indonesian Cryptocurrencies Legislative Readiness: Lessons from the United States Hanif Nur Widhiyanti; Safinaz Mohd Hussein; Ranitya Ganindha
Sriwijaya Law Review Volume 7, Issue 1 January 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28946/slrev.Vol7.Iss1.2138.pp150-172


Cryptocurrencies can facilitate cross-border global transfers easily and pseudonymously. It can be converted into fiat currencies, making it suitable for money laundering crimes. This study compared legal regulations in the United States that analysed the readiness of regulations and Indonesia's legal loopholes in responding to the development of the cryptocurrency business. As a result, cryptocurrency in Indonesia is susceptible to being used as a money-laundering tool due to the novelty of the technology, the anonymity it provides its users, and the immaturity of the regulations governing it. Therefore, it is necessary to create a cryptocurrency that can follow the “Travel Rule” and collect and share information about the people who send and receive cryptocurrency, like in the US. The study also argues that passive detection is used to detect the identity of cryptocurrency users through a centralised service. However, several cryptocurrency developers have responded to the increase in pseudonymity tracking methods by developing cryptocurrencies with greater secrecy change.
Arena Hukum Vol. 9 No. 3 (2016)
Publisher : Arena Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.201 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.arenahukum.2016.00903.8


AbstractProblems related to land will always be actual and complex issues. Population growth will not be accompanied by increments of shelter, economic progress, the need for all the infrastructure support for the space for humans, the level of public awareness and ease access to various parties on the ground. Land acquisition became the most complicated problems in the past few decades that are often faced by the government .It is stated that the state can only control the land and not as the owner of the land. In this study, the authors used the normative method with a comparative, historical and conceptual approach. The studies show the shifting meaning of land as one of the symbols of the economic concept of liberalism also play a role in the difficulty of gaining ground as a medium of development for the benefit of the public. Therefore there is a need of a method, and other strategies capable of addressing the land issues that are fundamental, effective, efficient sustainable. The land bank concept is very urgent to be applied in Indonesia. Land bank itself has a meaning as a private or government land reserve performed before starting development activities so as to avoid speculation in land prices. Land Bank is one means management of the resources necessary to improve the productivity of land use. The method uses market control and soil stabilization of local markets. Because that regulation is required as a legal umbrella for the implementation of the Bank's foundation soil and related institutional arrangements are authorized to implement the practice of the Land Bank. AbstrakPermasalahan terkait pertanahan akan selalu menjadi isu yang aktual dan bersifat kompleks. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tidak akan diiringi dengan pertambahan tempat hunian, kemajuan ekonomi, kebutuhan akan segala infrastruktu penunjang bagi ruang gerak manusia, tingkat kesadaran hukum masyarakat dan kemudahan akses berbagai pihak terhadap tanah. Ketersediaan tanah untuk pembangunan menjadi permasalahan paling rumit dalam beberapa dasawarsa ini yang kerap dihadapi oleh pemerintah.  UUPA telah mengamanatkan bahwa negara hanya boleh menguasai tanah dan bukan sebagai pemilik tanah. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode normatif dengan pendekatan historis, komparatif dan faktual. Pergeseran makna tanah sebagai salah satu simbol dari konsep ekonomi liberalisme juga berperan dalam sulitnya bagi pemerintah mendapatkan tanah sebagai media pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum. Berpijak dari permasalahan tersebut maka dibutuhkanlah suatu  metode, dan strategi lain yang mampu mengatasi masalah pertanahan secara mendasar, efektif,efisien dan berkesinambungan. Berangkat dari permasalahan tersebut konsep bank tanah sangat mendesak untuk dapat diterapkan di Indonesia sebagai salah satu alternatif penyediaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum. Bank tanah sendiri memiliki makna sebagai pencadangan tanah pemerintah ataupun swasta yang dilakukan sebelum kegiatan pembangunan dimulai sehingga menghindari spekulasi harga tanah. Bank Tanah adalah salah satu sarana manajemen sumber daya alam berupa tanah yang penting untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pemanfaatan tanah. Metode yang diusung dalam bank tanah adalah kontrol pasar dan stabilisasi tanah pasar lokal. Karena itulah diperlukan regulasi sebagai payung hukum landasan pelaksanaan Bank tanah di Indonesia dan pengaturan terkait kelembagaan yang berwenang melaksanakan praktik Bank Tanah. 
Law Protection Mecanism of Wage Equality for Women Worker: Indonesian Law and Human Right Perspective Sukarmi Sukarmi; Ranitya Ganindha; Azahlia Umar
Brawijaya Law Journal : Journal of Legal Studies Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): Contemporary Legal Issue in Children and Women Protection
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.blj.2020.007.02.02


Women labours in Indonesia still experiencing wage discrimination with male labours for works of equal value. Indonesia's efforts to provide protection against discrimination in wage for women labor is by ratifying ILO Convention No. 100 of 1951 and the CEDAW Convention 1979. This journal aims to find out the form of Protection of Wage Discrimination for women labours in Indonesia in accordance with the mandate of the ILO and CEDAW Conventions and the Protection Mechanism of wage discrimination given by Indonesia to women labours. This journal is a normative study, with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. This journal analyzes that the form of Protection of Wage discrimination Against women labours in Indonesia is through legislative action through ratification of ILO Convention No. 100 of 1951 with Law No. 80 of 1957 concerning the approval of ILO Conventions No. 100 Regarding Wages for Men and Women for Work of Equal Value, especially those contained in Article 1 letter (b) and Article 2, the ratification of CEDAW through Law No. 7 of 1984 concerning Ratification of the Convention Concerning the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women especially those contained in Article 11 Letter (d), Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Employment specifically regulated generally in Article 5, Article 6, and Article 88 Paragraph (3) Letter (i). This journal finds that Indonesia does not yet have regulations that contain special protection mechanisms for wage discrimination provided by Indonesia to women workers in the form of sanctions, reporting mechanisms or special supervision of discriminatory practices, which are not yet regulated either in the Employment Act or the Law ratified by the Convention ILO and CEDAW.
Pengembangan Potensi Produk Pondok Pesantren Melalui Pendampingan Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Reka Dewantara; Sihabuddin; Ranitya Ganindha; Cyndiarnis Cahyaning Putri; Zora Febriena Dwithia Hidayat Putri; Fines Fatimah
Jurnal Dedikasi Hukum Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jdh.v3i1.23228


Pondok pesantren sebagai pelaku usaha memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk memasuki pasar dan bersaing dengan pelaku usaha lainnya. Pondok pesantren Tahfidz Al-Quran (PPTQ) Oemah Al-Quran merupakan salah satu pondok pesantren yang memiliki fokus kegiatan Tahfidz Al-Quran yang berlokasi di Kota Malang yang perkembangannya signifikan. Selain kegiatan keagamaan, salah satu kegiatan tambahan yang sedang digagas oleh PPTQ Oemah Al-Quran adalah kegiatan kewirausahaan. Sejak tahun 2020 lalu, pondok pesantren memiliki unit usaha yang menjual olahan makanan berupa ayam goreng. Namun demikian, kegiatan usaha tersebut masih dijalankan secara tradisional dan seluruh pengurus serta pengelola tidak memiliki pemahaman akan pentingnya hukum dalam kegiatan bisnis. Lebih lanjut, dalam perspektif hukum pun produk ayam goreng PPTQ Oemah Al-Quran tersebut belum memperoleh perlindungan dalam segi hak kekayaan intelektual, khususnya merek. Melalui pendampingan hukum ini, diharapkan PPTQ Oemah Al-Quran dapat memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman terhadap pentingnya merek bagi usaha yang dijalankan khususnya dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan potensi produk dalam kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan.   Improving Potential Products of Islamic Boarding School Through Legal Assistance of Intellectual Property Rights Islamic boarding schools as business actors have huge potential to enter the market and compete with other business actors. Tahfidz Al-Quran Islamic Boarding School (PPTQ) Oemah Al-Quran is one of the Islamic Boarding School located in Malang which has significant development. Beside the religious activites, one of the supplementary activities initiated by PPTQ Oemah Al-Quran is entrepreneurship activities. Since 2020, PPTQ Oemah Al-Quran has a business unit which sells food products specializes in fried chicken. However, these business activities are still carried out traditionally and all administrators and managers do not have an understanding of the importance of law in business activities. Moreover, from the legal perspective, PPTQ Oemah Al-Quran fried chicken product also does not have legal protection in terms of intellectual property rights,or trademarks in particular. Through this legal assistance, it is hoped that PPTQ Oemah Al-Quran will gain useful knowledge and understanding regarding the trademarks and its importance for business actors especially to increase the potential of the products in its business activities.  
Urgensi Analisis Kelayakan Sebagai Mitigasi Risiko dalam Menjaga Tingkat Kesehatan Penyelenggara LPMUBTI: The Urgency of Feasibility Analysis as Risk Mitigation in Maintaining the Health Level of LPMUBTI Organizers Meidiana Indah Lestari; Reka Dewantara; Ranitya Ganindha
Warkat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/warkat.v2n1.5


Fintech Peer to Peer Lending or Information Technology Based Money Lending and Borrowing Service (LPMUBTI) which brings together loan recipients (borrowers) with lenders (lenders) directly through a provider platform, apart from providing convenience for the public, can also provide risks, especially the risk of default, so it is needed mitigating risks in the event of payment default. In the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 77/POJK.01/2016, it regulates risk mitigation obligations that must be carried out by administrators, but there are no specific risk mitigation aspects. There are no risk mitigation arrangements in the form of loan recipient eligibility analysis. Until now, standards regarding analysis have not been set. eligibility of loan recipients in LPMUBTI. Referring to the problem formulation and objectives of this research, the author uses three types of approaches, including, namely, the statutory approach, the analytical approach, and the conceptual approach. The legal materials used in this research are primary legal materials and secondary legal materials obtained by researchers and then analyzed using descriptive techniques and evaluation techniques. From the results of the review according to the problem definition and techniques described above, LPMUBTI organizers can minimize payment defaults that occur in order to provide protection for lenders who have funds and maintain the health level of LPMUBTI organizers. The conceptualization of the loan recipient eligibility analysis arrangements refers to POJK Number 42/POJK.03/2017 which regulates debtor eligibility analysis in banks, in this case the bank and LPMUBTI have the same risk of default, money lending and borrowing system, the object of money as an agreement and function. intermediation.
Pelaksanaan Perlindungan Hukum Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Berbasis Perjanjian Kemitraan untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing dalam Era Ekonomi Global (Studi di Sentra Industri Keripik Tempe dan Keramik Dinoyo): Implementation of Legal Protection for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Based on Partnership Agreements to Increase Competitiveness in the Global Economic Era (Study at the Dinoyo Tempe Chips and Ceramics Industrial Center) Sukarmi; Ranitya Ganindha; Azahlia Umar
Warkat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/warkat.v1n1.4


MSMEs have an important step in supporting the improvement of the Indonesian people's economy, especially in terms of business opportunities and employment opportunities. Malang City is famous for its tourism and education sectors where MSMEs are an inseparable part of the economic activities of the Malang community. Malang City has several MSME industrial centers. This research examines the form of partnership agreement between the sanan tempeh chips and dinoyo ceramics industry center with large business partners in Malang City and hotels in Malang City. Researchers analyze the implementation of legal protection in partnership agreements in Malang City and analyze the fulfillment of the principles of fair partnership agreements. For this reason, in this paper the problem that will be studied is: How is the analysis of partnership agreements between MSMEs and large businesses in Malang City, and how is legal protection implemented for Partnership-based MSMEs in Malang City? This article is based on empirical juridical research with a Sociological Juridical approach which produces an analysis that: The implementation of the Partnership agreement in Malang City has not been carried out effectively which is contrary to the rules in Government Regulation Number 17 of 2013 where the concept, form of agreement and terms of partnership are not partnerships as stated in which has been mandated by law. A true partnership must be accompanied by a program of empowerment and assistance for large business actors towards small business actors. Meanwhile, large business actors themselves have a tendency not to carry out partnerships as they should. Implementation of legal protection and implementation of supervision over partnership agreements in Malang City is also still not running effectively due to overlapping authority.