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Jurnal DISPROTEK Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/jdpt.v6i2.263


Every April 21 Indonesian people celebrate Kartini Day. R.A. Kartini who is considered as a national hero identical with her struggle through her letters sent to friends who occupy positions in the Dutch colonial government, one of them was Mrs Abendanon-Mandri, a wife of Mr. Abendanon, Minister of Education and Crafts Netherlands in 1890. The contents of these letters was she wanted the Dutch colonial noted Bumiputra. Through the letter, communication used by R.A. Kartini was influenced by friends and reading when he read it. One of them was when she meet with Mbah Soleh Darat in Demak. It was not many researchers observe their meeting. The books that have been published solely focus on the fight gender inequality, women's education, and nationalism of RA Kartini. Meanwhile, researchers didn??t note the religion side. Therefore there are things that should be examined from the religius of RA Kartini. Firstly, it was about why correspondence was chosen by R.A. Kartini as an effort to introduce Islam to Mrs Abendanon. Secondly, any religious issues R.A. Kartini presented to Mrs. R.M. Abendanon-Mandri. And the third is how R.A. Kartini framing religious issues through letters to Mrs. R.MAbendanon-Mandri. To investigate the issue, the researchers used data collection techniques from previous research of RA Kartini books and letters sent to Mrs Abendanon published by KITLV. The analysis is to reveal three things using discourse analysis. This analysis will focus on how to analyze the figure of RA Kartini and her letters. It is also to know what reality construction by RA Kartini in letters to Mrs AbendanonMandri. In journal of A Century Kartini (Anthology Essays About RA Kartini) Grafitas in 1983 briefly it is about the real freedom that solely happened in human beings, not only men but also women, so is in scientific papers Java Representation of Women in Film RA Kartini written by Edwina Ayu Dianingtyas Diponegoro University in 2010, in which it is about polygamy considered as gender inequality. In this study R.A. Kartini was not only a nationalist but also student at the time. Among the evidence includes several letters written on religious issues as well as opposition to the missionaries zending or gospel in Java. In addition, the initial letter R.A. Mrs Kartini Abendanon-Mandri against polygamy, but in the course of his life, RA Kartini still accept polygamy as the Koran allows polygamy with certain conditions. This is one reason R.A. Kartini was not only figures but figures of nationalist student who lived in a noble family that deserves to be studied by Muslim scientists. Keyword: RA. Kartini, letter, religion, nationalist. Setiap tanggal 21 April Rakyat Indonesia memperingati Hari Kartini. Diangkatnya R.A. Kartini sebagai pahlawan nasional tak lepas dari perjuangannya melalui surat-suratnya yang dikirim ke sahabat-sahabat yang menduduki jabatan di Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda, salah satunya Nyonya Abendanon-Mandri, yang tak lain adalah istri dari Mr. Abendanon, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kerajinan Belanda pada 1890. Isinya surat-surat tersebut tak lain agar masyarakat Bumiputra diperhatikan oleh pihak kolonial Belanda. Melalui surat itu, komunikasi R.A. Kartini terpengaruh dengan teman dan bacaan yang ia baca ketika itu. Salah satunya adalah pertemuannya dengan Mbah Soleh Darat di Demak. Dari pertemuan inilah tak banyak peneliti yang mengupas. Buku-buku yang telah diterbitkan fokus pada perlawanan ketimpangan gender, pendidikan perempuan, dan nasionalisme R.A. Kartini. Sementara sisi agama tersisihkan. Karena itu ada hal yang patut diteliti dari sisi relegiusitas R.A. Kartini. Di antaranya mengapa surat-menyurat dipilih R.A. Kartini dalam usaha mengenalkan Islam kepada Nyonya Abendanon. Kedua, apa saja isu-isu keagamaan R.A. Kartini yang disampaikan kepada Ny. R.M. Abendanon-Mandri. Dan ketiga yaitu bagaimana R.A. Kartini membingkai isu-isu keagamaan melalui surat-suratnya kepada Ny. R.MAbendanon-Mandri. Untuk meneliti masalah tersebut, peneliti menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dari buku-buku peneliti R.A. Kartini sebelumnya dan Surat-surat yang dikirim R.A. Kartini kepada Nyonya Abendanon terbitan KITLV. Sementara analisis untuk mengungkap tiga hal itu digunakan analisis wacana. Analisis ini akan memusatkan perhatian pada bagaimana sosok R.A. Kartini mengemas dan membingkai tulisan dalam surat-suratnya. Hal ini juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana realitas dikonstruksi oleh R.A. Kartini di dalam surat-suratnya kepada Nyonya AbendanonMandri. Dalam jurnal Satu Abad Kartini (Bunga Rampai Karangan Mengenai R.A. Kartini) terbitan Grafitas tahun 1983 secara ringkas bahwa kebebasan riil hanya berhubungan dengan makhluk-manusia, tidak hanya kaum laki-laki juga perempuan. Juga dalam karya ilmiah Representasi Perempuan Jawa dalam Film R.A. Kartini yang ditulis oleh Edwina Ayu Dianingtyas Universitas Diponegoro 2010. Di mana poligami dianggap ketidakadilan gender. Dari penelitian ini sebenarnya R.A. Kartini tak hanya tokoh nasionalis. R.A. Kartini juga tokoh santri saat itu. Di antara buktinya beberapa tulisan suratnya memuat tentang isu-isu keagamaan serta penentangan terhadap misionaris zending atau injil di Jawa. Selain itu, dalam awal suratnya R.A. Kartini kepada Nyonya Abendanon-Mandri menentang poligami, tapi dalam perjalanan hidupnya, R.A. Kartini tetap menerima poligami sebagaimana dalam Alquran yang memperbolehkan poligami dengan syarat tertentu. Inilah salah alasan R.A. Kartini tak hanya tokoh naionalis tapi tokoh santri yang hidup dalam keluarga bangsawan yang layak menjadi kajian para ilmuan muslim. Kata kunci: RA. Kartini, surat, keagamaan, nasionalis.
Rethinking Indonesia: Postcolonial Theory, Authoritarianism and Identity M. Zainal Abidin
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. I, No. 1, Agustus 2001
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol1.iss1.art12


Reformulasi Islam dan Iman : Kembali kepada Tanzil Hakim dalam Perspektif Muhammad Syahrur M. Zainal Abidin
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. III, No. 1, Agustus 2003 Islam Lokal
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol3.iss1.art7


This paper tries to elaborate the Syahrur's thought on Islam and Iman. Based on research on Tanzil Hakim, Syahrur identified that actually the pillars of Islam are the belive in Allah; the believe in the day after; and the good deed. If these three pillars can be fulfilled, someone may be called as a Muslim. The acceptance of those pillars are the begining for the people to come to the Iman, namely believe in the prophet hood of Muhammad, doing the prayer, spend the title, fasting in Ramadhan month, pilgrim to Mecca, syura (democracy) and jihad. Syahrur in formulating the pillars of Islam and Iman, put his argumentations in al Qur'an by the using the rigid linguistic analysis, but it can be understood for the mission of Syahrur is the spirit to refer to the sacred texts. The formulation of Islam is universal, while the formulation of Iman is particular.