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Penerapan kompetensi TI pada perpustakaan praktek kerja lapangan mahasiswa jurusan ilmu perpustakaan Ade Abdul Hak
Al Maktabah Vol 12, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Pusat Perpustakaan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (730.022 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/almaktabah.v12i1.1586


This research is aim to describe the application of information technology competency at the libraries where the students of library department, Faculty of Adab UIN Syarif Hidatullah Jakarta, do the practical librarianship. In spite of that, it is to know that how the needs of them are viewed. The method of quantitative descriptive is used for analyzing the description of data from the LITA standard-based questioner. The LITA standard-based information technology competency is divided into 4 categories, namely: the basic knowledge of computer, the skill of internet, the hardware of computer, and the products of library automation. The result is viewed that the competency of the basic computer at the libraries is high (80%) while the needs is very high (93,3%). The competency of internet at the libraries is low (20%) while the needs isvery high (100%). The competency of the computer hardware is enough (55,6%) while the needs is very high (100%). The competency of library automation products is high (58,3%) while the needs is very high. Based on these, it is recommended that it’s needed some additional time or lecture for information technology competency in library curriculum.  
Tips sukses pustakawan Alfida Alfida; Ade Abdul Hak
Al Maktabah Vol 2, No 1 (2000)
Publisher : Pusat Perpustakaan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/almaktabah.v2i1.1734


Kadang-kadang staf perpustakaan merasa tidak termotivasi untuk melaksanakan pekerjaanya sedangkan pekerjaan di perpustakan membutuhkan pekerjaan staf secara efektif, maka dalam hal ini motivasi penting sekali artinya. Saran-saran berikut ini akan mengangkat masalah-masalah sekitar motivasi ke permukaan. Beberapa dari saran-saran ini ditujukan untuk pimpinan, namun semuanya akan berjalan dengan baik jika setiap orang berkenan untuk melaksanakannya.
Otomasi dan pengembangan SDM perpustakaan IAIN Jakarta: Persiapan dan harapan menuju perpustakaan riset Ade Abdul Hak
Al Maktabah Vol 2, No 1 (2000)
Publisher : Pusat Perpustakaan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (766.128 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/almaktabah.v2i1.1731


Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menggugah kembali bagi semua unsur yang terlibat dalam dunia pendidikan perguruan tinggi IAIN Jakarta khususnya perpustakaan. Bahwa betapa pentingnya suatu perencanaan yang matang untuk menjalankan suatu program kerja. Kita berharap ada perbaikan di masa-masa ini dan yang akan datang dengan mempelajari kesalahan dan kekurangan yang telah kita lakukan pada masa lain. Sehingga cita-cita kita mewujudkan perpustakaan riset terotomasi ini dapat berjalan seperti yang diharapkan.
Pendidikan pemakai : Perubahan prilaku pada siswa madrasah dalam sistem pembelajaran berbasis perpustakaan Ade Abdul Hak
Al Maktabah Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Pusat Perpustakaan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.966 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/almaktabah.v6i1.1632


The existence of curriculum innovation is to be followed by improving student's behaviors, especially the skill of retrieving information for their studies. Library as a teaming resource in 'madrasah', where the atmospheres need information, is still hard to be used effectively. So, there is a demand to gain it throughout 'library instruction' in using library services because without having knowledge and skill to use them, they must have any difficulties, and all of these will continue to the lack of the successful of gaining competencies in learning process. Key Words: User Education; Behavior; Madrasah.
Internet dan perpustakaan Ade Abdul Hak
Al Maktabah Vol 1, No 2 (1999)
Publisher : Pusat Perpustakaan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (777.408 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/almaktabah.v1i2.1710


Tujuan utama dari tulisan ini adalah untuk menekan kepedulian lembaga induk dan kesadaran pustakawan sebagai seorang profesional di bidang pengelolaan informasi mengenai penting mengambil bagian yang aktif sebagai penyedia informasi dalam era informasi. Kita mempunyai kesempatan untuk mengembangkan karir kita dalam menghadapi tantangan pada arah baru. Hal ini berarti bahwa kita harus bias memanfaatkan teknologi yang mutakhir untuk mengakses informasi terbaru di seluruh dunia, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para pemakai perpustakaan abad ke-21. Pustakawan harus aktif dan effesien dalam pemakaian informasi teknologi, termasuk internet, supaya kita masih tetap ada di depan dengan peranan yang sentral. Kata Kunci: Internet, perpustakaan
Microsoft access 2000 : Alternatif dan solusi pengembangan pangkalan data studi Islam Ade Abdul Hak
Al Maktabah Vol 2, No 2 (2000)
Publisher : Pusat Perpustakaan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (784.997 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/almaktabah.v2i2.1894


Tersedianya dokumentasi informasi hasil penelitian bidang keagamaan. Khususnya tentang kajian Islam seluruh perguruan tinggi Islam Indonesia, untuk mendukung tujuan dan sasaran pembinaan moral dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan sudah tidak dapat dielakan lagi. Kenyataan pada waktu sekarang belum ada sarana sebagai Pangkalan Data Studi Islam yang cukup kompeten dan tersedia. Padahal laju dunia teknologi informasi sudah begitu pesat untuk bisa dimanfaatkan demi keperluan tersebut. Begitu juga dengan hasil-hasil penelitian para mahasiswa yang belum bias dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Microsoft Access sebagai salah satu aplikasi komputer basis data bisa dijadikan sarana pengembangan pangkalan data tersebut. Selain sebagai sistem manajemen basis data yang cukup handal aplikasi ini juga mampu untuk berkomunikasi langsung dengan internet.
Kajian Penerimaan Teknologi Digitalisasi Bagi Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Ade Abdul Hak
JIPI (Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi) Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Progam Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30829/jipi.v1i2.561


This study investigated the implementation of "Scan Snap SV600 + Rack2-Filer" – as a digitalization technology- in the Library of Adab Faculty, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It is important to know the effectiveness of the technology as one of learning materials. The lecture was held by students of Library Department, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, in the second semester. It was involved 97 students from three classes in 2015. The approach used in this research was TAM model that was based on the variables of perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude toward behavior (ATU), and behavioral intention (BI). Questionaires collected with the saturated approach were analysed using SPSS version 22. The result showed that the mean score for all of the variables was very high out of maximum score obtainable of 4. T-Test analysis indicated that there was positive and significant effect for some variables, except the perceived usefulness (PU) to the behavioral intention (BI) with effect value of 0,051; and the attitude toward behavior (ATU) to behavioral intention (BI) with effect value of 0,193 . Meanwhile, the most occurred in the perceived ease of use (PEOU) to the perceived usefulness (PU) with effect value of 0,332%. Thus, the easiness becomes higher than usefulness in using the technology for students. So, there is something more important to teach how the students take the technology in the perceived usefulness than the perceived ease of use.
Jurnal Harkat : Media Komunikasi Gender JURNAL HARKAT : MEDIA KOMUNIKASI GENDER, 11 (2), 2015
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA), Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3887.485 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/harkat.v11i2.10444


This research investigated the differences of information behavior  between men and women in Girimulya, Cibungbulang, Bogor. It is important to know the effectiveness of the “WEB desa” as one of information resources of business opportunities. It has been developed by UIN students as one of KKN programs.The approach used in this research was TAM model that was based on the constructs of perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), and behavioral intention (BI). Questionnaires of 100 samples (50 men and 50 women) collected with the random sampling approach were analysed using SPSS version 22. The result showed that the mean score for all of the constructs was high out of maximum score obtainable of 4 (very high), except to the behavioral intention (BI)which was very high and still different to  men’s was higher than women’s. T-Test analysis indicated that there was positive and significant effect for each construct, except the perceived ease of use (PEOU)to the behavioral intention (BI). Meanwhile, the most occurred in the effect value of the women’s were higher than men. The usefulness becomes more important than easiness  in providing “WEB desa”.   
E-Literacy Dan Peran Pustakawan Di Masyarakat Ade Abdul Hak
Media Pustakawan Vol 15, No 1&2 (2008): Juni
Publisher : Perpustakaan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.608 KB) | DOI: 10.37014/medpus.v15i1&2.925


Lemahnya tingkat e-literacy termasuk pada kalangan pustakawan dikarenakan berbagai kendala dan keterbatasan akses informasi dan pengetahuan. Kondisi ini selain karena keterbatasan sarana teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang ada di setiap perpustakaan, juga ada yang karena para pustakawan disibukkan dengan pekerjaan teknis sehari-hari tanpa ada kesempatan untuk mengembangkan diri secara keilmuan. “e-literacy” diartikan sebagai kemampuan menggunakan perangkat teknologi informasi. Mengingat tidak setiap pustakawan mempunyai e-literacy/ICT literacy yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan lingkungan kerja yang diembannya, maka diperlukan upaya untuk memetakan e-literacy/ICT literacy masing-masing pustakawan yang ada pada setiap lembaga tersebut. Bahkan mungkin terjadi bahwa pemahaman e-literacy/ICT literacy pada setiap pustakawan akan berbeda walaupun berada pada jenjang kepangkatan yang sama. Hal inilah yang dikenal dengan kesenjangan digital (digital divide) antar pustakawan. Berhasil atau tidaknya tugas yang diemban oleh pustakawan dalam mengembangkan e-literacy/ICT literacy ini, dikembalikan lagi pada kemampuan pustakawan itu sendiri dalam memahahi e-literacy/ICT literacy tersebut. Hal inilah yang perlu kita kaji ulang dan merupakan PR khusus buat Pusat Pengembangan Pustakawan, Perpusnas RI atau bahkan kalau bisa memberikan sertifikat pemahaman e-literacy/ICT literacy.
The Efforts of the National Library of Indonesia in Providing Covid-19 Reliable Resources through Coronapedia Fanny Maharani; Ade Abdul Hak
Insaniyat : Journal of Islam and Humanities Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Insaniyat Journal of Islam and Humanities
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v7i1.27536


The National Library of Indonesia has a very important role in creating reliable resources for the community during pandemic of Covid-19. The study is to understand the efforts of the National Library of Indonesia in increasing Covid-19 awareness through the development of “Coronapedia”. The method of this research is a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, in-depth interviews, literature review, and documentation. The results show the National Library has several efforts to improve Covid-19 understanding, especially during the pandemic. The National Library of Indonesia has developed a digital media-based environment, Coronapedia, as a feature of iPusnas that provides information resources in the pandemic era. In developing it, the National Library of Indonesia has several important things, including: 1) formulating the background of the importance of Coronapedia; 2) formulating goals to build Coronapedia; 3) building a Coronapedia collection; 4) building a network of information resources for the Coronapedia collection; 5) managing procurement and processing of Coronapedia collection.  The many uses of Coronapedia as a trusted sources of Covid-19 information  assisted people in sharpening their digital literacy about Covid-19. The significants of this research are expected to be able to make a positive contribution, as an evaluation material, to add insight, and to be used as a reference for further research on the effectiveness of the National Library of Indonesia in increasing Covid-19 information through the development of Coronapedia