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Analisis Kinerja Program Bantuan Pinjaman Langsung Masyarakat Melalui Lembaga Pesantren di Madura Farahdilla Kutsiyah; Muslich Mustadjab; Ratya Anindita; Ahmad Erani Yustika
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi Vol 27, No 2 (2009): Jurnal Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jae.v27n2.2009.109-134


EnglishThis article analyzed the performance of community direct block  grant (BPLM) disbursed through the pesantren (boarding school) using institutional economic theory approach. The approach involved in examining of contract participation, social capital, transaction cost, and income. This research was conducted at two pesantrens in Madura Island. The sample was taken using cluster random sampling method. The research showed that the social capitals of the pesantren are consisted by a blessed value system (barokah), obedience, honesty, and solid network between the farmers and the pesantrens. The capital was rooted in farmer’s lifestyles which influence the operation of the pesantren economic activity.  Meanwhile, the transaction cost was depending on how  the farmers organize the BPLM that influenced by each pesantren’s characters as reflected by typical governance structure, behavioral attributes of the farmers/chairperson of the farmer’s  group, pesantren’s networking, and uncertainty. The execution costs are the major contribution to the total transaction costs. The increasing of the transaction costs will be followed by the significantly decreasing of the farmer’s income. IndonesianArtikel ini menganalisis kinerja program bantuan pinjaman langsung masyarakat (BPLM) yang disalurkan melalui lembaga pesantren. Pendekatan teori ekonomi kelembagaan digunakan untuk menganalisis kinerja program ini, yang mencakup partisipasi kontrak, modal sosial, biaya transaksi, dan pendapatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada dua pesantren di Pulau Madura. Pengambilan contoh menggunakan metode cluster random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal sosial pesantren adalah tata nilai barokah, kepatuhan, jujur, dan jaringan yang solid antara petani dan pesantren. Modal sosial tersebut mengakar dalam kehidupan petani dan mempengaruhi pelaksanaan kegiatan ekonomi pesantren. Sementara, biaya transaksi petani dalam pelaksanaan BPLM tergantung pada operasional kelembagaan masing-masing pesantren, yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan struktur tata kelola, perilaku petani/ketua kelompok, jaringan pesantren, dan ketidakpastian. Adapun  biaya eksekusi  memberi kontribusi yang paling tinggi terhadap total  biaya transaksi. Kenaikan  biaya transaksi ini akan diikuti dengan penurunan secara nyata  pendapatan petani.
MADURANCH: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan Vol 8, No 8 (2011): HAYATI
Publisher : MADURANCH: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.878 KB)


This article analyzed the transaction costs of the cattle’s farmers. Survey and direct field observation were conducted in Pamekasan Regency. Respondents determinition used cluster randomly sampling methods.Sampel size was taken 131 peasants. The collected data was analyzed discriptively and multiple linier regression test. The research showed that the increasing factor significantly are execution costs and the amount of using of transaction service. Meanwhile this execution costs are the major contribution to the total transaction cost 
MaduRanch: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan Vol 3, No 1 (2018): MaduRanch: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan
Publisher : MaduRanch: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.851 KB)


Tahun 2012 Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur memplot bahwa Pulau Madura  dijadikan sebagai Pulau sapi, namun geliat pengembangannya hingga saat ini tidak mengalami  perubahan  yang signifikan. Oleh karena itu prasyarat tercapainya kondisi tersebut adalah adanya kesungguhan pemerintah melalui penerapan program/kegiatan, insentif dan pendekatan kebijakan pengembangan sapi potong di Pulau Madura serta pendampingan yang berkelanjutan untuk mencerdaskan peternak. Skenario yang paling memungkinkan bisa diterapkan adalah Pulau Madura minimal harus ada balai penelitian, pelatihan dan pengembangan sapi Madura. Dalam mengoptimalkan pelestarian, perbaikan mutu genetik dan ketersediaan sapi Madura, maka pemetaan wilayah diterapkan. Pemetaan wilayah sebaiknya dibagi tiga, pertama wilayah yang bertanggung jawab sebagai wilayah sumber bibit sapi Madura. Kedua, wilayah pengembangan sapi Madura dan persilangannya dan terakhir desa wisata budaya sapi sonok. Tidak kalah pentingnya peternak dan kelompok tani dikondisikan untuk bersama-sama digiring dan menerapkan kandang komunal, menjadikan wilayahnya sebagai village breeding centre, mengimplemetasikan media untuk terciptanya ekonomi produktif, mengimplementasikan agrotechnopark dan membentuk lembaga koperasi peternak. Disamping itu daya dukung wilayah disediakan dalam bentuk ketersediaan bahan baku maupun ketersediaan infrastruktur. Diharapkan dengan instrumen-instrumen tersebut terjadi peningkatan produktivitas sapi Madura dan juga nilai tambah dari hulu (pakan, biogas, pupuk) hingga hilir (industri kerajinan kulit, pengemasan daging dan pengolahannya serta turunannya-branded daging sapi madura).
Dinamika Populasi dan Produktivitas Sapi Madura di Wilayah Konservasi Pulau Sapudi Farahdilla Kutsiyah
Sains Peternakan: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Peternakan Vol 15, No 2 (2017): Sains Peternakan
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (855.704 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/sainspet.v15i2.13160


The study was conducted to determine population dynamic, productivity, and output of Madura cattle in a conservation area of Sapudi Island. The number of respondents was 108 farmers and 361 heads of madura cattle taken from six (6 villages). The sampling technique used accidental sampling method and data was counted by descriptive analysis. The results showed that S/C 1,68±0,87 times, calving interval 14,56±2,15  months, and the efficiency reproductive value (ER) was 93,21%. natural increase (NI) value of Madura cattle in Sapudi Island in 2014 was 27.96%. Net replacement rate (NRR) value of sire and dam of cattle were 96,18 % dan 126,41% respectively. Output estimation was 30,75% population dynamic of maduracattle in 2015 to 2019 has estimated that will be decreased 566 heads or -0.09% per year. It was concluded that the population in Sapudi Island has been dumped and the need for replacement bulls is not fulfilled. Therefore action should be taken to reduce the expenditure of livestock, especially bulls and provide the supporting infrastructure which supports it, one of the most required right now is the availability of feed and water infrastructure. 
Analisis Kinerja Program Bantuan Pinjaman Langsung Masyarakat Melalui Lembaga Pesantren di Madura Farahdilla Kutsiyah; Muslich Mustadjab; Ratya Anindita; Ahmad Erani Yustika
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi Vol 27, No 2 (2009): Jurnal Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.637 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jae.v27n2.2009.109-134


EnglishThis article analyzed the performance of community direct block  grant (BPLM) disbursed through the pesantren (boarding school) using institutional economic theory approach. The approach involved in examining of contract participation, social capital, transaction cost, and income. This research was conducted at two pesantrens in Madura Island. The sample was taken using cluster random sampling method. The research showed that the social capitals of the pesantren are consisted by a blessed value system (barokah), obedience, honesty, and solid network between the farmers and the pesantrens. The capital was rooted in farmer’s lifestyles which influence the operation of the pesantren economic activity.  Meanwhile, the transaction cost was depending on how  the farmers organize the BPLM that influenced by each pesantren’s characters as reflected by typical governance structure, behavioral attributes of the farmers/chairperson of the farmer’s  group, pesantren’s networking, and uncertainty. The execution costs are the major contribution to the total transaction costs. The increasing of the transaction costs will be followed by the significantly decreasing of the farmer’s income. IndonesianArtikel ini menganalisis kinerja program bantuan pinjaman langsung masyarakat (BPLM) yang disalurkan melalui lembaga pesantren. Pendekatan teori ekonomi kelembagaan digunakan untuk menganalisis kinerja program ini, yang mencakup partisipasi kontrak, modal sosial, biaya transaksi, dan pendapatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada dua pesantren di Pulau Madura. Pengambilan contoh menggunakan metode cluster random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal sosial pesantren adalah tata nilai barokah, kepatuhan, jujur, dan jaringan yang solid antara petani dan pesantren. Modal sosial tersebut mengakar dalam kehidupan petani dan mempengaruhi pelaksanaan kegiatan ekonomi pesantren. Sementara, biaya transaksi petani dalam pelaksanaan BPLM tergantung pada operasional kelembagaan masing-masing pesantren, yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan struktur tata kelola, perilaku petani/ketua kelompok, jaringan pesantren, dan ketidakpastian. Adapun  biaya eksekusi  memberi kontribusi yang paling tinggi terhadap total  biaya transaksi. Kenaikan  biaya transaksi ini akan diikuti dengan penurunan secara nyata  pendapatan petani.
Performa Desa yang Diusulkan untuk Penerapan One Village One Product (OVOP) di Kabupaten Pamekasan Farahdilla Kutsiyah
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 4 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/iqtishadia.v4i1.1183


“One village, one product” (OVOP) is an approach to rural development by using local resources which aim to enrich local wisdom and led to the enlargement of small and medium industry. This research uses an exploratory study to describe the village performance that was suggested for OVOP application in Pamekasan regency. Observation and interview was applicated in collected data.  The results of this study are a good quality for OVOP operation village: Bangsereh, Dempo Barat, Polagan, Kadur, Blumbungan, Pegagan, Rekkerrek, Tebul Barat, Klampar /Toket, Kertagena Laok, Larangan Slampar, Sokalelah and Pegantenan villages. The recommended commodity in each village sequentially onion, Madura beef cattle, anchovies anvil, hybrid corn, java long pepper, mangrove, cassava, ginger, batik, seaweed, laying hens, great chili, banana and durian. This area have more superiority and special characteristic in a production, uniqueness, institutional and human resources.  Therefore their development must be adapted to the potential of the region, local wisdom and limiting factor. Meanwhile the main issue for expansion of these commodities are lack of product processing, capital and marketing. Moreover inefficient of institutional and unsustainability of production as well as minimize of assistance for human resource investment. It is suggested to support  OVOP implementation, it is necessary to integrate of all relevant institutions, which each of them do as their self-capacity into a straight planning, to built a cooperative institution, to create the government policies by prioritize the processing and lead this area as a village industry. Furthermore, facilitated marketing product, intensified of extension and advisory group institution for community and also directed to have the village market.