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Jurnal Dakwah: Media Komunikasi dan Dakwah Vol 21, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/JD.2112020.5


The current era of disruption makes it easier for humans to convey and receive new information, especially about religion. However, in fact there are still some people who shut themselves off to convey the goodness that they know. Seeing this condition and the massive radicalization that has occurred in the internet media, a solution is needed to answer it. This article, which is a qualitative type of research with literature study through a content analysis approach to the verses of the Koran, has resulted in a new understanding of the importance of virtual da'wah for the process of spreading the Rahmatan lil 'Alamin Islam to all people in the world, so that da'wah on the internet is not it only explains in terms of its superiority, but also the purpose of da'wah which must be developed with several ethics that must be considered according to the Qur'an, including media skills, scientific and moral credibility, as well as polite da'wah material, namely upholding compassion (not advocating let alone giving hate speech).Era disrupsi saat ini menjadikan manusia lebih mudah untuk menyampaikan dan menerima informasi baru, terutama tentang agama. Namun, kenyatannya masih terdapat beberapa orang yang menutup diri untuk menyampaikan kebaikan yang ia ketahui. Melihat kondisi demikian serta masifnya radikalisasi yang terjadi di media internet, maka dibutuhkan solusi untuk menjawabnya. Artikel ini yang merupakan penelitian jenis kualitatif dengan studi kepustakaan melalui pendekatan analisis isi terhadap ayat Al-Qur’an yang menghasilkan pemahaman baru terkait pentingnya dakwah virtual bagi proses penyebaran agama Islam yang Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin bagi seluruh umat di dunia, sehingga dakwah di internet tidak hanya menjelaskan dari sisi keunggulannya saja, tapi juga tujuan dakwah yang harus dikembangkan dengan beberapa etika yang harus diperhatikan menurut Al-Qur’an, diantaranya kecakapan bermedia, kredibiltas keilmuwan dan akhlak, serta materi dakwah yang santun, yaitu menjunjung tinggi rasa kasih sayang (tidak memprofokasi apalagi memberikan ujaran kebencian). 
Jurnal Dakwah: Media Komunikasi dan Dakwah Vol. 21 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/JD.2112020.5


The current era of disruption makes it easier for humans to convey and receive new information, especially about religion. However, in fact there are still some people who shut themselves off to convey the goodness that they know. Seeing this condition and the massive radicalization that has occurred in the internet media, a solution is needed to answer it. This article, which is a qualitative type of research with literature study through a content analysis approach to the verses of the Koran, has resulted in a new understanding of the importance of virtual da'wah for the process of spreading the Rahmatan lil 'Alamin Islam to all people in the world, so that da'wah on the internet is not it only explains in terms of its superiority, but also the purpose of da'wah which must be developed with several ethics that must be considered according to the Qur'an, including media skills, scientific and moral credibility, as well as polite da'wah material, namely upholding compassion (not advocating let alone giving hate speech).Era disrupsi saat ini menjadikan manusia lebih mudah untuk menyampaikan dan menerima informasi baru, terutama tentang agama. Namun, kenyatannya masih terdapat beberapa orang yang menutup diri untuk menyampaikan kebaikan yang ia ketahui. Melihat kondisi demikian serta masifnya radikalisasi yang terjadi di media internet, maka dibutuhkan solusi untuk menjawabnya. Artikel ini yang merupakan penelitian jenis kualitatif dengan studi kepustakaan melalui pendekatan analisis isi terhadap ayat Al-Qur’an yang menghasilkan pemahaman baru terkait pentingnya dakwah virtual bagi proses penyebaran agama Islam yang Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin bagi seluruh umat di dunia, sehingga dakwah di internet tidak hanya menjelaskan dari sisi keunggulannya saja, tapi juga tujuan dakwah yang harus dikembangkan dengan beberapa etika yang harus diperhatikan menurut Al-Qur’an, diantaranya kecakapan bermedia, kredibiltas keilmuwan dan akhlak, serta materi dakwah yang santun, yaitu menjunjung tinggi rasa kasih sayang (tidak memprofokasi apalagi memberikan ujaran kebencian). 
The Contextual Qur’anic Interpretation of Jihad Nur Kumala
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.691 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/aqwal.v2i2.6016


In the 20th century, Indonesia was faced with issues of right-wing extremism in thename of religion which affected the benefit of the people. Several acts of terror, thediscourse of the caliphate, returning to the sunnah, and dictation of takfiri havebecome the center of topics in our country, where the issue of "jihad" against religionand the state is often misinterpreted in a harsh and coercive way. Thus, throughanalyzing the contemporary interpretation of the Double Movement, the interpretationof the verse is more inclined towards more universal values, which are humanist,freedom (al-hurriyah), equality (al-musawwah) and justice (al-'adalah). So that itproduces some understanding that jihad is not just about war, but can be done invarious ways by looking at the contextuality of the times, as in the viewpoint of HabibLutfi, that defending the country and homeland as the term "jihad today" is one of thealternatives in silencing the understanding. “Conventional jihad” brought about byelements in destroying religion and the state, including strengthening knowledge ofhistory, increasing the achievement of the nation's children and understanding ofukhuwah wathaniyah which are interconnected to silence as a form of love for thehomeland and jihad for the advancement of religion and the state.