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Sistem Peringatan Awal Resiko Preklamsia pada kehamilan menggunakan metoda Certainty Factor dan Android Fitrilina Fitrilina; M. Albbi; Indra Agustian; Afriyastuti Herawati; Nikki Aldi Massardi
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (522.776 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v10n1.896.2021


The mortality rate for pregnant women due to preeclampsia is still quite high in Indonesia in general and Bengkulu province in particular. There is no effective method to prevent preeclampsia, but early detection can help for proper treatment. Monitoring the condition of pregnancy is very important but the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented pregnant women to go to health facilities. Therefore, a pregnancy condition monitoring system was designed for early detection of preeclampsia using the android-based Certainty Factor method. The system designed consists of a blood pressure measuring device and an expert system. The device uses an MPX5500 pressure sensor, highpass Butterworth filter and an Arduino connected to an android smartphone via Bluetooth. The expert system will diagnose that pregnant women are at risk of preeclampsia or hypertension in pregnancy without the risk of preeclampsia. The blood pressure measuring  device works with an average difference to the aneroid sphygmomanometer of 7.05 mmHg with an error of 6.24% at systolic pressure and 10.15 mmHg with an error of 13.13% at diastolic pressure. The result of expert system diagnosis has an accuracy of 91.45%. So it can be said that the designed system can be used Keywords : Preeclampsia, Blood Pressure Device, Certainty Factor MethodAbstrakAngka kematian Ibu hamil (AKI) karena preeklampsia masih cukup tinggi di Indonesia umumnya dan provinsi Bengkulu khususnya. Belum ada metoda yang efektif untuk mencegah terjadinya preeklampsia, tetapi deteksi dini dapat menolong untuk penanganan dan pengobatan yang cepat dan tepat. Monitoring kondisi kehamilan sangat penting, tetapi pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan ibu hamil tidak dianjurkan untuk ke fasilitas kesehatan. Oleh karena itu dirancang sistem monitoring kondisi kehamilan untuk deteksi dini preeklampsia menggunakan metoda Certainty Factor berbasis Android. Sistem ini terdiri dari alat ukur tekanan darah dan sistem pakar. Alat ukur tensimeter menggunakan sensor tekanan MPX5500, filter high pass butteworth dan mikrokontroller Arduino terhubung ke smartphone android melalui Bluetooth. Sistem pakar akan mendiagnosa ibu hamil beresiko preklampsia atau hipertensi dalam kehamilan tanpa resiko preklamsia. Alat ukur tekanan darah yang dirancang untuk mendukung sistem, bekerja dengan rata-rata selisih terhadap pengukuran tensimeter aneroid sebesar 7,05 mmHg dengan galat 6,24 % pada tekanan sistolik dan 10,15 mmHg dengan galat 13,13 % pada tekanan diastolik. Hasil diagnosa sistem pakar memiliki akurasi sebesar 91,45 %. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa sistem yang dirancang telah dapat digunakan.Kata Kunci : Preklamsia, tensimeter, sistem pakar certainty factor
Microstrip Rectangular Patch Array Antenna for Tsunami Radar Fitrilina Fitrilina; Junas Haidi; Alex Surapati; Hendy Santosa; Firdaus; Rudy Fernandez
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1303.072 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v11n2.1020.2022


Tsunami radar is one of the detection tools used in the tsunami early warning system. The most commonly used is high-frequency radar with a long-range but high power and low resolution. However, in order to improve the reliability of the tsunami warning system in detecting signs of a tsunami and monitoring with a high speed of updating information, a radar system with a high resolution is needed. High resolution can only be obtained by a radar that has a large bandwidth in the radio spectrum. Increasing the bandwidth can be done by increasing radar operating frequency. An antenna is one of the essential components that can determine the performance of the radar system. Therefore, in this study, an antenna was designed at Super High Frequency to be applied to a radar system. The designed antenna is a microstrip antenna with a rectangular patch using array method. The desired specifications at a frequency of 5.8 GHz are return loss ≤-10 dB, VSWR ≤2, bandwidth >150 Mhz, beamwidth >200. After the simulated design met the specifications, the fabrication and measurements were later carried out. The measurement results show a frequency shift to 5,71 GHz with a return loss of -21,346, VSWR of 1,186, bandwidth of 200 MHz, a beamwidth of 40o and gain 11.65 dB. Thus, the proposed antenna, the 8-rectangular patch microstrip array antenna, can be applied in tsunami radar systems.